Jun 30, 2024  
2016-2017 General Catalog 
2016-2017 General Catalog ARCHIVED CATALOG: To search archives, MUST use search box to left. Current catalog: catalog.usu.edu.

Course Numbers and Descriptions



  • EDUC 7670 - Literature Reviews in Education and Psychology

    2 credits

    Advanced concepts in designing, writing, and critiquing literature reviews.

    Prerequisite/Restriction: EDUC 6600 /PSY 6600  or instructor permission

    Cross-listed as: PSY 7670 .

    Semester(s) Traditionally Offered: Spring
  • EDUC 7700 - Grant Writing

    3 credits

    Students learn to identify funding sources, select strategies for seeking resources, and write proposals for research, development, training, and service activities in education, psychology, and related fields.

    Prerequisite/Restriction: EDUC 6570 /PSY 6570  

    Cross-listed as: SPED 7700  

    Semester(s) Traditionally Offered: Spring
    Effective Term
  • EDUC 7780 - Qualitative Methods II

    3 credits

    Builds on and applies concepts covered in EDUC 6770 , emphasizing analysis of data, critique of qualitative research, and design and implementation of qualitative research.

    Prerequisite/Restriction: EDUC 6770 

    Semester(s) Traditionally Offered: Spring
  • EDUC 7990 - Continuing Graduate Advisement

    1-9 credits

    Repeatable for credit.
    Pass/Fail only.
    Semester(s) Traditionally Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer

Electrical and Computer Engineering

  • ECE 2250 - Electrical Circuits 1

    3 credits

    Introduction to electrical circuits and basic circuit elements. Circuit theory, analysis techniques, and introduction to design. DC analysis. First-order inductive and capacitive circuits. Operational amplifiers. Mutual inductance. Introduction to computer-aided design and analysis. Lab work required.

    Prerequisite/Restriction:   and   (prerequisite or corequisite)

    Semester(s) Traditionally Offered: Fall
    Course Fee: $90.00
  • ECE 2290 - Electrical Circuits 2

    3 credits

    Continuation of electrical circuits and basic circuit elements concepts: Second-order RLC circuits. AC steady-state analysis, steady-state power and three-phase circuits, filters, and Bode diagrams. Continuation of computer-aided design and analysis. Lab work required.

    Prerequisite/Restriction:   and MATH 2280  (prerequisite or corequisite)

    Semester(s) Traditionally Offered: Spring
    Course Fee: $90.00
  • ECE 2700 - Digital Circuits

    4 credits

    Introduction to boolean logic, finite state machines, basic datapath components, and register-transfer level (RTL) design. Design of combinational and sequential logic circuits with programmable logic devices. Design of digital systems. Simulations and timing analysis. Three lectures, one lab.

    Prerequisite/Restriction: Minimum grade of C- in CS 1400 

    Semester(s) Traditionally Offered: Fall, Spring
    Course Fee: $90.00
  • ECE 3410 - Microelectronics I

    4 credits

    Fundamentals of transistors, operational amplifiers, and other integrated circuits, along with their utilization in amplifiers, switches, and other applications. Laboratory work required.

    Prerequisite/Restriction: ECE 2290  and ECE 3620  (may be taken concurrently) Student must be in the professional Engineering Program

    Semester(s) Traditionally Offered: Spring
  • ECE 3620 - Continuous-Time Systems and Signals

    3 credits

    Time domain analysis of higher-order systems: impluse response and convolution. Laplace transform analysis of circuits and systems. Frequency domain analysis including discrete Fourier series, Fourier transforms, and analog filter design. State-space representations and analysis of systems. Some lab work required.

    Prerequisite/Restriction: CS 1410 , ECE 2290 , MATH 2280  Student must be in the Professional Engineering Program

    Semester(s) Traditionally Offered: Fall
  • ECE 3640 - Discrete-Time Systems and Signals

    3 credits

    Sampling of continuous-time signals. Time and z-transform domain analysis of discrete-time systems. Frequency domain analysis using the discrete-time Fourier transform, DFT and FFT. Frequency response and digital filter design. Some lab and computational work required.

    Prerequisite/Restriction: ECE 3620  Student must be in the Professional Engineering Program

    Semester(s) Traditionally Offered: Spring
  • ECE 3710 - Microcontroller Hardware and Software

    4 credits

    Synthesis of microcontroller systems, including hardware, programming, and interfacing. Covers architecture basics, instruction set, assembly language programming, I/O, timing, and interrupts. Includes hands-on implementation. Three lectures, one lab.

    Prerequisite/Restriction: ECE 2250 , ECE 2700 , CS 1410 , and student must be in the Professional Engineering Program

    Semester(s) Traditionally Offered: Fall
  • ECE 3810 - Engineering Professionalism

    1 credit

    Introduces students to life as an engineer, including: the design process, working in teams, understanding professional and ethical responsibility, the impact of engineering on society, and the need for continued professional development. Also includes discussion of how engineering meets the contemporary needs of society.

    Prerequisite/Restriction: ENGR 3080  (may be taken concurrently) Student must be in the Professional Engineering Program

    Semester(s) Traditionally Offered: Fall, Spring
  • ECE 3870 - Electromagnetics I

    4 credits

    Discussion of Maxwell’s equations, electromagnetic waves, power and energy, reflection and refraction processes, transmission lines, waveguides, and antennas. Explores electrostatic and magnetostatic fields produced by charge and current distributions, as well as electromagnetic forces and materials.

    Prerequisite/Restriction: ECE 2290 , MATH 2210 , MATH 2270 , MATH 2280 , PHYS 2220 , and student must be in the Professional Engineering Program

    Semester(s) Traditionally Offered: Spring
  • ECE 4250 - Internship/Co-op

    3 credits

    Planned, career-related work experience in industry. Students must register with USU Co-op Office and have program approved by the ECE co-op advisor. Written report required.

    Prerequisite/Restriction: Student must be in the Professional Engineering Program.

    Repeatable for credit.
    Pass/Fail only.
    Semester(s) Traditionally Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
  • ECE 4820 - Engineering Design I

    1 credit

    Individual or team engineering project proposal development. Interdisciplinary projects strongly encouraged. Written project proposal required.

    Prerequisite/Restriction: ECE 3810  and student must be in the Professional Engineering Program

    Corequisite: ECE 4830  

    Semester(s) Traditionally Offered: Fall, Spring
  • ECE 4830 - Engineering Communications I

    1 credit

    Professional engineering project proposal writing methods, including budget development and project scheduling (Gantt) charts. Project progress report writing.

    Prerequisite/Restriction: ECE 3810  and student must be in the Professional Engineering Program

    Corequisite: ECE 4820  or senior-level capstone course

    Semester(s) Traditionally Offered: Fall, Spring
  • ECE 4840 - Engineering Design II (CI)

    CI Communications Intensive
    2 credits

    Design, development, and testing of the engineering project proposed in ECE 4820 . Interdisciplinary projects strongly encouraged. Design and test plans required.

    Prerequisite/Restriction: ECE 4820  or capstone course and student must be in the Professional Engineering Program

    Corequisite: ECE 4850  

    Semester(s) Traditionally Offered: Fall, Spring
  • ECE 4850 - Engineering Communications II (CI)

    CI Communications Intensive
    1 credit

    Includes professional engineering project reports, oral design reviews, presentation graphics, and project presentation.

    Prerequisite/Restriction: ECE 4830  and student must be in the Professional Engineering Program

    Corequisite: ECE 4840  

    Semester(s) Traditionally Offered: Fall, Spring
  • ECE 4930 - Special Studies for Undergraduates

    1-3 credits

    Independent or group study of engineering problems not covered in regular course offerings.

    Prerequisite/Restriction: Student must be in the Professional Engineering Program.

    Repeatable for credit.
    Semester(s) Traditionally Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
  • ECE 5140 - Electrical Energy Engineering

    3 credits

    Introduction to electrical energy and power sources, distribution and consumption; economics, device, instrumentation, and systems analysis/design.

    Prerequisite/Restriction: Student must be in the Professional Engineering Program or have Graduate Standing.

    Semester(s) Traditionally Offered: Fall
  • ECE 5220 - Electro-optical Engineering

    3 credits

    Explores optical principles; image formation; electro-optical materials and components; electro-optical detectors, radiometry, and photometry; electro-optical devices and instruments; and electro-optical systems analysis and design. Designed for senior-level undergraduates and first-year graduate students.

    Prerequisite/Restriction: ECE 3870  or PHYS 3600  and student must be in the Professional Engineering Program or have Graduate Standing

    Semester(s) Traditionally Offered: Spring
  • ECE 5230 - Spacecraft Systems Engineering

    3 credits

    Spacecraft communications, telemetry systems, and command and data handling. Introduction to astrodynamics and orbit design. Electrical power generation and storage. Spacecraft subsystems (e.g., guidance, navigation, and control).

    Prerequisite/Restriction: MATH 2270 , MATH 2280 , and student must be in the Professional Engineering Program or have Graduate Standing

    Semester(s) Traditionally Offered: Fall
  • ECE 5240 - Space System Design

    3 credits

    Students in teams perform a space system design involving all aspects, including technical, cost, and schedule. Class is linked to national design competitions and/or current USU spacecraft design projects.

    Prerequisite/Restriction: ECE 5230  or MAE 5520  Student must be in the Professional Engineering Program or have Graduate Standing

    Cross-listed as: MAE 5530 .

    Semester(s) Traditionally Offered: Spring
  • ECE 5310 - Control Systems

    3 credits

    Study of analog and computer controlled systems, classical and modern control system design methods, s-domain and z-domain transfer function models, state space, dynamics of linear systems, and frequency domain analysis and design techniques. Introduction to controllability and observability, and full-state pole placement controller design. Laboratory work required.

    Prerequisite/Restriction: ECE 3640  and student must be in the Professional Engineering Program or have Graduate Standing

    Semester(s) Traditionally Offered: Fall
  • ECE 5320 - Mechatronics

    4 credits

    Principles, modeling, interfacing, and signal conditioning of motion sensors and actuators. Hardware-in-the-loop simulation and rapid prototyping of real-time closed-loop computer control of electromechanical systems. Modeling, analysis, and identification of discrete-time or sampled-data dynamic systems. Commonly used digital controller design methods. Introduction to nonlinear effects and their compensation in mechatronic systems. Laboratory work and a design project required. Three lectures and one lab.

    Cross-listed as: MAE 5320  

    Semester(s) Traditionally Offered: Spring
    Effective Term
  • ECE 5410 - Semiconductor Devices

    3 credits

    Introduction to semiconductor physics and devices. Students receive an introduction to the operation of the most important devices used in integrated circuit technology. Emphasis placed on understanding device operation.

    Prerequisite/Restriction: ECE 3410  and student must be in the Professional Engineering Program or have Graduate Standing

    Semester(s) Traditionally Offered: Fall
  • ECE 5420 - Microelectronics II

    3 credits

    Design of electronic circuits for applications in instrumentation, communication, control, and power systems.

    Prerequisite/Restriction: ECE 3410  and student must be in the Professional Engineering Program or have Graduate Standing

    Semester(s) Traditionally Offered: Fall
  • ECE 5440 - Analog VLSI I

    3 credits

    Introduces design principles and techniques for fully-integrated CMOS analog circuits. Topics include advanced MOSFET device modeling, design and verification of operational amplifiers, and switched-capacitor circuits.

    Prerequisite/Restriction: ECE 5420  and student must be in the Professional Engineering Program or have Graduate Standing

    Semester(s) Traditionally Offered: Spring
  • ECE 5460 - VLSI Design Automation

    3 credits

    Introduction to basic algorithms and methodologies for automating the design of modern VLSI circuits. Emphasis on physical design problems, including partitioning, floorplanning, and place and route of VLSI circuits. Identification and formulation of CAD design problems using algorithmic paradigms, such as simulated annealing, dynamic programming, and mathematical programming. Students gain experience in the development of VLSI-CAD tools. 

    Prerequisite/Restriction: CS 1400 ECE 2700 , student must be in the Professional Engineering Program or have Graduate Standing

    Cross-listed as:   

    Semester(s) Traditionally Offered: Fall
  • ECE 5470 - VLSI Design

    3 credits

    Introduces the standard cell library-based design flow in VLSI, including design methodology and IP design, CMOS circuit design styles, and design technology for low power and thermal aware designs.

    Prerequisite/Restriction: ECE 5460 /ECE 6460  or equivalent Student must be in the Professional Engineering Program or have Graduate Standing

    Cross-listed as: ECE 6470  

    Semester(s) Traditionally Offered: Spring
  • ECE 5480 - VLSI Testing and Verification

    3 credits

    Theory and practice of testing and verification of VLSI systems. Topics include fault modeling, fault simulation, test generation, scan design and design for testability (DFT). Students develop experience with commercial testing and DFT tools.

    Prerequisite/Restriction: ECE 2700  and professional program or graduate standing

    Cross-listed as: ECE 6480  

    Semester(s) Traditionally Offered: Spring
    Effective Term
  • ECE 5600 - Introduction to Computer Networks

    3 credits

    Introduction to computer network terminology, network applications, network technologies and internetworking. Protocol stacks are introduced, and each layer is studied. Particular attention is paid to the TCP/IP protocol stack.

    Prerequisite/Restriction: ECE 3620 , and either MATH 5710  or STAT 3000  Student must be in the Professional Engineering Program or have Graduate Standing

    Semester(s) Traditionally Offered: Fall
  • ECE 5630 - Digital Signal and Image Processing

    3 credits

    Theory and applications of digital signal and image processing, including filter design, multi-rate processing, filter banks, array processing, and 2D systems, signals and transforms. Some lab and computational work required.

    Prerequisite/Restriction: ECE 3640  or equivalent Student must be in the Professional Engineering Program and have Graduate Standing

    Semester(s) Traditionally Offered: Fall
  • ECE 5640 - Real-Time Processors

    4 credits

    Real-time processor architectures and methods used for digital signal processing. Includes C and assembly language programming, modern DSP architectures, tools for real-time system development, and finite word-length effects. Laboratory includes implementation of hardware-based real-time systems. Three lectures, one lab.

    Prerequisite/Restriction: ECE 3640  and ECE 3710  Student must be in the Professional Engineering Program or have Graduate Standing

    Semester(s) Traditionally Offered: Spring
  • ECE 5660 - Communication Systems I

    3 credits

    Explores fundamentals of analog and digital communication systems. Focuses on modulation, demodulation, detection, and synchronization.

    Prerequisite/Restriction: ECE 3640  and MATH 5710  Student must be in the Professional Engineering Program or have Graduate Standing

    Semester(s) Traditionally Offered: Spring
  • ECE 5680 - Transceiver Systems Engineering

    3 credits

    Systems engineering approach to the design of transmitters and receivers, focusing on the design using off-the-shelf components.  System-level cascades and system architectures are considered. Students design, build and demonstrate a system of their own.

    Prerequisite/Restriction: Student must be in the Professional Engineering Program and have Graduate Standing.

    Corequisite:   or equivalent. Not available to pre-majors.

    Semester(s) Traditionally Offered: Spring
  • ECE 5700 - Introduction to Microfabrication

    3 credits

    Materials, wet chemical cleaning and etch, photolithography, metal deposition, doping, carrier density and conductivity, microfluidics, micro-electronic-mechanical-systems.

    Prerequisite/Restriction: PHYS 2210 , PHYS 2215 , PHYS 2220  and PHYS 2225  or instructor permission Student must be in the Professional Engineering Program or have Graduate Standing

    Cross-listed as: BENG 5700  and PHYS 5700  

    Semester(s) Traditionally Offered: Spring
    Course Fee: $100.00
  • ECE 5720 - Computer Systems Programming and Architecture

    3 credits

    Advanced assembly language and systems programming concerned with performance. Study of modern computer architecture issues, such as caching, pipelining, concurrent instruction execution, and virtual memory.

    Prerequisite/Restriction: ECE 2700  and ECE 3710  (can be taken as a co-requisite also) Student must be in the Professional Engineering Program or have Graduate Standing

    Semester(s) Traditionally Offered: Fall
  • ECE 5750 - Computer Architecture

    3 credits

    Modern architecture fundamentals, instruction set analysis and design, pipelined and superscalar architectures, software-hardware interaction, memory hierarchy, virtual memory stresses, and evaluation of multi-level systems.

    Prerequisite/Restriction: ECE 5720  or equivalent Student must be in the Professional Engineering Program or have Graduate Standing

    Cross-listed as: ECE 6750  

    Semester(s) Traditionally Offered: Spring
  • ECE 5760 - Hardware and Embedded Systems Security

    4 credits

    Examines unique vulnerabilities of embedded systems; emphasis on utilizing hardware and the physical layer for attacks and countermeasures. Topics include hardware trojans, cryptographic hashing, stack-based attacks, side-channel attacks, physically unclonable functions, identification of devices based on physical characteristics, and fault-injection attacks.

    Prerequisite/Restriction: ECE 3410  (or corequisite), ECE 3710 , and Admission to the Professional Program, or Graduate Standing

    Cross-listed as: ECE 6760  

    Semester(s) Traditionally Offered: Spring
    Effective Term
    Spring 2017
  • ECE 5770 - Microcomputer Interfacing

    4 credits

    Design of hardware and software interfaces to microcomputers for instrumentation and control applications. Three lectures, one lab.

    Prerequisite/Restriction: ECE 3710  Student must be in the Professional Engineering Program or have Graduate Standing

    Semester(s) Traditionally Offered: Spring
  • ECE 5780 - Embedded Real-Time Systems

    4 credits

    Real-time system design and implementation of basic concepts, including modeling, scheduling, resource access control, synchronization, and communication. Emphasis placed on both theory and practice. Exploration of open topics and current challenges in designing real-time systems. Includes hands-on implementation. Three lectures, one lab.

    Prerequisite/Restriction: ECE 5720  Student must be in the Professional Engineering Program or have Graduate Standing

    Cross-listed as: ECE 6780  

    Semester(s) Traditionally Offered: Spring
    Effective Term
    Fall 2016
  • ECE 5800 - Electromagnetics II

    3 credits

    General plane wave solution of Maxwell’s equations, potential functions, radiation, 2-D solution to Laplace’s equation, and fundamental electromagnetic theory.

    Prerequisite/Restriction: ECE 3870  Student must be in the Professional Engineering Program or have Graduate Standing

    Semester(s) Traditionally Offered: Fall
  • ECE 5810 - Microwaves I

    3 credits

    Impedance matching, microwave network analysis, waveguides, nonlinear elements, analysis and design of power dividers, filters, and ferromagnetic circuits. Laboratory work required.

    Prerequisite/Restriction: ECE 3870  Student must be in the Professional Engineering Program or have Graduate Standing

    Semester(s) Traditionally Offered: Spring
  • ECE 5850 - Antennas I

    3 credits

    Theory and application of electromagnetic radiation and radiating structures. Emphasis on antenna designs for modern wireless communications and radar systems. P.

    Prerequisite/Restriction: ECE 3870  Student must be in the Professional Engineering Program or have Graduate Standing

    Semester(s) Traditionally Offered: Fall
  • ECE 5930 - Special Topics in Electrical and Computer Engineering

    1-4 credits

    Independent or group study of engineering problems not covered in regular course offerings.

    Prerequisite/Restriction: Student must be in the Professional Engineering Program or have Graduate Standing.

    Repeatable for credit.
    Semester(s) Traditionally Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
  • ECE 6010 - Stochastic Processes in Electronic Systems

    3 credits

    Introduction to stochastic processes in communications, signal processing, digital and computer systems, and control. Topics include continuous and discrete random processes, correlation and power spectral density, optimal filtering, Markov chains, and queuing theory.

    Prerequisite/Restriction: Graduate status

    Semester(s) Traditionally Offered: Fall
  • ECE 6030 - Mathematical Methods for Signals and Systems

    3 credits

    Signal representation using vector spaces. Linear algebraic techniques for signal modeling and estimation. Optimal detection and estimation algorithms, with applications.

    Prerequisite/Restriction: Graduate status

    Semester(s) Traditionally Offered: Spring
  • ECE 6040 - Convex Optimization

    3 credits

    The theory of convex optimization and applications, as applied to engineering. Numerical methods for solving convex optimization problems are presented. Computational work required.

    Semester(s) Traditionally Offered: Fall
  • ECE 6140 - Advanced Electrical Energy Engineering

    3 credits

    Computer-aided design of electromechanical, solar, chemical, hydroelectric, hydrocarbon, wind, nuclear, geothermal, oceanic, transmission, and distribution systems. Priority assessment is given to efficiency, reliability, cost effectiveness, and reduced environmental impact (renewable and nonrenewable energy).


    Semester(s) Traditionally Offered: Fall
  • ECE 6240 - Space Environment and Engineering

    3 credits

    Study of space environment and models used for engineering analysis. Topics include considerations for engineering in the space environment, such as plasma interactions, debris, chemical reactions, radiation effects, and thermal issues.

    Prerequisite/Restriction: MATH 2270 , MATH 2280 

    Corequisite: ECE 5230 .

    Cross-listed as: PHYS 6240 .

    Semester(s) Traditionally Offered: Fall
  • ECE 6250 - Graduate Internship/Coop

    1-3 credits

    Planned work experience in industry. Detailed program; must have prior approval. Written report required.

    Prerequisite/Restriction: Instructor permission

    Pass/Fail only.
    Semester(s) Traditionally Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
  • ECE 6320 - Linear Multivariable Control

    3 credits

    Modeling, analysis, and design of multi-input, multi-output control systems, including both state space and transfer matrix approaches, with an emphasis on stability.

    Prerequisite/Restriction: ECE 5310  or MAE 5310 

    Cross-listed as: MAE 6320 .

    Semester(s) Traditionally Offered: Fall
  • ECE 6340 - Spacecraft Attitude Control

    3 credits

    Spacecraft attitude dynamics and controls. Spin stabilized, three axis, and dual spin modes. Attitude determination techniques.

    Cross-listed as: MAE 6340  

    Semester(s) Traditionally Offered: Spring
    Effective Term
    Spring 2017
  • ECE 6345 - Space Attitude Control Apply


    Applications of spacecraft attitude control concepts including attitude control and determination sensors, actuators, and algorithms.

    Effective Term
    Spring 2017
  • ECE 6460 - VLSI Design Automation

    3 credits

    Introduction to basic algorithms and methodologies for automating the design of modern VLSI circuits. Emphasis on physical design problems, including partitioning, floorplanning, and place and route of VLSI circuits. Identification and formulation of CAD design problems using algorithmic paradigms, such as simulated annealing, dynamic programming, and mathematical programming. Students gain experience in the development of VLSI-CAD tools.

    Prerequisite/Restriction: CS 1400  and ECE 2700 

    Cross-listed as: ECE 5460 .

    Semester(s) Traditionally Offered: Fall
  • ECE 6470 - Digital VLSI System Design II

    3 credits

    Introduces the standard cell library-based design flow in VLSI, including design methodology and IP design, CMOS circuit design styles, and design technology for low power and thermal aware designs.

    Prerequisite/Restriction: ECE 5460 /ECE 6460  or equivalent

    Cross-listed as: ECE 5470 

    Semester(s) Traditionally Offered: Spring
  • ECE 6480 - VLSI Testing and Verification

    3 Credits

    Theory and practice of testing and verification of VLSI systems. Topics include fault modeling, fault simulation, test generation, scan design and design for testability (DFT). Students develop experience with commercial testing and DFT tools.

    Prerequisite/Restriction: ECE 2700  and professional program or graduate standing

    Cross-listed as: ECE 5480  

    Effective Term
  • ECE 6560 - Spacecraft Navigation

    3 credits

    Fundamentals of aircraft and spacecraft navigation systems. Techniques in celestial and inertial navigation. Global Positioning System (GPS) principles. Least squares estimation and Kalman filtering for optimal estimation of stochastic systems.

    Prerequisite/Restriction: MAE 5310  or ECE 5310  or equivalent

    Cross-listed as: MAE 6560 .

    Semester(s) Traditionally Offered: Spring
  • ECE 6600 - Wireless and Mobile Networking

    3 credits

    Structure, system aspects and protocols of wireless networks, and basic performance evaluation capabilities. The focus is on the generations of cellular networks, satellite networks, wireless LANs, WANs, and PANs.

    Prerequisite/Restriction: ECE 5600 

    Semester(s) Traditionally Offered: Spring
  • ECE 6750 - Computer Architecture

    3 credits

    Modern architecture fundamentals, instruction set analysis and design, pipelined and superscalar architectures, software-hardware interaction, memory hierarchy, virtual memory stresses, and evaluation of multi-level systems.

    Prerequisite/Restriction: ECE 5720  or equivalent Student must be in the Professional Engineering Program or have Graduate Standing

    Cross-listed as: ECE 5750  

    Semester(s) Traditionally Offered: Spring
  • ECE 6760 - Hardward and Embedded Systems Security


    Examines unique vulnerabilities of embedded systems; emphasis on utilizing hardware and the physical layer for attacks and countermeasures. Topics include hardware trojans, cryptographic hashing, stack-based attacks, side-channel attacks, physically unclonable functions, identification of devices based on physical characteristics, and fault-injection attacks.

    Cross-listed as: ECE 5760  

    Effective Term
    Spring 2017
  • ECE 6780 - Embedded Real-Time Systems

    4 credits

    Real-time system design and implementation of basic concepts, including modeling, scheduling, resource access control, synchronization, and communication. Emphasis placed on both theory and practice. Exploration of open topics and current challenges in designing real-time systems. Includes hands-on implementation. Three lectures, one lab.

    Prerequisite/Restriction: ECE 5720  Student must be in the Professional Engineering Program or have graduate standing

    Cross-listed as: ECE 5780  

    Semester(s) Traditionally Offered: Spring
    Effective Term
    Fall 2016
  • ECE 6800 - Electrical Engineering Colloquium

    0.5 credit

    Weekly seminars or colloquia. Students are normally required to enroll for two semesters.

    Repeatable for credit.
    Pass/Fail only.
    Semester(s) Traditionally Offered: Fall, Spring
  • ECE 6830 - Microwaves II

    3 credits

    Microwave amplifier design for noise, gain, and power match; microwave semiconductor and vacuum-tube devices; microwave oscillators; and microwave system performance characterization. Laboratory work required.

    Prerequisite/Restriction: ECE 5800 , ECE 5810 , or equivalent

    Semester(s) Traditionally Offered: Fall
  • ECE 6930 - Special Topics in Electrical Engineering

    1-6 credits

    Independent or group study in electrical engineering topics, such as automated systems, optics and laser engineering, electro-acoustics, solid-state materials, devices, and intelligent systems engineering.

    Repeatable for credit.
    Semester(s) Traditionally Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
  • ECE 6950 - Design Project

    3 credits

    Repeatable for credit.
    Pass/Fail only.
    Semester(s) Traditionally Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
  • ECE 6970 - Thesis Research, MS

    1-6 credits

    Repeatable for credit.
    Pass/Fail only.
    Semester(s) Traditionally Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
  • ECE 6990 - Continuing Graduate Advisement

    1-6 credits

    Prerequisite/Restriction: Permission of Electrical and Computer Engineering Department

    Repeatable for credit.
    Pass/Fail only.
    Semester(s) Traditionally Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
  • ECE 7030 - Detection and Estimation Theory

    3 credits

    Foundations of detection theory, including Neyman-Pearson, Bayes, and Minimax Bayes detection. Maximum likelihood and Bayes estimation theory. Recursive estimation and Kalman filtering and smoothing. Expectation maximization and hidden Markov models.

    Prerequisite/Restriction: ECE 6010 , ECE 6030 

    Semester(s) Traditionally Offered: Fall
  • ECE 7210 - Spacecraft Instrumentation

    3 credits

    Theory, engineering, and data reduction techniques of spacecraft instrumentation for space science and spacecraft systems.

    Prerequisite/Restriction: ECE 6240 /PHYS 6240 

    Cross-listed as: PHYS 7210 .

    Semester(s) Traditionally Offered: Spring
  • ECE 7330 - Nonlinear and Adaptive Control

    3 credits

    Methods of nonlinear and adaptive control system design and analysis. Includes qualitative and quantitative theories, graphical methods, frequency domain methods, sliding surface design, linear parameter estimation methods, and direct and indirect adaptive control techniques.

    Prerequisite/Restriction: ECE 6320 /MAE 6320 

    Cross-listed as: MAE 7330 .

    Semester(s) Traditionally Offered: Spring
  • ECE 7340 - Advanced Aerospace Controls


    The application of multi-variable optimal control techniques to aircraft, missles and spacecraft.

    Prerequisite/Restriction: ECE 6320 /MAE 6320  

    Cross-listed as: MAE 7340  

    Semester(s) Traditionally Offered: Spring
    Effective Term
    Fall 2016
  • ECE 7360 - Optimal and Robust Control

    3 credits

    Advanced methods of control system analysis and design. Operator approaches to optimal control, including LQR, LQG, and L1 optimization techniques. Robust control theory, including QFT, H-infinity, and interval polynomial approaches.

    Prerequisite/Restriction: ECE 6320 /MAE 6320  or instructor permission

    Cross-listed as: MAE 7360 .

    Semester(s) Traditionally Offered: Fall
  • ECE 7440 - Mixed-Signal VLSI Systems

    3 credits

    Covers specification, design, and verification of integrated systems with both analog and digital components. Particular emphasis given to data converter circuits (ADC and DAC), focusing on current research problems in the field.

    Prerequisite/Restriction: ECE 5440 

    Semester(s) Traditionally Offered: Fall
  • ECE 7600 - Advanced Wireless Networks

    3 credits

    Wireless network definition, characterization, design, and optimization. Methods for improving network capacity, including interference management, power, control, carrier sense turning, radio resource management, temporal/spatial and diversity and scheduling. Other topics include mobility management, energy efficiency, and QoS.

    Prerequisite/Restriction: ECE 6010  and ECE 6600  

    Semester(s) Traditionally Offered: Fall
  • ECE 7630 - Advanced Digital Signal and Image Processing

    3 credits

    Advanced digital signal and image processing theory and methods. Topics selected from: optimal filter design, adaptive filtering, spectral estimation, beamforming, tomography, data compression, restoration/superresolution, etc.

    Prerequisite/Restriction: ECE 5630 , ECE 6010 , ECE 6030 

    Corequisite: ECE 6030  (prerequisite or corequisite)

    Semester(s) Traditionally Offered: Spring
  • ECE 7670 - Coding Theory and Practice in Communication

    3 credits

    Examination of codes employed in digital communications, including discussion of error correction codes over finite fields. Reed-Solomon, convolutional, and trellis coding. Advanced coding techniques.

    Prerequisite/Restriction: ECE 6010  or ECE 6030  and ECE 5660  (may be taken concurrently)

    Semester(s) Traditionally Offered: Fall
  • ECE 7720 - Parallel Computer Architecture

    3 credits

    Covers parallelism and the design of parallel computer architectures. Explores various hardware techniques designed to support parallel execution across a range of real-world applications. Examines various components of parallel computer systems and design trade-offs in the light of underlying circuit characteristics.

    Prerequisite/Restriction:  , ECE 6750  or equivalent, or instructor permission

    Semester(s) Traditionally Offered: Fall
    Effective Term
    Fall, Summer
  • ECE 7860 - Computational Electromagnetics A

    3 credits

    Using Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) and Finite Element Method (FEM) methods to solve electromagnetics problems that includes waveguides, scattering problems, and electromagnetic wave propagation in different media.

    Prerequisite/Restriction: ECE 5800 

    Semester(s) Traditionally Offered: Spring
  • ECE 7890 - Computational Electromagnetics B

    3 credits

    Modeling electromagnetic problems with integral equations and solve using Methods of Moments (MOM). Solving complex electromagnetic problems using Boundary Integral Finite Element Method (BI-FEM), which is a hybrid computational electromagnetic method by integration MOM and Finite Element Method (FEM).

    Semester(s) Traditionally Offered: Spring
  • ECE 7930 - Special Topics in Electrical Engineering

    1-6 credits

    Independent or group study in electrical engineering topics, such as automated systems, laser engineering, electroacoustics, solid-state materials, devices, and intelligent systems engineering.

    Repeatable for credit.
    Semester(s) Traditionally Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
  • ECE 7970 - Dissertation Research

    1-12 credits

    Repeatable for credit.
    Pass/Fail only.
    Semester(s) Traditionally Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
  • ECE 7990 - Continuing Graduate Advisement

    1-9 credits

    Prerequisite: Permission of Electrical and Computer Engineering Department.

    Repeatable for credit.
    Pass/Fail only.
    Semester(s) Traditionally Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer

Electronics Engineering Technology (USU Eastern)

  • ELET 1110 - Electronics/Electrical Mathematics (MA)

    MA Mathematics
    3 credits

    Covers the various specialized mathematical topics unique to and necessary for the study of electronics/electricity. These topics include but are not limited to: Systems of Units, Units of Measure, Scientific vs. Metric Prefix Notation of Numbers/Units, Functions, Complex Numbers, and Vectors, Numbering Systems, Introductory Statistics and Derivative and Integral Calculus as it applies to Electrical/Electronic Systems and Components.

    Prerequisite/Restriction: MATH 0950  or higher level MATH course, ACT Math score of 17 or higher or equivalent SAT Math score , score of 40 or satisfactory score on the Math Placement Exam, or math exam given by the program

    Campus: USU Eastern only
  • ELET 1120 - Computer Tools for Technology

    Computer and Information Literacy
    2 credits

    Covers various software packages and systems used by electronic/electrical technicians and technologists as tools in the analysis and design of systems. Topics include but are not limited to: Pspice, MathCad, Structure Programming C++, Internet retrieval of manufacturers data sheets, work-processing, spreadsheets and graphing, HP48G programming techniques and programmable logic device programming software.

    Prerequisite/Restriction: Completion or concurrent registration in   or AP Calculus AB score of 3 or higher; or   

    Campus: USU Eastern only
  • ELET 1130 - Circuit Analysis

    6 credits

    Covers basic and advanced DC and AC electric circuit topics. These topics include but are not limited to: Ohm’s Law, Kirchhoff’s Voltage and Current Laws, resistance, capacitance, inductance, conductance, reactance, susceptance, impedance, admittance, and RC and RL time constants. Analysis of series, parallel, series-parallel and bridge networks using Superposition, Thevenin’s and Maximum Power Transfer Theorems, Resonance, Mesh and Nodal Analysis; and Source and -Y Conversions.

    Prerequisite/Restriction: Completion or concurrent registration in  ; and   or AP Calculus AB score of 3 or higher or   

    Campus: USU Eastern only
  • ELET 1140 - Circuit Analysis Lab

    1 credit

    Provides practical experience related to topics in the  . Emphasis is placed on validation of concepts, laws, theorems and methods of analysis used in the classroom. In addition students will be required to design circuits and develop familiarity with electronic components, bread boarding and the proper use of test equipment. Laboratory reporting techniques will be developed through report writing.

    Prerequisite/Restriction: Completion of or concurrent registration in   and  

    Campus: USU Eastern only
  • ELET 1150 - Digital Systems Theory

    4 credits

    Introduces the fundamentals of digital logic circuits and systems. Topics include but not limited to: Numbering systems and codes, logic gates operation, Boolean algebra, combinational logic and design, flip-flops, counters, timers, registers, programmable logic devices, memories, logic families, interfacing circuits, sequential logic design and an introduction to Microprocessors.

    Prerequisite/Restriction: Completion or concurrent registration in   or AP Calculus AB score of 3 or higher; or   and   


    Campus: USU Eastern only
  • ELET 1160 - Digital Systems Lab

    1 credit

    Provides practical experience related to topics in  . Emphasis is placed on validation of concepts, laws, theorems and methods of analysis used in the classroom. In addition students will be required to design combinational and sequential circuits and develop familiarity with programmable logic devices and programming, digital electronic components, data sheet interpretation and use, and the proper use of test equipment. Laboratory reporting techniques will be developed through report writing.

    Prerequisite/Restriction:  ,   , and fulfillment of the CL1 requirement through coursework or examination ( )


    Campus: USU Eastern only
  • ELET 1170 - Electronic Devices and Circuits

    6 credits

    Introduces the basic physics of solid state devices, and the analysis and applications of Diodes, Bipolar Junction Transistors, Field-Effect Transistors, Thyristors and Linear Integrated circuits.



    Campus: USU Eastern only
  • ELET 1180 - Electronic Devices and Circuits Lab

    1 credit

    Provides practical experience related to topics in  . Emphasis is placed on validation of concepts, laws, theorems and methods of analysis used in the classroom. In addition students will be required to design circuits and develop familiarity with electronic components, bread boarding and the proper use of test equipment. Laboratory reporting techniques will be developed through report writing.



    Campus: USU Eastern only
  • ELET 1200 - Motors, Controls and OLC’s

    4 credits

    Covers the theory, operation and applications of motors, motor controls and programmable logic controllers.



    Campus: USU Eastern only
  • ELET 1210 - Motors, Controls and PLC’s Lab

    1 credit

    Provides practical experience related to topics in  . Emphasis is placed on correctly wiring various motor control applications, programming and interfacing the PLC and validation of characteristics of different motor configurations. In addition students will be required to design PLC software and interface wiring to specifications. Laboratory reporting techniques will be developed through report writing.

    Prerequisite/Restriction:   and  


    Campus: USU Eastern only
  • ELET 2130 - Communication Systems

    3 credits

    Studies the operational characteristics of Amplitude, Frequency and Phase Modulation techniques; and their applications in today’s communication systems. In addition, digital communication techniques and technologies are explored.

    Prerequisite/Restriction:   and  


    Campus: USU Eastern only
  • ELET 2140 - Communication Systems lab

    1 credit

    Reinforces the concepts, techniques, and systems studied in the classroom. Particular emphasis is placed on safety, operation of test equipment, verification of operational characteristics, building and testing systems, and laboratory reporting.


    Campus: USU Eastern only
  • ELET 2150 - Industrial Instrumentation Systems

    6 credits

    Comprehensive study of the theory, physics, and devices that measure and control temperature, pressure, flow and level in the world of process control. Students are required to calculate, graph, interpolate, discuss, define, and articulate all concepts relative to these parameters and the devices used to measure them.

    Prerequisite/Restriction:  ,  ,  ,  ,  , and  


    Campus: USU Eastern only
  • ELET 2160 - Industrial Instrumentation Systems Lab

    1 credit

    Provides the practical exposure to the devices studied in  . Students will be expected to properly setup, calibrate, test and troubleshoot actual devices used to measure process parameters. In addition, students are required to interpret manufacturer’s specifications to perform the necessary, safe and accurate calibration of various transmitters, sensors, and systems. Students will also be required to convey technical information through written reports.

    Prerequisite/Restriction:  ,  ,  ,  ,  , and  


    Campus: USU Eastern only
  • ELET 2210 - Advanced PLC’s

    3 credits

    Examines the advanced analog instruction set of the programmable logic controller and its uses in a variety of industrial applications. Also covers the PC software programming package used to program PLC’s, and the interfacing requirements for use in practical systems.

    Prerequisite/Restriction:  ,  ,  , and   


    Campus: USU Eastern only
  • ELET 2220 - Advanced PLC’s Lab

    1 credit

    Reinforces the concepts, techniques, and systems studied in the classroom. Particular emphasis is placed on safety, operation of equipment, programming of PLC’s, interfacing to control systems and laboratory reporting.


    Campus: USU Eastern only

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