Mar 06, 2025  
2016-2017 General Catalog 
2016-2017 General Catalog ARCHIVED CATALOG: To search archives, MUST use search box to left. Current catalog:

Academic Probation

Academic Probation

An undergraduate student with 36 or more attempted hours with an institution GPA of less than 2.00 is placed on academic probation. A student with who is on academic warning and has a semester GPA of less than 2.00 is also placed on academic probation. Academic probation serves as a warning to students that their academic progress is not satisfactory, and that they should take steps to improve their academic performance to avoid suspension from the University. Academic probation is an indication of very serious academic difficulty which may result in suspension from the University. Undergraduate students may be placed on academic probation as a result of either semester GPA, institution GPA, or both.

At the end of the next semester of enrollment, one of the following actions will be taken for students who began the term on academic probation status:

  • Students will be removed from academic probation status and placed in good standing if they earn at least a 2.00 semester GPA and the institution GPA is higher than 2.00, or
  • Students will be placed on semester GPA warning status if the semester GPA is below 2.00 and the USU institution GPA is 2.00 or higher, or
  • Students will remain on academic probation status if they earn at least a 2.00 semester GPA, but the USU institution GPA remains below 2.00, or
  • Students will be placed on academic suspension if they earn less than a 2.00 semester GPA, and the USU institution GPA remains below 2.00.

A student who is on academic probation and receives an incomplete grade in one or more classes may register for classes in the subsequent semester, provided the grades received from his or her other classes are high enough to prevent the student from being placed on academic suspension. A student in this situation, prior to making up the incomplete grade, may enroll in only one subsequent semester. A Registrar’s Office hold will then be placed on the student’s record, preventing him or her from registering for a second additional semester. Additional registration holds may be placed on a student’s record by an academic advisor. The Registrar’s Office hold will not be removed until the incomplete grade is changed to a letter grade. If the resulting grade does not cause the student to be placed on academic suspension, the Registrar’s Office hold will be removed. Other registration holds, such as an advisor hold, will need to be removed by the office placing the hold.

Exceptions to the one subsequent semester limitation may be made (1) if receiving the grade that accompanies the incomplete grade (e.g., a student who receives an IF grade would receive an F if no additional work was completed) would not cause the student to be placed on academic suspension for the semester in which the incomplete grade was originally received, or (2) by memo of justification from the course instructor who submitted the incomplete grade. Any exceptions must be requested through the Registrar’s Office.