Repeating Courses
Students may repeat any course at USU for which they have previously registered. They may also retake a course originally taken at an institution where USU has an articulation agreement, if the agreement identifies a specific USU course as being equivalent to the one the student desires to replace. All other decisions dealing with retaking courses, including courses taken under the quarter system, will be determined by the department in which the course is offered.
The number of times a student can take the same class is limited to a total of three times (once, plus two repeats). Beyond three attempts, the student’s dean must approve additional registration for the class.
The total number of repeats allowed is limited to ten. Students who exceed this limit will have an academic hold placed on their registration. Beyond ten repeats, the student’s academic dean must approve additional registration.
This policy does not apply to courses repeatable for credit. When a course listed in the General Catalog is identified as repeatable, the course may be taken more than once for credit.
When a course not identified as repeatable for credit is repeated, the highest grade and GPA hours are used to recalculate the student’s grade point average. (Note: For courses taken prior to Summer 2011, the most recent grade and GPA hours were used to recalculate the student’s grade point average.) The lower grade and GPA hours for the same course will remain on the student’s academic record, but will not be calculated in the grade point average or total GPA hours completed, and will be designated on the student’s transcript with an E (exclude).
Once a degree is posted, all grades for that degree are frozen and cannot be modified. The only exception may be when a student completes an associate degree and then continues on to pursue a bachelor’s degree. In this case, if a course is repeated, the highest grade will be used.