Leave of Absence
Undergraduate students who wish to discontinue their studies for one or more semesters (other than summer term) must file a Leave of Absence form online. Students may file an admission deferral, a one-semester leave, a traditional leave of absence, or a complete withdrawal online at http://www.usu.edu/loa. Requests may be granted in the following circumstances:
- Leaves of absence are generally granted for reasons relating to: illness or health, military service, employment, humanitarian or church service, family responsibilities, and financial obligations.
- The standard leave period is one year. Allowances will be made for military activation, church or humanitarian service, and those with extenuating circumstances.
Students must apply for leaves of absence for a current semester by the last day of classes for that semester.
With very few exceptions, students who are attending another institution may not take a leave of absence. They must completely withdraw and apply for readmission. Students are encouraged to discuss possible exceptions with an academic advisor.
A student must apply for a leave of absence for a current semester no later than the last day of classes for that semester. USU’s dropping courses policy explains how a leave of absence will affect a student’s transcript.
A graduate leave of absence, during which neither continuous registration or a $100 payment is required, may be granted under the following conditions:
- 1. Illness, required military service, or other extenuating circumstances acceptable to the department head and the graduate dean.
- 2. Lack of availability of courses in a planned Regional Campuses and Distance Education program.
- 3. Participation in a planned program based primarily on summer semester courses.
For either 2 or 3, the student must have an approved Program of Study on file in the School of Graduate Studies before a leave will be granted.
A leave of absence must be approved by the graduate dean, upon written recommendation of the department head. A leave of absence may be the basis for extending the time limit to complete a degree, but not to extend the time limit for course validity.