Transfer Credit
Utah State University awards transfer credit for academic work completed at other academic institutions. Transfer and articulation is not based solely on the accreditation status of the transfer institution. Evaluations for the specific acceptance of credit being equivalent to a Utah State University course are at the discretion of each department’s faculty or faculty designee. Acceptance of credit should not be confused with its application. Transfer credit may or may not apply to the graduation requirements of Utah State University, regardless of the number of credits transferred.
In order to transfer credit to Utah State University, official transcripts of credit must be submitted to the Admissions Office. Submitted transcripts become the property of Utah State University, and will not be returned. Transcripts from all institutions previously attended are required.
Credit Transfer Policy
At its discretion, the University may accept transfer credit from accredited and nonaccredited institutions and miscellaneous sources. These may include:
(1) accredited institutions, (2) foreign universities, (3) U.S. military credit for approved job and educational experiences, (4) credit by examination, and (5) miscellaneous sources, such as internships and nontraditional learning experiences. Further details about these sources are shown below.
The following evaluation criteria for acceptance will be used:
(1) accreditation status of the institution, (2) recognized national standards published by the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and by the American Council on Education, (3) guidelines given by the State Board of Regents (including guidelines for CLEP and AP credit), and (4) recommendations given by various University units having appropriate academic competence, including the Faculty Senate, as well as college and departmental curriculum committees.
Acceptance of credit should not be confused with its application. Transfer credit may or may not apply to the graduation requirements of Utah State University, regardless of the number of credits transferred.
Credit other than that intended wholly to meet the General Education requirements of the receiving institution will be applied on the basis of the appropriateness of credit to a particular institution’s specific degree program requirements as determined by the receiving institution. At Utah State University, coursework acceptability will be determined by the student’s major department.
Credit for quarter courses numbered 100 or above, or for semester courses numbered 1000 or above, earned in the Utah System of Higher Education (USHE) is transferable within the System and will be carried on the student’s transcript by the receiving institution.
In order to transfer credit to Utah State University, official transcripts of credit must be submitted to the Admissions Office. Submitted transcripts become the property of Utah State University, and will not be returned. Transcripts from all institutions previously attended are required.
Associate Degrees
Students who transfer to USU and have an Associate of Arts or an Associate of Science degree (or have completed the General Education requirements) from a regionally-accredited institution may be deemed as having satisfied the General Education portion of the University Studies requirements. A registrar’s certification, stating that the student has completed the General Education requirements of the transfer institution, may also be acceptable. However, Utah State University will require students to satisfy the Breadth American Institutions requirement(BAI), if an equivalent course has not been completed. In addition, students must satisfy any deficiencies in Communications Literacy(CL1 and CL2) and Quantitative Literacy(QL). In order to graduate with a bachelor’s degree, the Depth Education requirements must still be completed.
When a student transfers without an Associate of Arts or Associate of Science degree and meets the General Education requirements of an institution not offering the Associate of Arts or Associate of Science degree by earning a 60 to 63 semester credit hour diploma, a registrar’s certification that the transferring student has completed baccalaureate-level General Education requirements at the sending institution will be accepted by the receiving USHE institution in lieu of the AA/AS degree. The registrar at the sending institution will forward to the receiving institution an up-to-date description of the General Education requirements.
Students who transfer to Utah State University with less than an Associate Degree (and have not completed General Education requirements) or with an Associate of Applied Science Degree will have their General Education courses evaluated on a course-by-course basis and may be required to take any additional courses necessary to satisfy the General Education Requirements at Utah State University. However, if these students have taken equivalent General Education courses at the sending institution, these courses will be accepted toward satisfying General Education requirements at Utah State University.
Courses approved as fulfilling General Education requirements at a USHE institution will be acceptable to Utah State University as satisfying comparable General Education requirements. Acceptability of General Education coursework from other institutions will be determined by the student’s major department at Utah State University.
Articulation Agreements
Utah State University maintains annual course-by-course articulation agreements with the following institutions:
Boise State University
Brigham Young University
Brigham Young University (Hawaii)
Brigham Young University (Idaho)
College of Southern Idaho
Dixie State College of Utah
Idaho State University
LDS Business College
Northwest College
Salt Lake Community College
Snow College
Southern Utah University
University of Utah
Utah Valley University
Weber State University
Western Wyoming Community College
Westminster College
These course-by-course agreements show how courses taken at these institutions will be accepted and applied at Utah State University.
In addition to the course-by-course articulations, Utah State maintains general education articulation agreements with the same institutions as listed above. These agreements show how individual courses taken at these institutions will meet Utah State’s University Studies requirements.
These articulation agreements, as well as additional information about transferring to Utah State University, can be found at the Transfer
Guidelines for Transferable Credit
Transfer credit earned at institutions that are accredited by one of the six regional accrediting associations will be accepted if the work is parallel in nature to programs offered at Utah State University.
The six regional accrediting associations are: (1) Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools, Commission on Higher Education (MSA); (2) Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU); (3) North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, Higher Learning Commission (NCA); (4) New England Association of Schools and Colleges, Inc., Commission on Institutions of Higher Education (NEASC-CIHE); (5) Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, Commission on Colleges (SACS); and (6) Western Association of Schools and Colleges, Accrediting Commission for Senior Colleges and Universities (WASC-ACSCU).
Utah State University may award credit for academic work completed at institutions that are not regionally accredited if the courses:
- articulate to University Studies or General Education requirements at USU,
- correspond to recognized standards published by the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO) and the American Council on Education (ACE), or
- are approved by the department and college in which the subject matter is taught at Utah State University.
Utah State University does not accept transfer credit from nonregional-accredited institutions in those cases where USU lacks an academic unit to evaluate such transfer credit.
Subcollege-level courses which are developmental, remedial, or preparatory are not transferable.
Vocational-technical courses are generally not transferable. Exceptions may be made by individual departments if the coursework is pertinent to the student’s major.
Religion courses are generally not transferable. These courses will be evaluated based on the particular orientation of the course. In order to be considered, courses in religion must be listed on an official transcript from a regionally accredited institution.
Credit may be transferred from recognized international universities. Transcripts or documented evidence (translated into English) must be presented, indicating successful completion of coursework. Courses must be consistent in level, duration, and content with courses offered at American universities. For further information about the transferability of international credit, contact the Office of International Students and Scholars, Military Science 115, (435) 797-1124.
Subject to evaluation by Utah State University, to ensure credit is granted in accordance with USU policies, credit may be earned through the College-Level Examination Program (CLEP), DANTES Subject Standardized Tests (DSST), and International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) examinations or by taking Advanced Placement (AP) examinations while a student is in high school.
Students who receive an ACT Math score of 26 or higher, or an SAT Math score equivalent on an exam taken September 2016 or later may be awarded 3 credits posted as transfer credit with a CR grade. These credits will count toward the 120 credits needed for graduation, but will not count toward the 30 credits in residency at USU.
Students who have served in the armed forces may be able to receive Military Credit.
Interstate Passport
The Interstate Passport enables successful transfer of completed lower-division general education Passport courses and learning outcomes to out-of-state institutions participating in the Interstate Passport Network and to all Utah public institutions. Students who complete the Passport at a USHE institution will not be required to repeat or take additional course work to meet lower-division general education requirements when they transfer, except as required by state statutes. Successful completion of Passport courses and learning outcomes will be noted on students’ transcripts. Students with an interest in earning the Interstate Passport should contact their academic advisor.
Transfer Website
Course by Course
Click here to find course-by-course articulation agreements for all undergraduate courses offered at other Utah institutions, Boise State University, BYU- Hawaii, BYU- Idaho, College of Southern Idaho, Idaho State University, Northwest College, and Western Wyoming Community College.
Transfering General Education Course Work
Students who transfer to USU from another Utah institution, Boise State University, BYU- Hawaii, BYU- Idaho, College of Southern Idaho, Idaho State University, Northwest College, or Western Wyoming Community College, and who have not completed General Education requirements at their previous institution, should select to see how individual classes will fit into USU’s General Education program.