Mar 12, 2025  
2018-2019 General Catalog 
2018-2019 General Catalog ARCHIVED CATALOG: To search archives, MUST use search box to left. Current catalog:

University Terminology and Definitions

A B C D E F G H I L M N P Q R S T U Common USU Acronyms

“A” Pin
Presented to undergraduate students who have received all A grades (4.0 GPA) for 15 or more graded credits each semester during two consecutive semesters. Courses for which a P (Pass) grade is received do not qualify for graded credits.

A-Number (Banner ID Number)
A nine-character code that uniquely identifies each student. This number (which is not social security number based) always consists of a capital A, followed by eight numbers. To find out their assigned A-Number, students should follow the link found at:

Academic Advising
Assistance to students in choosing courses by providing information about University Studies Requirements, majors, various academic programs, and academic policies and procedures. Advisors may also assist students in establishing their educational and career goals.

Academic Dismissal
Students who become subject to suspension for a third time will receive notice of academic dismissal from the University and have the notation academic dismissal placed on their transcript. Students who have been dismissed may apply for readmission to the University following a layout of five or more calendar years.

Academic Nepotism (Policy for Graduate Students)
A faculty member is not to participate in graduate admission or graduate-assistant employment decisions, serve as major professor, or serve on the supervisory committee of a relative, including a person with whom he or she has or has had an amorous relationship. Graduate students may enroll in classes taught by a relative only under special conditions. For more information, students should contact the department head or the School of Graduate Studies.

Academic Probation
The status assigned to a sophomore, junior, or senior with an institution GPA of less than 2.0.  See Academic Probation for more information.

Academic Record Adjustment
Students requesting an adjustment to their academic record for a prior term must submit a Petition for Academic Record Adjustment to the Registrar’s Office. This can be found at: For more information, see Student Records.

Academic Renewal
Undergraduate students who have been admitted to Utah State University after an interruption in their collegiate education of five or more years may petition to have certain credits removed from the calculation of the GPA needed for credit. Further details about this procedure are found under Student Records This form can be found at

Academic Standing
A student’s academic standing is determined jointly by the number of credit hours attempted and the number of quality points earned. There are six categories of academic standing: good standing, semester GPA warning, academic warning, academic probation, academic suspension, and academic dismissal. See Academic Standing for more information.

Academic Suspension
The change in status that occurs when a student on academic probation has a semester GPA of less than 2.0. Students who have been suspended once may apply for readmission after a two-semester layout. Students who have been suspended two times may apply for readmission to the University following a layout of one full calendar year. See Academic Suspension for more information.

Academic Warning
The status assigned to a freshman student with an institution GPA of less than 2.0. See Academic Warning for more information.

Access (Banner) System
The web-based computer program which USU students can access for grades, transcripts, financial aid, and account information. The Access system (which is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and can be accessed from any web-enabled system) allows students to register for, drop, and add classes. Students can login at:

The process used if students need to change a schedule for which they have already registered. The procedure for adding courses is explained in Registration. Policies which apply to dropping courses are listed on Registration.

All students are encouraged to have an aggiemail e-mail account, and to update their “preferred e-mail” address in Banner. Students can keep this account after they leave USU. Information about how to create an aggiemail account can be found at:

Adjunct Faculty
Part-time certified instructors.

Advanced Placement (AP)
Exams offered at the high school level only. University credits may be acquired through the AP examinations. These credits may be used to fill General Education requirements, and may also be accepted as equivalent to specific courses. See Placement Tests and Credit by Examination for more information.

A faculty or staff member who provides students with academic information about University, college, and departmental graduation requirements; assists students in the development of a course of study; helps students to understand the expected standards of achievement and likelihood of success in certain areas of study; and refers students to available campus resources to meet individual needs. Further information is shown on the Undergraduate Academic Advising page. A current listing of advisors, along with their contact information, can be found in the Undergraduate Advisor Directory.

Graduates or former students.

A term that is used to indicate that a course taken at another institution is equivalent to a course at USU. General Education articulation information for institutions with which USU has articulation agreements is available online at:

Articulation Agreements
Documents that formally acknowledge how credits or associate degrees from other institutions equate to USU courses and requirements. These articulation agreements, as well as additional information about transferring to Utah State University, can be found at the Transfer website:

Associate of Arts (AA) Degree vs. Associate of Science (AS) Degree

The main difference between these two degrees is a foreign language requirement. Students who complete one years’ training or equivalent in an approved foreign language may qualify for an Associate of Arts degree.

Attempted Hours (AHRS)
The number of credit hours for which a student has enrolled. This includes current enrollments, as well as past enrollments.

Registration for and participation in all functions of a course except tests and other graded exercises. No credit is given for an audit (a grade of AU is assigned), but courses that students have audited will appear on the transcript and may be repeated for credit.

Bachelor of Arts (BA) Degree vs. Bachelor of Science (BS) Degree
The main difference between these two degrees is a foreign language requirement. Students who complete two years’ training or equivalent in an approved foreign language, or one year or equivalent in each of two foreign languages, may qualify for a Bachelor of Arts degree. See Graduation Requirements (Undergraduate) for further information. Most other baccalaureate degrees are awarded as a Bachelor of Science degree.

Bachelor’s Degree
A degree in an academic discipline which requires completion of a minimum of 120 semester credit hours, University Studies requirements, and a chosen major. Students must meet the minimum GPA requirements for their intended major.

Banner ID Number (A-Number)
A nine-character code that uniquely identifies each student. This number (which is not social security number based) always consists of a capital A, followed by eight numbers. To find out their assigned A-Number, students should follow the link found at:

Breadth Requirements
Courses that are part of the General Education requirements, and are intended to introduce students to different disciplines. At USU, all students must take a least one course or its equivalent in each of the following six categories: American Institutions, Creative Arts, Humanities, Life Sciences, Physical Sciences, and Social Sciences. A listing of approved Breadth courses is shown on the General Education Requirements page.

The financial officer of the University who receives payment of tuition and miscellaneous fees.

A document certifying that one has fulfilled the requirements of and may practice in a certain vocation.

The chief officer of an institution.  The chief officer at Utah State University is the University President.  The chief officer at USU Eastern is the Chancellor.

Class Rank
Student’s ranking of being a freshman (less than 30 credits), sophomore (30-59 credits), junior (60-89 credits), or senior (90 or more credits), based on the number of college-level credit hours earned.

Closed Class
A class that has been filled by the maximum number of students allowed for that class.

An academic division in a university. A college is composed of academic departments and is headed by a dean. USU has eight academic colleges: College of Agriculture and Applied Sciences; Caine College of the Arts; Jon M. Huntsman School of Business; Emma Eccles Jones College of Education and Human Services; College of Engineering; College of Humanities and Social Sciences; S.J. and Jessie E. Quinney College of Natural Resources; and College of Science.

College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
A standardized examination in college-level subject matter. Subject examinations cover material offered in specific advanced-level courses. Credits may be acquired through the CLEP examinations. These credits may be used to fill General Education requirements, and may also be accepted as equivalent to specific courses. See Placement Tests and Credit by Examination for more information.

College Work-Study
A form of financial aid based on need which provides students with paid employment while in school.

A graduation ceremony.

Common Hour
The Common Hour is an open hour for students where no classes or labs are scheduled each week, so that they can come and listen to a varietyof informative and motivational speakers.

Competency Test
A test which is used to determine if a student has the acquired knowledge of a college-level course.

Complete Withdrawal
The process of withdrawing from all courses before a semester has ended. This is accomplished through the following website:

Composite Major
When elements of two major programs are combined into one major program. For example, the Elementary Education/Special Education major is an approved composite of two different majors.

Concurrent Enrollment
When a high school student is enrolled in a university course for which the student simultaneously receives high school and university credit.

Connections (University Connections Course)
An orientation and transition-to-college course. More information about this course is shown on the New Student Orientation page. Also see:

A lecture series.

Two or more related internship work experiences.

Two or more courses which must be taken during the same semester, because the work in one course supplements or reinforces what is taught in the other.

Course Fee
A fee that is attached to a specific course, in addition to tuition. More information can be found at  Course Fees.

Course Load
The number of credit hours carried by a student during a given semester. Students need to average a minimum of 15 credit hours per semester in order to graduate in four years.

Course Reference Number (CRN Number)
A five-digit code that identifies a specific course. CRN numbers may be found in the online course schedules at:

Credit Hours
Credits are related to the number of hours of instruction per week during the academic term.

Credit Limit
Students registering for more than 18 credits must present their advisor’s signed authorization to the Registrar’s Office.

Cum Laude
A Latin Scholastic Distinction designated for students who graduate with an institution GPA between 3.500 and 3.799.

A series of courses which meet a particular academic or vocational goal.

DANTES Standardized Subject Tests (DSST)
DSSTs provide an opportunity for people to obtain college credit for what they have learned in nontraditional ways. Designed originally for the military, DSSTs are available to civilian students and adult learners as well. Credits may be acquired through the DSST examinations. These credits may be used to fill General Education Requirements, and may also be accepted as equivalent to specific courses. For more information, as well as a list of available exams, see Placement Tests and Credit by Examination.

College or university administrative official. An academic dean usually heads a college within the university.

Dean’s List (Honor Roll)
A recognition given to students who earn a minimum 3.500 GPA in 15 or more graded credits, except for summer semester for which 12 or more graded credits are required.

Declaration of Major
A process whereby students formally notify the Registrar’s Office of the major which they choose to include in their degree program.

Deferred Admission
When a student is accepted for a specific term, but chooses to defer his or her admission until a future term. More information about admission deferment is shown on the Undergraduate Admission page.

Degree Planner (Degree Evaluation)
A Web-based program providing students with a summary of their academic progress, showing courses completed and courses needed for the student’s major. This program is a Banner (Access) sub-system which generates unofficial degree evaluations. After students have completed their application for graduation, the Registrar’s Office performs an official degree evaluation.

Department Head
The administrative head of an academic department.

Depth Education Requirements
Courses that are part of the University Studies requirements and are intended to provide students with more in-depth background in different disciplines. Approved Depth Education courses are shown on the University Studies Depth Requirements page.

A subject area. English, history, chemistry, and elementary education are examples of disciplines.

A written thesis by a candidate for a doctoral degree. Information about preparation and approval of dissertations is shown on the School of Graduate Studies page.

Distance Education Programs
Outreach programs for students who do not attend traditional daytime classes on the main campus. Distance Education programs include Independent Study and Time Enhanced Learning, as well as courses offered at remote locations. For more information, see the Regional Campuses and Distance Education (RCDE) section of this catalog.

The process used if students need to change a schedule for which they have already registered. Policies which apply to dropping courses are listed on the Registration page. The procedure for adding courses is explained on the Registration page.

Dual Major
Any two majors that are completed at the same time. Students must complete all requirements for both majors. For example, a student may get a dual major in History and English.

Earned Hours (EHRS)
The number of credit hours in which a student earns an A, B, C, D, or P grade. Earned hours count toward the 120 credits needed for graduation.

A college-level course or subject taken by a student which counts as credit earned toward graduation requirements, but is not required for a major, minor, or University Studies.

Emeritus Faculty Member
A faculty member who has honorably retired from his or her position with a university.  

An approved area of study, having a specific curriculum, within a particular undergraduate major. All emphases must be sanctioned by the Utah State Board of Regents.

Exploratory Major
The category for exploratory students who have not yet decided upon a major program. Exploratory majors are advised through the Office of Exploratory Advising, Taggart Student Center 304, (435) 797-3373.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
A law that (1) provides that students will have access to inspect or review their educational records and (2) protects the rights of a student to privacy by limiting access to the educational record without express written consent. Details of this law are explained on the FERPA page.

Financial Aid
Scholarships, grants, loans, and work assignments which are awarded to a student to help defray, in part or in whole, college-related expenses. Information about the types and amounts of financial aid available is shown in the Financial Aid and Scholarships section of this catalog.

Full-Time Student
A student registered for 12 or more credit hours during a semester. In order to graduate after completing eight semesters of study, a student must register for an average of 15 credit hours per semester.

General Catalog
The official Utah State University document pertaining to academic, business, and extracurricular matters. It functions as a contract for graduation requirements for students upon their entry into the University.  

General Education Requirements
A set of requirements that all candidates for a bachelor’s degree, regardless of major, must satisfy. At USU, General Education is part of the University Studies Requirements. For more information, see General Education Requirements.

GPA Hours
Credit hours in which a student earns an A, B, C, D, or F grade. GPA hours are credit hours used in the calculation of the grade point average.

Grade Point Average (GPA)
The ratio of the number of quality points earned divided by the number of GPA hours.

Graduate Student
A student who has earned a bachelor’s degree and is working toward a master’s, doctorate, or other advanced degree. For information about graduate admission, see Graduate Admission. Policies and procedures pertaining to graduate students are shown on the School of Graduate Studies page.

Student financial aid based on need. In most cases, grants do not have to be repaid. Information about available grants is shown on the Financial Aid and Scholarships page.

High Honors (for Associate Degrees and Certificates)
A recognition given to students who earn an associate degree or certificate with an institution GPA of 3.750 or higher. This recognition will only appear on the transcript.

An official action taken by the University to prevent student registration or receipt of grades and transcripts until a student satisfies a requirement. For example, a registration hold is placed on a new student until he or she has met with an academic advisor.

Honor Roll (Dean’s List)
A recognition given to students who earn a minimum 3.500 GPA in 15 or more graded credits, except for summer semester for which 12 or more graded credits are required.

Honors (for Associate Degrees and Certificates)
A recognition given to students who earn an associate degree or certificate with an institution GPA between of 3.500 and 3.749. This recognition will only appear on the transcript.

Honors Program

A program for high-achieving students. Program members may work toward one of three different Honors degrees: Departmental Honors, Departmental Honors with Honors in University Studies, and University Honors. Requirements for these degrees are explained on the Honors Program page.

Incomplete Grade (I)
A temporary grade that may be assigned when a student is unable to complete all of the work in a course due to extenuating circumstances, but not due to poor performance. An incomplete grade request is initiated by the student. The student is then required to complete the work by the time agreed upon, up to a maximum of 12 months. A written plan is required and is filed with the student, instructor, and department.  

Independent Study Courses
Courses for which a student does not have regular class meetings. The student works independently and makes arrangements with the instructor to submit assignments and to take examinations. At USU, these courses are offered through Distance Education Time Enhanced Learning, usually by online correspondence and/or CD. More information about independent study courses can be found at:

Intent to Transfer Program
A program designed to assist transfer students in their transition to USU. Students sign up for the program while they are still attending another institution. The program is designed to ensure that students transfer with as many completed credits as possible that will count toward the USU University Studies and major requirements. Information about the Intent to Transfer Agreement is shown at:

An opportunity for students to combine a career-related work experience with academic coursework. At USU, internships may be arranged through Career Services, University Inn 102, (435) 797-7777. Further information may be found online at:

Land Grant
A grant of land made by the government. USU belongs to a family of institutions known as land-grant universities.

Late Registration Fee
Following the published add deadline, a fee of $100 per course will be assessed for all undergraduate and graduate courses added. See the Registration Calendars for specific dates on which a late registration fee will be assessed.

Latin Scholastic Distinctions
To qualify for Latin Scholastic Distinctions at graduation (including Summa Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude, and Cum Laude), a student must have completed a minimum of 40 USU semester credits. For details of how to earn these distinctions, see Graduation Requirements (Undergraduate).

Leave of Absence
A program for students who plan to leave USU before, during, or at the end of a semester, intend to return, and have an expected return date. This program is beneficial for students who intend to perform humanitarian service or serve in the military. Regulations concerning a leave of absence can be found on the Registration page  (undergraduate) and the School of Graduate Studies page (graduate). Also see the Change of Enrollment information at:

Letter of Completion
A letter indicating that a student has completed the General Education requirements of a university. The letter is only used when a student transfers to another institution and needs verification that the General Education requirements have already been satisfied.

Loaned money which must be repaid over a period of time. Typically, a student must repay the loan amount plus interest. Information about available loans is shown on the Financial Aid and Scholarships page.

Lower-Division Courses
Courses numbered at the 1000- and 2000-level that are usually taken during a student’s freshman and sophomore years.

Magna Cum Laude
A Latin Scholastic Distinction designated for students who graduate with an institution GPA between 3.800 and 3.949.

An approved concentrated area of study, having a specific curriculum, in an academic discipline. A major usually requires 30 to 70 semester credit hours of coursework.

Mathematics Prerequisite Acceptability Time Limit (MPATL)
ACT and SAT scores for mathematics competency and passing grades in MATH 0990, MATH 1010, MATH 1050, and MATH 1060 are valid for use in placement and as prerequisites for one calendar year for nonmatriculated students and three successive semesters (including summer semester) for matriculated students. (See Placement Tests and Credit by Examination for specific dates by which prerequisites must be completed.) Note: This acceptability time limit applies only to prerequisites for MATH 1010, MATH 1050, MATH 1060, MATH 1100, MATH 1210, MATH 2020, and STAT 1040. The time limit does not apply to mathematics prerequisites for courses offered by other departments.

Matriculated Student
A student who enrolls or registers in a college or university as a degree candidate (necessary for financial aid).

The process of applying and gaining acceptance into a degree program at a college or university. Being matriculated is important for academic advisement and financial aid purposes, and allows students to take advantage of all services within the University.

An approved secondary or supplementary field of study. A minor does not require as much coursework as a major.

Nonmatriculated Student
An individual who may be enrolled in courses at a college or university, but is not working toward a degree. Nonmatriculated students are not eligible for financial aid.

Part-Time Student
A student who registers for fewer than 12 semester credit hours.

Pass (P), D+, D, F Option
Students may register for a Pass (P), D+, D, F option. The grade of Pass (P) indicates academic achievement of not less than C-. Credits for which the Pass (P) grade is received are not quality hours, and are therefore not used in the calculation of a student’s grade point average. At no future time may the student request a letter grade, once the P, D+, D, F option has been requested. (See the Registration page for more information.)

Payment Plans
Payment Plans allow students to defer a portion of their tuition until later in the semester. For details about participation in payment plans, see Tuition, Fees, and Refunds.

An active effort to promote human welfare. At USU, this term often refers to philanthropic gifts to the University to be used for purposes such as scholarships, research, or construction of buildings and other facilities.  

PIN Number
When students are first admitted to USU, they are assigned an A-Number (Banner ID Number), as well as a PIN (Personal Identification Number) which corresponds to their date of birth (MMDDYY). Upon logging into Acesss (Banner) the first time, students will be required to change their PIN. Every 180 days, the system will prompt students to change their PIN. The PIN must be 6 characters long and may only contain numbers and letters (no spaces or other characters may be included). Students may login to Access (Banner) at:

Placement Test
A test given to determine the appropriate level at which to “place” a student in certain courses. At USU, the most common placement tests are used for mathematics. Information about the various placement tests is shown on the Placement Tests and Credit by Examination page.

Plateau Tuition
A flat rate of tuition assessed to students who register for 13 to 18 credits. In general, the tuition amount increases for each credit a student takes up through 13 credits. There is no tuition increase between 13 and 18 credits. The tuition amount increases again for students who enroll for more than 18 credit hours. Tutition and fee tables may be accessed at:

An arrangement of documents and/or drawings that are used in some majors and degree programs for admission decisions, assessment, or career placement.

A course of study designed especially for the preparation of teachers  and clinicians. A practicum involves the supervised practical application of previously studied theory.

A course students must take prior to (and in preparation for) another course (which is usually more advanced). A different kind of prerequisite may require a student to be enrolled in a certain major or certain academic classification in order to qualify for enrollment in the course. Approved prerequisites are shown within the description of each course. See the Course Descriptions section of this catalog.  

Priority Registration
The order in which students may register for classes. A priority registration schedule indicates the earliest possible day a student may register for classes. Priority is given first to graduate students, followed by seniors, juniors, sophomores, and freshmen, based on earned credit hours. Priority registration dates are shown in the Registration Calendars.

Professional Ranks
Faculty rank, including lecturer, instructor, assistant professor, associate professor, and professor. Some faculty ranks are preceded by “research” or “adjunct.”

The chief academic officer of the University.

Purge of Registration
If a student has not paid tuition and fees in full, the Registrar’s Office may cancel (or “purge”) the student’s registration for the upcoming semester, meaning the student will no longer have a seat reserved in the classes he or she has chosen. However, the student is responsible to drop unwanted courses and should not rely on the purge. For policies governing the registration purge, see Registration.

Quality Points (QPTS)
The value assigned to each grade. For example, an A earns 4 quality points for each semester credit hour attempted. For a 3 semester credit hour course in which an A was earned, a student would receive 12 quality points.

A class period especially in association with and for review of a lecture.

The administrative officer who maintains enrollment records and certifies the academic standing, as well as the fulfillment of graduation requirements, for all enrolled students.

The process of enrolling in classes for an upcoming semester. Registration may be accomplished by submitting certain forms to the Registrar’s Office, or by using the Access (Banner) System. For login to Banner, go to:

Remedial Course
A course numbered lower than 1000. Remedial courses will not satisfy baccalaureate requirements, are not transferable, and are not calculated in a student’s grade point average or earned credits. USU offers remedial courses in English and mathematics. Students enrolling in a remedial course at USU must usually pay a remedial course fee, in addition to regular tuition.

Reserved Seating
A feature used in the Access (Banner) registration system allowing an academic unit to “reserve” a predetermined number of seats for a specific population. For example, a department could set aside 10 seats only for students in a specific major, while having the remaining seats open and available to the general student population.

A classification for tuition purposes. Utah residents pay lower tuition than nonresidents. Tuition and fee tables showing resident and nonresident tuition amounts can be accessed at Registration. Information about the residency policy and appeal procedures is shown on the Undergraduate Admission page.

Rhetoric Associates
Students with outstanding communication skills in reading, writing, and speaking who are selected to help other students. Rhetoric Associates are assigned to serve as initial readers for 10-15 students in a class, following up their written comments with individual conferences.

Sabbatical Leave
A periodical leave of absence during which a person interrupts his or her normal work to wholly devote time to further intensive study. This term is usually applied to a sabbatical leave taken by a faculty member.

Student financial aid based on academic achievement, need, or a combination of factors. Scholarships do not have to be repaid, but philanthropy is encouraged. In addition, students who receive endowed scholarships are highly encouraged to express gratitude to donors. Information about available University scholarships is shown on the Financial Aid and Scholarships page.  

Securityphrase and Delegates

What you need to know about securityphrases and delegates:

In order to protect your privacy, the University has various checks in place to verify your identity. Transactions that involve your personal information require:

  • A photo ID, if you are seeking information in person.
  • A secure password, if you login to various online systems, including Banner (Access).
  • A securityphrase, if you are trying to verify your identity over the telephone.

The adding, changing or removing of a securityphrase and/or delegates is the sole responsibility of the student. The only way this can be done is by logging in to this website with a secure password.

A Securityphrase will…

  • Allow you to reset your password.
  • Allow you (or anyone you give your securityphrase) to request or have conversations about your personal information over the telephone, if the person to whom you are speaking has access to verify your securityphrase.

A Delegate…

  • May act on your behalf at USU.

    Which means a delegate may…
    • Have full access to your information.
    • Change or update your information, including your password.
    • Access your information in Banner (Access), including your grades and finances.
    • Add or drop classes on your behalf.

A delegate is especially useful for, but not limited to, students who may be taking a leave of absence from the University for church or military service. If you plan to take a leave of absence, a delegate can assist you in making a smooth transition back to USU by acting on your behalf.


If you have questions or need assistance please contact the IT Service Desk at:

Phone: 435.797.HELP (4357)
Toll Free: 1.877.878.8325

An academic term of 15 weeks, followed by one week of final exams. At USU, there are two 15-week semesters, plus summer sessions, during each academic year. Semester calendars are shown on the Academic Calendar page.

Semester GPA Warning
The status assigned to an undergraduate student with a term GPA less than 2.00, but whose institution GPA is 2.00 or higher. This designation is not placed on a transcript, but will appear as blank, rather than indicating good standing. See Semester GPA Warning for more information.

A credit-bearing educational experience where students: (1) gain a broader understanding of course content, (2) earn a deeper appreciation of the discipline, (3) help meet community needs, (4) reflect on service activities, and (5) develop an enhanced sense of civic responsibility. Service-Learning focuses on critical thinking, social development, and civic responsibility as part of a student’s formal academic studies.

Service-Learning Scholar
A student admitted to the Service-Learning Scholars program. Successful completion of program requirements results in the awarding of a Service-Learning Certificate upon graduation.

Space Grant
Funds distributed by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to USU as part of the National Space Grant College and Fellowship Program.

An approved area of study, having a specific curriculum, within a particular graduate degree. All specializations must be sanctioned by the Utah State Board of Regents.

Split Form
An undergraduate student doing well in his or her studies and planning a graduate degree at USU may file a Split Form to request that some coursework be reserved (split out) from the undergraduate degree. The student must have filed an Application for Graduation in the Graduation Office, must have a 3.0 or higher GPA, and must have applied for admission to the School of Graduate Studies. For further information about filing a Split Form, see Graduation Requirements (Undergraduate) and School of Graduate Studies. A Split Form may be accessed online at

Summa Cum Laude
A Latin Scholastic Distinction designated for students who graduate with an institution GPA between 3.950 and 4.000.

Supplemental Instruction (SI)
A program in which a student who has successfully completed a University Studies class is hired to attend all class sessions and conduct review sessions. This student helps other students develop study strategies geared at enhancing academic achievement in that class.

The document that a professor provides as a course outline. A syllabus will usually include assignments, due dates, test dates, grading procedures, and attendance policies.

A status granted to a faculty member after a trial period (usually six years). Tenure gives protection from summary dismissal. During the probationary period, faculty on a tenure track are reviewed on an annual basis. Tenured faculty are subject to post-tenure review as well.

A contribution to the field of knowledge based on a student’s own research or a treatment and presentation of known subject matter from a new point of view. Information about preparation and approval of theses is shown on the School of Graduate Studies page.

The Web-based computer program that USU students can access to make tuition and fee payments. Additional features of the TouchNet system allow a student to sign up for a payment plan or to set up an authorized user, such as a parent, to make tuition payments on behalf of the student.

The official record of a student’s academic work at a university, listing credit courses, grades, and credit hours earned or attempted by a student. Official transcripts may be obtained by submitting a signed request to the Registrar’s Office, in person at TSC 246; by mail to Utah State University, 1600 Old Main Hill, Logan UT 84322-1600; or via the Internet. To request an official transcript online, students should log into Access at (After logging in, click on Student Records, then on Order Transcript.)

Transfer Credit
Credit which was earned at another college or university, and which is accepted by USU. Further information about transfer credit is shown on the Undergraduate Admission page.

Transfer Student
A student is considered to be a transfer student if he or she has completed at least 24 semester credits of post-high school work at another institution. This does not include concurrent enrollment or AP credits. Information regarding transfer student admission is shown on the Undergraduate Admission page.  

The amount charged per semester credit hour for instruction at a college or university. Tuition and fee tables showing resident and nonresident tuition amounts for USU students can be accessed at

Tuition Surcharge for Excessive Credits
Students who have attempted 170 credits or more will be charged out-of-state tuition according to Board of Regents Policy. In some circumstances (see Tuition, Fees, and Refunds), the surcharge may be waived. The student may obtain a petition to waive the surcharge at

An individual, typically a student, who provides subject-related instruction or coaching in a drop-in program directed by a University department or via private arrangement between tutor and student.

A college or university student who has not yet earned a bachelor’s degree.

Undergraduate Teaching Fellows
A program offering outstanding students an opportunity to work in meaningful academic employment within their major field. Students chosen as Teaching Fellows are assigned to work with a faculty member in the classroom and are supervised by a faculty mentor. Further information can be found at

University Studies Requirements
Requirements that all students, regardless of major, must satisfy in order to qualify for a bachelor’s degree. For more information, see General Education Requirements.

Upper-Division Courses
Courses numbered at the 3000-level or higher that are usually taken during a student’s junior and senior years.

USU Eastern
An approved reference to Utah State University College of Eastern Utah.

Wait Listing
A feature in the Access (Banner) system allowing a student to be placed on the waiting list for a full class. The student at the top of a waiting list will be automatically notified by the system, via the student’s “preferred” e-mail address on record, when an open seat becomes available. The student will then have a limited period of time to register for the class, after which the system will remove the student from the wait list and go to the next student on the list.

Common USU Acronyms

AAS Associate of Applied Science
AHRS Attempted Hours
AP Advanced Placement (examinations offered at high school level)
AS Associate of Science
ASC Associate of Science Academic Success Center
USU/SA Utah State University Student Association
BA Bachelor of Arts
BAI Breadth American Institutions
BCA Breadth Creative Arts
BFA Bachelor of Fine Arts
BHU Breadth Humanities
BLS Breadth Life Sciences
BPS Breadth Physical Sciences
BS Bachelor of Science
BSS Breadth Social Sciences
CI Communications Intensive
CL1 Communications Literacy (freshman level)
CL2 Communications Literacy (sophomore level)
CLEP College-Level Examination Program (examinations in college-level subject matter)
CRN Course Reference Number
DHA Depth Humanities and Creative Arts
DRC Disability Resource Center
DSC Depth Life and Physical Sciences
DSS Depth Social Sciences
EdD Doctor of Education
EdS Educational Specialist
EHRS Earned Hours
EXPL Exporatory Advising, Office of
FERPA Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
GPAHRS Hours Used to Calculate GPA
HPER Health, Physical Education and Recreation
HR Human Relations
IBO International Baccalaureate Organization
MA Master of Arts
MA Mathematics (General Education requirement for AAS Degree)
MBA Master of Business Administration
ME Master of Engineering
MEd Master of Education
MFA Master of Fine Arts
MNR Master of Natural Resources
MPATL Math Prerequisite Acceptability Time Limit
MS Master of Science
MSS Master of Social Sciences
PhD Doctor of Philosophy
PIN Personal Identification Number
QI Quantitative Intensive
QL Quantitative Literacy
QPTS Quality Points
SI Supplemental Instruction
SOAR Student Orientation, Advising, and Registration
STAB Student Activities Board
TOEFL Test of English as a Foreign Language
TSC Taggart Student Center