Office of Equity
Office of Equity Executive Director
Location: Old Main, Room 161
Phone: (435) 797-1266
FAX: (435) 797-0291
USU Title IX Coordinator
Location: Old Main, Room 161
Phone: (435) 797-1266
FAX: (435) 797-0291
Office of Equity
Old Main 161 | 435.797.1266 |
The Office of Equity (Title IX) implements federal, state, and university sexual violence and anti-discrimination laws, statutes, and policies, and strives to provide an atmosphere in which students, staff, faculty, and participants in USU-sponsored activities and programs can work, study, and live without fear of illegal discrimination or harassment.
In its programs and activities, Utah State University does not discriminate based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, genetic information, sexual orientation or gender identity/expression, disability, status as a protected veteran, or any other status protected by University policy or local, state, or federal law.
Learn more about how the Office of Equity addresses discrimination.
The Office of Equity investigates, evaluates, and assists in the resolution of illegal discrimination and harassment, including sexual harassment. Contact the Title IX Coordinator with any concerns about, observations of, or experiences with discrimination or sexual misconduct. Reporting an incident allows the Office of Equity to reach out and provide information about supportive measures, resources, and reporting options.
All information shared with the Office of Equity is kept as private as possible and may only be shared with a limited number of university employees as is necessary to investigate a complaint of sexual harassment or discrimination or provide supportive measures (i.e. accommodations). University policy prohibits retaliation against individuals who file or participate in an Office of Equity investigation (USU Policy #339).
Support Services and Academic Assistance
The Office of Equity provides interim measures to help students stay in school and to address issues related to safety, even if an individual does not move forward with a formal investigation. These measures can include referrals to counseling and support resources, information related to supportive measures (i.e. academic accommodations), no contact orders, and changes in housing or work schedules, as well as other interim measures as needed.
More information about campus resources for preventing, responding to, and reporting sexual violence is available at