CS 5000: Theory of Computability (3) (Can NOT be taken if used to fulfill any other CS major requirement)
CS 5050: Advanced Algorithms (3) (Can NOT be taken if used to fulfill any other CS major requirement)
CS 5200: Introduction to Distributed Systems (4)
CS 5300: Compiler Construction (4) (Can NOT be taken if used to fulfill any other CS major requirement)
CS 5400: Computer Graphics I (4)
CS 5410: Game Development (4)
CS 5460: Computer Security (3)
CS 5500: Parallel Programming (3)
CS 5650: CVPRIP I: Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, and Image Processing (3)
CS 5660: Bioinformatics I (3)
CS 5700: Object-Oriented Software Development (4)
CS 5800: Introduction to Database Systems (3)
CS 5890: Topics in Computer Science (1-4)
CS 5950: Independent Study (3)
If you have met the prerequisites for the courses below:
CS 6050: Computational Geometry: Algorithms and Applications (3)
CS 6100: MultiAgent Systems (3)
CS 6300: Supercompilers for Sequential and Parallel Computers (3)
CS 6400: Computer Graphics II (3)
CS 6460: Usable Privacy and Security (3)
CS 6550: Parallel Computing Systems (3)
CS 6600: AI: Advanced Intelligent Systems (4)
CS 6630: Fuzzy Logic and its Application (3)
CS 6650: Neural Networks (3)
CS 6665: Data Mining (3)
CS 6670: Advanced Bioinformatics (3)
CS 6700: Object-Oriented Models, Methods, and Tools (3)
CS 6800: Advanced Database Systems (3)
CS 6890: Topics in Computer Science (Topic) (1-4)