Jan 28, 2025
2024-2025 General Catalog
Research Misconduct
Research is a vital part of the education of most graduate students, and appropriate scientific and research conduct is expected. An allegation of research misconduct involving funded research is handled through the Office of the Vice President for Research. If the research is nonfunded, the allegation is handled following The Code of Policies and Procedures for Students at Utah State University.
Research misconduct may be determined during a student’s program or after the program is completed. If after an investigation, it is determined research misconduct has occurred, penalties may include, but not be limited to, correction and reanalysis of data and/or rewriting of the thesis or dissertation with re-submission and re-defense of the thesis or dissertation, loss of financial assistance, probation, and/or dismissal from a particular program. Additional penalties may be required by law or regulation when the research misconduct occurs in a program funded by a government agency