One of the following:
ANTH 1010 - Cultural Anthropology (BSS) 3
ANTH 1030 - World Archaeology (BSS) 3
ANTH 2010 - Peoples of the Contemporary World (BSS) 3
ANTH 2018 - Native American History and Culture (BSS) 3
ANTH 2030 - Principles of Archaeology (BSS) 3
APEC 1400 - Introduction to Agriculture Policy (BSS) 3
APEC 2010 - Introduction to Microeconomics (BSS) 3
ASTE 2900 - Food Matters: Ethics, Economics, and the Environment (BSS) 3
BUSN 1010 - Business Principles (BSS) 3
CJ 1010 - Introduction to Criminal Justice (BSS) 3
CMST 1330 - Introduction to Global Communication (BSS) 3
CMST 2120 - Group Collaboration and Decision Making (BSS) 3
ECN 2010 - Introduction to Microeconomics (BSS) 3
ENVS 2340 - Environment, Natural Resources, and Society (BSS) 3
FCSE 1350 - Financial Literacy (BSS) 3
FIN 1010 - An Introduction to Behavioral Finance and Economics (BSS) 3
GEOG 1300 - World Geography: Human and Environmental Dynamics (BSS) 3
GEOG 1400 - Human Geography (BSS) 3
GEOG 2340 - Environment, Natural Resources, and Society (BSS) 3
HDFS 1010 - Balancing Work and Family (BSS) 3
HDFS 1500 - Human Development Across the Lifespan (BSS) 3
HDFS 2100 - Family Resource Management (BSS) 3
HDFS 2400 - Couple and Family Relationships (BSS) 3
HDFS 2450 - Consumer and Family Economic Issues (BSS) 3
HEP 1500 - Introduction to Global Health (BSS) 3
HIST 2018 - Native American History and Culture (BSS) 3
HONR 1340 - Social Systems and Issues (BSS) 3
IELI 2470 - Cross-Cultural Perspectives (BSS) 4
IELI 2475 - Cross-Cultural Explorations (BSS) 3
IGS 1010 - Introduction to Intersectional Gender Studies (BSS) 3
JCOM 1500 - Introduction to Mass Communication (BSS) 3
JCOM 2010 - Media Literacy (BSS) 3
LANG 2100 - Languages in Global and Historical Context (BSS) 3
LING 2100 - Languages in Global and Historical Context (BSS) 3
POLS 1010 - Introduction to Political Science (BSS) 3
POLS 2100 - Introduction to International Relations (BSS) 3
POLS 2200 - Comparative Politics (BSS) 3
POLS 2400 - Introduction of Geopolitics (BSS) 3
POLS 2500 - Introduction to International Studies (BSS) 3
PSY 1010 - General Psychology (BSS) 3
RAM 1500 - Leisure and Human Behavior (BSS) 3
REH 1010 - Disability and Society (BSS) 3
SOC 1010 - Introductory Sociology (BSS) 3
SOC 1020 - Social Problems (BSS) 3
SOC 2370 - Sociology of Gender (BSS) 3
SOC 2630 - Sociology of Race and Ethnicity (BSS) 3
SOC 2650 - Globalization and International Development (BSS) 3
SPED 1010 - Disability and Society (BSS) 3
SW 1010 - Introduction to Social Welfare (BSS) 3
USU 1340 - Social Systems and Issues (BSS) 3
Please refer to the Credit by Exam tables on the Registrar’s Office website for transfer exam scores that may potentially fulfill general education requirements.