Select one course from the following:
A minimum of 2 credits is required for all students whose major is not categorized as Humanities (HU) or Creative Arts (CA).
ANTH 3550 - Culture of East Asia (DHA) 3
ARBC 3030 - Introduction to Islam (DHA) 3
ARBC 4040 - Language and Culture of the Arab World (DHA) 3
ARTH 3110 - Ancient Near East (CI/DHA) (DELETED FALL 2025) 3
ARTH 3220 - The Art & Architecture of Ancient Rome (CI/DHA) 3
ARTH 3295 - Latinx Art (CI/DHA) 3
ARTH 3510 - Islamic Visual Cultures (CI/DHA) 3
ARTH 3620 - Early Christian and Byzantine Art (DHA) 3
ARTH 3630 - Medieval Art (CI/DHA) 3
ARTH 4260 - Latin American Art (CI/DHA) 3
CCA 3330 - Arts Symposium (DHA) 2
CHIN 3100 - Readings in Contemporary Chinese Culture (DHA) 3
CMST 3270 - Culture and Public Discourse (DHA) 3
CMST 3730 - Culture and Global Intervention (DHA) 3
ENGL 3020 - Perspectives in Linguistics (DHA) 3
ENGL 3030 - Perspectives in Literature (DHA) 3
ENGL 3040 - Perspectives in Writing and Rhetoric (DHA) 3
ENGL 3050 - Masterpieces of World Literature (DHA) 3
ENGL 3060 - Mind And Body: The Rhetoric Of Health And Healing (DHA) 3
ENGL 3070 - Digital Folklore (DHA) 3
ENGL 3630 - The Farm in Literature and Culture (CI/DHA) 3
ENGL 3640 - Nature Writing (DHA) 3
ENGL 3700 - Regional Folklore (DHA) 3
ENGL 3720 - Children’s Folklore (DHA) 3
ENGL 4610 - Western American Literature (CI/DHA) 3
ENGL 4650 - Utah’s Public Lands: Past, Present, Future (DHA) 3
ENGL 4700 - Folk Material Culture (DHA) 3
ENVS 4020 - Foundations of Environmental Thought (DHA/CI) 3
FCSE 3080 - Fashion Studies and Society (DHA) 3
FILM 3210 - Classics and Cinema (CI/DHA) 3
FILM 3220 - Classics and Videogames (CI/DHA) 3
FILM 3340 - The New Hollywood: American New Wave Cinema of the 1970s (CI/DHA) 3
FREN 3500 - French and Francophone Authors (DHA) 3
FREN 3550 - French Civilization (DHA) 3
FREN 4610 - Period Studies in French Literature (DHA) 3
FREN 4620 - Genre Studies in French Literature (DHA) 3
FREN 4630 - Once Upon a Time: French and Francophone Fairy Tales (DHA) 3
GERM 3000 - Introduction to German Studies (DHA) 3
GERM 3300 - Contemporary German Speaking Cultures (DHA) 3
GERM 3550 - Cultural History of German Speaking Peoples (DHA) 3
GERM 3600 - Classic German Art and Literature (DHA) 3
GERM 3610 - Contemporary German Art and Literature (DHA) 3
GERM 4650 - Trends in Modern Germany (DHA) 3
HIST 3010 - Introduction to Buddhism (DHA) 3
HIST 3020 - Introduction to Hinduism (DHA) 3
HIST 3030 - Introduction to Islam (DHA) 3
HIST 3070 - Digital Folklore (DHA) 3
HIST 3080 - Mormonism and the American Religious Experience (DHA) 3
HIST 3110 - Ancient Near East (CI/DHA) 3
HIST 3130 - Greek History (CI/DHA) 3
HIST 3220 - Medieval European Civilization, 500-1500 (CI/DHA) 3
HIST 3225 - Medieval Britain, 500-1500 (DHA) 3
HIST 3230 - Early Modern Europe (DHA) 3
HIST 3250 - Renaissance Europe 1300 to 1520 (CI/DHA) 3
HIST 3270 - The Crusades (DHA) 3
HIST 3340 - The Holocaust in History and Memory (DHA) 3
HIST 3350 - War in the Age of Cinema: Anglo-American Film and the Two World Wars (DHA) 3
HIST 3456 - History of South Asia (DHA) 3
HIST 3460 - Comparative Asian History (DHA) 3
HIST 3482 - Ancient China to 1800 (DHA) 3
HIST 3483 - Modern China, 1800 to Present (DHA) 3
HIST 3530 - African Environmental History (DHA) 3
HIST 3550 - Culture of East Asia (DHA) 3
HIST 3560 - Modern East Asia (DHA) 3
HIST 3620 - History of Colonial Latin America (DHA) 3
HIST 3660 - History of Mexico (DHA) 3
HIST 3700 - Regional Folklore (DHA) 3
HIST 3751 - Trials of Gilded Age America, 1877-1900 (CI/DHA) 3
HIST 3760 - The United States, 1900-1945 (CI/DHA) 3
HIST 3765 - Native Americans in Film (DHA) 3
HIST 3840 - The Modern American West (DHA) 3
HIST 3850 - History of Utah (CI/DHA) 3
HIST 3910 - Health, Disease, and Medicine in North America (DHA) 3
HIST 3950 - Environmental History (CI/DHA) 3
HIST 4230 - The History of Christianity in the West (CI/DHA) 3
HIST 4251 - The Tudors, 1485-1603 (DHA) 3
HIST 4260 - Witches, Workers, & Wives: Gender and Family in Early Modern Europe and America (DHA) 3
HIST 4510 - American Metropolis: Cities and Suburbs in United States History (DHA) 3
HIST 4550 - Women and Gender in America (CI/DHA) 3
HIST 4560 - Women in Islam (DHA) 3
HIST 4565 - Medieval Islam (DHA) 3
HIST 4566 - Global Faces of Islam (DHA) 3
HIST 4600 - The History of the American West (CI/DHA) 3
HIST 4625 - The History of Natural Disasters (DHA) 3
HIST 4630 - History of the Southwest Borderlands (DHA) 3
HIST 4660 - Work and Migration in North American History (DHA) 3
HIST 4711 - Northern Ute History (DHA) 3
HIST 4720 - The Civil Rights Movement (CI/DHA) 3
HIST 4760 - America in the 1960s (DHA) 3
HIST 4815 - World War I: A Global Conflict (DHA) 3
HIST 4821 - World War II in Asia (DHA) 3
HIST 4822 - The Vietnam War (DHA) 3
HIST 4825 - Historical Roots of the War on Terror (DHA) 3
HIST 4890 - Cold War in Asia (DHA) 3
HIST 4891 - Cold War: Vietnam and Afghanistan (DHA) 3
HONR 3020 - Special Topics: Humanities/Creative Arts (CI/DHA) 3
HONR 3070 - Honors Interdisciplinary Depth (DHA/DSC/DSS) 3-6
HONR 3071 - Honors Interdisciplinary Depth, Part 1 (DHA/DSC/DSS) 3
HONR 3072 - Honors Interdisciplinary Depth, Part 2 (DHA/DSC/DSS) 3
LANG 3550 - Culture of East Asia (DHA) 3
LANG 3570 - Narrative Ethics in Asian Literature and Film (DHA) 3
MUSC 3010 - Masterpieces of Music (DHA) 3
MUSC 3020 - History of Jazz (DHA) 3
MUSC 3040 - History of African American Music (DHA) 3
MUSC 3500 - Symphony Orchestra (DHA) 1
MUSC 3785 - Marching Band (DHA) 1
MUSC 3790 - Symphonic Band (DHA) 1
MUSC 4600 - University Chorale (DHA) 1
MUSC 4650 - Chamber Singers (DHA) 1
MUSC 4700 - Wind Orchestra (DHA) 1
PHIL 3500 - Healthcare Ethics (DHA) 3
PHIL 3520 - Business Ethics (DHA) 3
PHIL 3530 - Environmental Ethics (DHA) 3
PHIL 3580 - Ethics and Economic Life (DHA) 3
PHIL 3600 - Philosophy of Religion (DHA) 3
PHIL 3700 - Political Philosophy (DHA) 3
PHIL 3800 - Philosophy in Literature (DHA) 3
PHIL 3810 - Philosophy of Art (DHA) 3
PHIL 3820 - Theories of Sex and Gender (DHA) 3
PHIL 3990 - Philosophy and Pop Culture (DHA) 3
PHIL 4300 - Epistemology (DHA) 3
PHIL 4310 - Philosophy of Science (DHA) 3
PHIL 4410 - Philosophy of Mind (DHA) 3
PHIL 4500 - Virtue Ethics (DHA) 3
PHIL 5400 - Ethics and Emerging Technology (DHA) 3
POLS 4360 - Critical Topics in Political Theory (DHA) 3
POLS 4370 - Modern Political Thought (DHA) 3
PORT 3570 - Brazilian Culture and Civilization (DHA) 3
PORT 3630 - Literatures of the Portuguese-Speaking World (DHA) 3
RELS 3010 - Introduction to Buddhism (DHA) 3
RELS 3020 - Introduction to Hinduism (DHA) 3
RELS 3030 - Introduction to Islam (DHA) 3
RELS 3050 - Introduction to Christianity (DHA) 3
RELS 3060 - Introduction to Judaism (DHA) 3
RELS 3080 - Mormonism and the American Religious Experience (DHA) 3
RELS 3220 - Medieval European Civilization, 500-1500 (CI/DHA) 3
RELS 3270 - The Crusades (DHA) 3
RELS 3456 - History of South Asia (DHA) 3
RELS 3482 - Ancient China to 1800 (DHA) 3
RELS 3510 - Islamic Visual Cultures (CI/DHA) 3
RELS 4230 - The History of Christianity in the West (CI/DHA) 3
RELS 4560 - Women in Islam (DHA) 3
RELS 4565 - Medieval Islam (DHA) 3
RELS 4566 - Global Faces of Islam (DHA) 3
RELS 4825 - Historical Roots of the War on Terror (DHA) 3
RUSS 3300 - Contemporary Russian Language and Culture (DHA) 3
SPAN 3550 - Spanish Culture and Civilization (DHA) 3
SPAN 3570 - Hispanic American Culture and Civilization (DHA) 3
SPAN 3600 - Survey of Spanish Literature I (DHA) 3
SPAN 3610 - Survey of Spanish Literature II (CI/DHA) 3
SPAN 3620 - Survey of Hispanic American Literature I (DHA) 3
SPAN 3630 - Survey of Hispanic American Literature II (DHA) 3
TCR 3120 - Rhetorical Theory (DHA) 3
TEAL 3080 - Integrating Arts into Academic Learning (DHA) 3
THEA 3560 - Period Styles/Historic Interiors (DHA) 3
THEA 3570 - Historic Clothing (DHA) 3
THEA 3710 - Theatre History and Literature I (CI/DHA) 3
THEA 3720 - Theatre History and Literature II (CI/DHA) 3
THEA 4320 - Storytelling in Education (DHA) (DELETED FALL 2025) 3
THEA 4710 - Contemporary Theatre (CI/DHA) 3
USU 3070 - Interdisciplinary Depth (DHA/DSC/DSS) 3-6
USU 3071 - Interdisciplinary Depth, Part 1 (DHA/DSC/DSS) 3
USU 3072 - Interdisciplinary Depth, Part 2 (DHA/DSC/DSS) 3