Aug 31, 2024  
2013-2014 General Catalog (Spring 2014) 
2013-2014 General Catalog (Spring 2014) ARCHIVED CATALOG: To search archives, MUST use search box to left. Current catalog:

Excused Absences

Organizational activities that are held off campus or interfere with students’ attendance at scheduled classes (the final examination period is considered part of the regularly scheduled class period) shall be regulated by the following:

1. For a competing group, one coached and financed by the University or USU/SA for the purpose of competing with groups from other universities and colleges:

a. The coach or supervisor of the competing group shall file a schedule of the semester’s activities with the appropriate dean, director, or vice president at the beginning of each semester.
b. One week prior to an intended activity, the coach or supervisor should file a roster of the participating students with the appropriate dean, director, or vice president stating the details and times of the proposed absence.
c. Students should notify their instructors at least one week prior to any such planned absence.
d. Students absent from class while engaged in activities of the competing group shall be permitted to make up missed assignments in a timely manner agreed upon by their instructors.

2. For a performing group, one which has been required by an appropriate office of the University to appear before an audience:

a. The advisor or supervisor of the performing group shall file a schedule of the semester’s activities with the appropriate dean, director, or vice president at the beginning of each semester.
b. A roster of the performing students, the names of the supervisors or advisors, and the details and times of the activity shall be submitted to the appropriate dean, director, or vice president one week prior to any such planned absence.
c. Students should notify their instructors at least one week prior to any such absence.
d. Students absent from class while engaged in activities of the performing group shall be permitted to make up missed assignments in a timely manner agreed upon by their instructors.

3. For USU/SA elected officers and their committee members, whose programs are financed by USU/SA for the purpose of administering the responsibilities of an USU/SA elected office:

a. Approval must be received from the appropriate director or vice president one week prior to the activity. Short leave-time requests may be initiated by the University President, Provost, or the Vice President for Student Services.
b. A roster of officers and their committee members, the name of the supervisor, and the purpose of an activity should be submitted to the appropriate director or vice president.
c. Students should notify their instructors at least one week prior to any such absence.
d. USU/SA elected officers and their committee members who are absent from class while engaged in USU/SA-related activities shall be permitted to make up missed assignments in a timely manner agreed upon by their instructors.

4. For a scheduled class group, one directed by a departmental instructor for the purpose of a scheduled class, or a student participating in an academic activity (e.g., presentation of a paper or participation in an experiment):

a. The instructor shall obtain approval from the academic dean, who shall concur that the activity is essential to the scheduled class group or student.
b. In no case shall the academic dean grant permission to a student to be absent from other scheduled classes. It is the student’s responsibility to contact each instructor for his or her classes one week prior to any absence to discuss the intended absences.
c. Students shall be permitted to make up missed assignments in a timely manner agreed upon by their instructors.
d. In situations of conflict, it is appropriate to work with the department head and dean to resolve the matter.

5. For all other student organizations:

a. A group registered by USU/SA shall submit to the Vice President for Student Services a request to leave the campus, or otherwise miss scheduled classes, two weeks prior to the intended activity.
b. All non-USU/SA groups shall submit to their advisors a request to leave the campus, or otherwise miss scheduled classes, two weeks prior to the intended activity.
c. A group granted permission to participate in an activity shall in no case be granted permission to be absent from classes by any person other than the class instructors.
d. One week prior to an activity, students shall discuss the terms of intended absences with their instructors, who will decide what course of action should be taken.

6. Although the University administration shall not grant excuses from classwork, it shall intercede when an instructor refuses to permit a student to make up work missed while engaged in a competing group, in a performing group, as an USU/SA officer or committee member, or in a scheduled class group. In such cases, the student may appeal to the department head, who shall, with the student’s academic dean, intercede with the instructor for the student to make up missed work. The student may appeal to the Provost if necessary.

7. Upon request, the appropriate dean, director, or vice president shall supply to instructors and students verification for student absences for participation in a competing group, in a performing group, as an USU/SA elected officer or committee member, or in a scheduled class group.