Feb 06, 2025  
2014-2015 General Catalog (Spring, Summer 2015) 
2014-2015 General Catalog (Spring, Summer 2015) ARCHIVED CATALOG: To search archives, MUST use search box to left. Current catalog: catalog.usu.edu.


University Registrar: A Roland Squire
Location: Taggart Student Center 246
Phone: (435) 797-1116
FAX: (435) 797-1110
E-mail: registrar@usu.edu
WWW: http://www.usu.edu/registrar/

Registration Eligibility

Only eligible students may register for courses at the University. An eligible student is either continuing from the previous year or has been admitted or readmitted to the University.

Classification of Students

At the beginning of each semester, undergraduate students are classified for that semester as follows:

Credit Hours Earned Classification  
0-29 Freshman  
30-59 Sophomore  
60-89 Junior  
more than 89 Senior  


Registration Requirement

After the first week of classes, all students attending classes must be registered. Students will not be allowed to register for classes after the published deadline found in the Registration Calendar . Failure to pay tuition and fees by the published fee payment deadline may result in courses being voided (see Registration Purge). Students are responsible for dropping courses for which they do not wish to receive a grade.

Registration for Mathematics Courses

ACT and SAT scores for mathematics competency and passing grades in MATH 0990 , MATH 1010 , MATH 1050 , and MATH 1060  are valid for use in placement and as prerequisites for one calendar year for nonmatriculated students and three successive semesters (including summer semester) for matriculated students. (Mathematics and Statistics  for specific dates by which prerequisites must be completed.) Note: This acceptability time limit applies only to prerequisites for MATH 1010 , MATH 1030 , MATH 1050 , MATH 1060 , MATH 1100 , MATH 1210 , MATH 2020 , and STAT 1040 . The time limit does not necessarily apply to mathematics prerequisites for courses offered by other departments.

Proof of Identification

Students who wish to receive University services in-person must present photo identification. Students doing business online must login using the appropriate credentials. Each admitted student who completes the registration process for a regular semester will be issued a student identification card. This photo identification card is valid for the duration of the student’s enrollment at Utah State University. Photo IDs are issued throughout the semester by the Card Office, Taggart Student Center 212.

Registration Hold

A “Registration Hold” is placed on all new undergraduate students until they complete some form of New Student Orientation . A registration hold is also placed on new transfer students until they meet with an academic advisor. An academic advisor has the authority to place additional registration holds as he or she deems necessary. Registration holds may also be put on a student’s record at other times due to an outstanding financial obligation or if a disciplinary action has been reported.

When a “hold” is placed on a record, the following results may occur: (1) An official and/or unofficial transcript may not be issued; (2) registration privileges may be suspended; (3) other student services may be revoked. The “hold” will remain effective until removed by the initiating office. It is the student’s responsibility to clear the conditions causing the “hold.”

Adding Courses

Students may add classes up through the 15th day of the semester (or 20 percent of the term for summer or less than full term classes). After the fifth day of classes, any additions to the original registration must: (1) be recorded on an official Registrations Options Form, and (2) include the instructor’s signature. In addition to the Registrar’s Office, Registration Options Forms may be taken to an academic advisor, who may electronically authorize a student to register for a course. Deadlines as outlined in the Registration Calendar  must be observed.

Courses may be added for credit or audit. An instructor’s signature is required beginning the second week of the semester (sixth day of classes) during fall and spring semesters, and other dates as noted in the Registration Calendar . Students may not add into a full class at any time without an instructor’s signature. An instructor should not sign a blank Registrations Options Form, but should ensure that the proper course information (e.g., CRN, course prefix, course number, etc.) is present before signing and dating the form. The Registrar’s Office will not process any Registrations Options Form that is not dated, or for which the signature date is older than three business days. Advisors who have access to authorize students into full classes will follow the same guidelines as the Registrar’s Office. Specific deadlines for adding courses may be found in the Registration Calendar . All requests for audit registration must be approved by the instructor and must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar, Taggart Student Center 246.

Waiting Lists

Students who attempt to register for a class that is full may put themselves on a waiting list, if available, on a first-come, first-served basis. When an open seat becomes available, an e-mail will be sent to the “preferred” e-mail address of the student at the top of the waiting list. The student will have 24 hours to go online and add the class. The open seat will be reserved for that student, and no other student may log in and register for that seat during that 24-hour time period. If the student does not respond, the next student on the list will be notified and given 24 hours to respond.

More information about Waitlisting is available at: www.usu.edu/registrar/htm/registration/waitlisting 

Late Registration

Following the published add deadline, a transaction fee of $100 per course will be assessed for all undergraduate and graduate courses added. Dissertation, thesis, directed study, continuing graduate advisement, independent study courses added for graduate work, as well as Military Science courses, are exempted from this late fee.

Semester Credit Limit

Students must have authorization from their academic major advisor to enroll in more than 18 credits in a semester.

Pass (P), D+, D, F Option

Students may register for a Pass (P), D+, D, F option. The grade of Pass (P) indicates academic achievement of not less than C-. Credits for which the Pass (P) grade is received are not GPA hours, and are therefore not used in the calculation of a student’s grade point average. At no future time may the student request a letter grade, once the P, D+, D, F option has been requested.

A student desiring a Pass, instead of a regular grade in a course, should take the Registration Options Form to their academic advisor for approval. The form is then taken to the Registrar’s Office by the 60 percent point of the course. This decision may not be reversed under any circumstances. (Check the Registration Calendar  for the exact dates.)

A grade of P indicates academic achievement of not less than C-. All students, including freshmen, may take courses on a P/D+, D, F basis. A minimum of 72 of the 120 credits required for the baccalaureate degree must carry the A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D designation, unless the major department or college changes this limitation. All CLEP, AP, and other special examination credits are considered P and are included in the total P grades permitted. The P shall also be used to record on the student’s permanent academic record all special credit in which other grades are inappropriate. Many departments do not allow students to take required courses on a P/D+, D, F option, and many professional or graduate schools may not accept P grades. Therefore, an advisor’s signature is required, before students may take courses under this option.

Some courses are only offered as Pass/Fail. When a course is offered only in this manner, this information must be clearly stated in the syllabus.

Full-time Status

Undergraduate Full-time Status. The minimum registration load for a full-time undergraduate student is 12 credits. Students who desire to graduate in four years (eight semesters) must average a semester load of at least 15 credits per semester. To be eligible for student body offices, students are required to be registered for 12 or more credits. To be eligible to receive financial aid, a student is required to register for 6 or more credits. Students on scholarships must be registered for 12 or more credits, unless otherwise indicated. Veterans and students eligible for a veteran’s educational allowance are required to be matriculated and registered for 12 or more credits (for undergraduate students) or 9 or more credits (for graduate students) to qualify for full educational benefits. Students registered for less than 12 credits should contact the on campus Veterans Program Coordinator to determine if they are eligible for partial benefits.

Graduate Full-time Status. In order to be considered a full-time matriculated graduate student, a student must be:

  1. 1. registered for 9 or more graduate credits; or
  2. 2. registered for 6 or more graduate credits if employed as a graduate assistant for 15 hours per week or more; or
  3. 3. registered for 3 graduate credits with all required coursework completed and only the research component of the degree remaining (the student’s Program of Study must have been submitted to the School of Graduate Studies); or
  4. 4. registered for at least 3 graduate credits during the semester of the final thesis/dissertation defense or, in a non-thesis degree program - the last semester of coursework required on the student’s Program of Study.
  5. Note: To defer a loan or to receive student loans, graduate students must be registered for at least 6 credits.

Auditing Classes

Admitted students who wish to audit a class must register as auditors. Auditing is dependent on space, resource availability, and instructor approval. No credit or grade points will be granted. The regular tuition and course fees will be assessed. At no future time may students request or receive credit for the audited course by any other means than by officially registering for the course and doing the required work. Audit requests, approved by the instructor, must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office and tuition and fees must be paid before class attendance is permitted. Students are not permitted to register as auditors prior to the first day of classes for any given semester. The instructor’s authorization must be submitted within 3 business days of being signed.

Students who are registered for a class and would like to change to an audit registration may do so only up through the Adding Classes deadline, which also coincides with the Last Day to Drop without Notation on Transcript. Students who drop after this period must receive a W (withdrawal) grade and may not register as an auditor.

House Bill 60 (1977) permits Utah residents 62 years of age or older to audit regular university classes offered during the day or offered through Regional Campuses and Distance Education. However, space in many university classes is limited. Classes which are full at the time of an audit request may not be audited. Credit seeking, full-tuition paying students shall have first priority in the registration process. A flat fee of $10 per semester, plus any course fees or special fees that may be attached to classes, is charged for House Bill 60 (1977) registration. HB 60 audit registration is not available until the first day of classes, only if space is available.

Students May Be Dropped For Nonattendance

If a student does not attend a class during the first week of the term or by the second class meeting, whichever comes first, the instructor may submit a request to have the student dropped from the course. (This does not remove responsibility from the student to drop courses which he or she does not plan to attend.) This option is typically used for classes that are full and the instructor is trying to make a seat available for another student, but may be considered for other courses.  Requests must be made during the first  20 percent of the course and will be considered on an individual student basis. Students who are dropped from courses will be notified by the Registrar’s Office through their preferred e-mail account.

Dropping Courses

Students may drop courses without notation on the permanent record through the first 20 percent of the class. (Check the Registration Calendar  for exact dates.) A student may not drop all of his or her classes without applying for a Semester Withdrawal.


Withdrawing From Courses

If a student drops a course following the first 20 percent of the class, it is considered a withdrawal and a W grade will permanently be affixed to the student’s record. Under normal circumstances, a student may not withdraw from a course after 60 percent of the term as defined by federal financial aid guidelines (check the  Registration Calendar  for exact dates). A student may not withdraw from all of his or her classes without applying for Semester Withdrawal.

Last Course Withdrawal

In extenuating circumstances in which a semester withdrawal or an incomplete grade is not deemed the best action to take, a student may petition for a Late Withdraw up through the last day of classes. The term “extenuating” circumstances includes: (1) incapacitating illness which prevents a student from attending classes for a minimum period of two weeks, (2) a death in the immediate family, (3) financial responsibilities requiring a student to alter course schedule to secure employment, (4) change in work schedule as required by employer, (5) judicial obligations, or (6) other emergencies deemed appropriate by the instructor. Students requesting a late withdraw must submit a Petition for Late Withdraw to the Registrar’s Office. The student must attach a typed appeal stating an explanation and justification for the desired withdrawal(s). Supporting documentation confirming the extenuating circumstances must accompany the petition. The cost of the petition is $20, which is a nonrefundable processing fee and does not guarantee approval.

Students with extenuating circumstances should refer to the Semester Withdrawal policy under Registration  and the Incompete (I) Grade policy under Student Records .


Semester Withdrawal

For most undergraduate students, a semester withdrawal is initiated at a website for change of enrollment: usu.edu/loa. Undergraduate international students must file a semester withdrawal offline, and should go to International Education in the Office of Global Engagement, Military Science 115. Matriculated graduate students who wish to completely withdraw must present their case to the School of Graduate Studies Office, Main 164. The date of the official withdrawal is the date the withdrawal form or letter is received. 

Early Semester Withdrawal

Students who withdraw from a semester before 20 percent of the semester is completed (check the  Registration Calendar  for exact dates), do not need to reapply for admission when they return, as long as they re-enroll within a year. Students’ transcripts will not show any indication of participation during the semester and they may be eligible for a tuition refund.

Mid-Semester Withdrawal

Students who withdraw from a semester between 20 percent and 60 percent of the semester is completed (check the  Registration Calendar  for exact dates), do not need to reapply for admission when they return, as long as they re-enroll within a year. A W grade will permanently be affixed to the student’s record for each of the course withdrawals. These students do not qualify for a tuition refund.

Late Semester Withdrawal

Students who withdraw from a semester after 60 percent of the semester is completed (check the  Registration Calendar  for exact dates), will have W grades permanently affixed to their record for each of the course withdrawals.  These students also do not qualify for a tuition refund. These students will be processed as follows:

  • Students on academic probation or students who have previously been suspended, will be suspened from the university.  Not counting the semester for which students are withdrawing, students who have been suspended once may apply for readmission after an additional one-semester layout at the USU Eastern or a two-semester layout at USU. Students who have been suspended two times may apply for readmission to the university following a layout of one full calendar year.
  • All other students who have a late semester withdrawal do not need to reapply for admission when they return, as long as they reenroll within a year.
  • During their academic career, students may have a late semester withdrawal a maximum of two times.

Once final examinations have begun for the semester, students may no longer apply for a semester withdrawal from the University. Students will receive the grades earned in the courses and those grades will be included on the transcript.

Leave of Absence


Undergraduate students who wish to discontinue their studies for one or more semesters (other than summer term) must file a Leave of Absence form online. Students may file an admission deferral, a one-semester leave, a traditional leave of absence, or a complete withdrawal online at http://www.usu.edu/loa. Requests may be granted in the following circumstances:

  1. Leaves of absence are generally granted for reasons relating to: illness or health, military service, employment, humanitarian or church service, family responsibilities, and financial obligations.
  2. The standard leave period is one year. Allowances will be made for military activation, church or humanitarian service, and those with extenuating circumstances.

Students must apply for leaves of absence for a current semester by the last day of classes for that semester.

With very few exceptions, students who are attending another institution may not take a leave of absence. They must completely withdraw and apply for readmission. Students are encouraged to discuss possible exceptions with an academic advisor.

A student must apply for a leave of absence for a current semester no later than the last day of classes for that semester. USU’s dropping courses policy explains how a leave of absence will affect a student’s transcript.


A graduate leave of absence, during which neither continuous registration or a $100 payment is required, may be granted under the following conditions:

  1. 1. Illness, required military service, or other extenuating circumstances acceptable to the department head and the graduate dean.
  2. 2. Lack of availability of courses in a planned Regional Campuses and Distance Education program.
  3. 3. Participation in a planned program based primarily on summer semester courses.

For either 2 or 3, the student must have an approved Program of Study on file in the School of Graduate Studies before a leave will be granted.

A leave of absence must be approved by the graduate dean, upon written recommendation of the department head. A leave of absence may be the basis for extending the time limit to complete a degree, but not to extend the time limit for course validity.

Tuition, Fees, and Refunds

 See Tuition, Fees, and Refunds  section of this catalog. 

Tuition and Fee Payment Deadlines and Consequences

Fee payment deadlines for each semester are shown on the Registration Calendar . After the original fee payment deadline, tuition and fees are due daily. There is one fee payment deadline for summer semester, and fall and spring semesters each have three fee payment deadlines.

Students having an outstanding balance after a fee payment deadline may be dropped or “purged” from their classes. (See information shown below concerning the Registration Purge.)

For fall and spring semesters, the first two fee payment deadlines will be immediately followed by a registration purge. Students having an outstanding balance following the third fee payment deadline will not be purged, but may be assessed a $100 late tuition payment fee, as well as ongoing charges for the unpaid balance.

Note: Students are responsible for dropping courses they are no longer attending. They should not assume that they will be dropped by a purge.

Payment Options

It is strongly recommended that students complete all of their tuition and fee payments online. An option is available for students to authorize other individuals, such as parents or grandparents, to create their own login credentials to view and make payments on the student’s behalf. Several payment options are available.

Web Check (no fees). The preferred method of payment is through web check (electronic check). Through this option, no additional fees are assessed. However, standard fees may apply if there are insufficient funds in the account, or if the wrong account information is submitted.

Payment Plan (setup fee). When students pay their tuition and fees, they will have a choice to sign up for a payment plan. Different plans may be available. Payment plans require a $50 set up fee. The account balance will be split between either 3 or 4 months depending on the plan available. Payments are due according to the terms of the plan chosen and can be paid off early with no penalty to the student. Please refer to the terms of the payment plan before the final set-up.

Debit/Credit Card (additional fees assessed). Students may pay their tuition and fees with a debit/credit card online.  USU currently accepts MasterCard, Discover, American Express and Visa. A 2.75 percent convenience fee,($3 minimum), will be assessed for payment by debit/credit card. This equates to an additional fee of $27.50 for every $1,000 paid through debit/credit card. In addition, debit/credit card interest fees may apply for unpaid balances to the debit/credit card company.

Summary of Additional Fees

  Web Check $0  
  Payment Plan $50 setup fee  
  Debit/Credit Card 2.75% convenience fee($3 minimum)  
  No Plan (Late Fee) $100 late tuition payment fee  


Registration Purge

If a student has not paid tuition and fees in full, the Registrar’s Office may cancel (or “purge”) the student’s registration for the upcoming semester, meaning the student will no longer have a seat reserved in the classes he or she has chosen. The determining factor as to whether or not a student’s registration will be “purged” depends upon the balance owed. Class fees are included in the balance owed. 

Prior to each purge, students who are on the potential purge list will be sent e-mails reminding them of the deadline. All students having their registration purged will receive an e-mail informing them of this action.

Note: Students are responsible for dropping courses they are no longer attending. They should not assume that they will be dropped by a purge.

Faculty members and advisors having questions concerning these policies should contact Bill Jensen, Business Officer SR, (435) 797-1076, bill.jensen@usu.edu.

Other Consequences of an Unpaid Balance

  • Beginning the first day of classes, any student who owes a balance of $100 or more will have his or her student ID card deactivated.
  • After the sixth week of classes, a hold will be placed on the account of any student who owes more than $50, preventing the student from registering for classes, including preregistration for the next semester, and preventing the student from receiving transcripts until he or she pays the balance owed.


No-test Days

A five-day period designated as No-test Days precedes the five days of final examinations which are normally scheduled at the close of each academic semester. During No-test Days, no major examinations, including final examinations, will be given in order that students may concentrate on classwork, the completion of special assignments, writing projects, and other preparation for duly scheduled final examinations. Approved exceptions include: final papers; weekly chapter quizzes; and quizzes, projects or examinations associated with a lab that does not meet during final examinations.