Feb 15, 2025  
2021-2022 General Catalog 
2021-2022 General Catalog ARCHIVED CATALOG: To search archives, MUST use search box to left. Current catalog: catalog.usu.edu.

School of Teacher Education and Leadership

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Department Head of School of Teacher Education and Leadership: Cindy Jone (Interim)
Location: Emma Eccles Jones Education 385A
Phone: (435) 797-2225
FAX: (435) 797-0372
E-mail: teal@usu.edu
WWW: teal.usu.edu

Director of Graduate Programs:
Kathleen Mohr, Education 399, (435) 797-3946, kathleen.mohr@usu.edu

Master’s Program Coordinator:
Kimberly Lott, EBLS 241, (435) 797-1103, kimberly.lott@usu.edu

Director of Undergraduate Teacher Education:
Scott Hunsaker, Education 382, (435) 797-0386, scott.hunsaker@usu.edu

Director of Field Experiences:
Sharla Hart, Education 330, (435) 797-0958, sharla.hart@usu.edu

Asst. Director: Anita Shuman, Education 330, (435) 797-0371 

Director of Advising:
Denise E. Taylor, Education 383, (435) 797-0391, denise.taylor@usu.edu

TEAL Undergraduate Advisors (Elementary and Secondary Education):
Shannon M. Burgin, Coordinator of Recruitment, Education 377, (435) 797-0377, shannon.burgin@usu.edu
Jennifer Caines, Education 376, (435) 797-2224, jennifer.caines@usu.edu
Bobbi Crabtree, Education 381, (435) 797-0383, bobbi.crabtree@usu.edu
Denise E. Taylor, Education 383, (435) 797-0375, denise.taylor@usu.edu

Undergraduate Certificates offered: Education Paraprofessional Certificate of Completion 

Elementary Education Degrees offered: Elementary Education, Early Childhood Education, Elementary and Early Childhood Education (Dual), Early Childhood Education/Special Education: Birth to 5 Emphasis (Dual), Elementary Education/Special Education: Mild Moderate Emphasis (Composite), Elementary Education/Special Education: Severe Emphasis (Composite), and Elementary Education and Deaf Education (Composite).

Secondary Education Degrees offered: Second Bachelor of Science (BS), Second Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Secondary Education; BS and BA in Composite Teaching–Social Studies.

Certificates offered: Elementary Mathematics Specialist (EMS, Graduate)

Graduate Specializations: MEd and MS in Curriculum and Instruction with specializations in Early Childhood Education, ESL Education, Gifted and Talented Education, Literacy Education, Math Education, Science Education and Social Studies Education; MEd in Instructional Leadership with specialization in School Leadership; EdS and EdD in Curriculum and Instruction, and PhD in Education with specialization in Curriculum and Instruction.  PhD students also select a concentration among Career and Technical Education, Cultural Studies, Instructional Leadership, Literacy Education and Leadership, Mathematics Education and Leadership, and Science Education.

Full Details of the learning objectives, assessment plan, student outcomes, and evidence of continuous improvement for these programs of study can be found at http://teal.usu.edu/htm/assessment/elementary-program-assessment.

Undergraduate Programs

Education Paraprofessional Cerficate of Completion

The Education Paraprofessional Certificate of Completion is a 33 credit program that prepares students to fill a variety of paraprofessional duties in public school classrooms. The program specifically targets individuals who are already working as paraprofessionals and who desire to improve their skills or begin advancing toward teacher licensure. Offered entirely on-line, the program includes a sequence of courses specifically designed to address the work of paraprofessionals. The program is currently offered only in the Uintah Basin.

Elementary Education


The purposes of the Elementary Education Program are:

  1. To develop professional educators;
  2. To advance knowledge in the field of education.

These purposes are realized through teaching, scholarly activities, and service. The program provides leadership in the preparation of teachers, supervisors, curriculum specialists, and other professional personnel for careers in elementary education, early childhood education, and middle level education.

The Elementary Education Program at Utah State University offers five programs leading to licensure as a teacher. In the following list, each program name is followed by the licensure obtained (shown in parentheses).

  • Elementary Education (kindergarten through grade 8)
  • Early Childhood Education (preschool through grade 3)
  • Elementary and Early Childhood Education (Dual) (preschool through grade 8)
  • Early Childhood Education/Special Education: Birth to 5 Emphasis (Dual) (preschool through grade 3, and Special Education birth through age 5)
  • Elementary Education and Deaf Education (Composite) (kindergarten through grade 9 and Master’s in Deaf Education)
  • Elementary Education/Special Education: Mild Moderate Emphasis (Composite) (kindergarten through grade 8/kindergarten through grade 12)
  • ​Elementary Education/Special Education: Severe Emphasis (Composite) (kindergarten through grade 8/kindergarten through grade 12)

Undergraduate Research

Undergraduate research opportunities are available with many departmental faculty members. Interested students should contact Francine Johnson, Associate Dean in the Emma Eccles Jones College of Education and Human Services, (435) 797-2714, francine.johnson@usu.edu.


To review Elementary Education Program assessment information, visit: http://teal.usu.edu/htm/assessment/elementary-program-assessment

Minimum Application Requirements

The Elementary Education program for teacher preparation is called the Bridge to Professional Practice (BPP). Based on the metaphor of a suspension bridge, BPP is secured at each end with anchors that provide a solid starting point and destination, bridging the student into the world of the professional educator.

Given the shortage of teachers in the nation, as well as demands for high quality teachers, and reflecting the multiple routes to licensure approved by the Utah State Board of Education, the School of Teacher Education and Leadership provides two different lanes by which a student may procure teacher licensure: the Licensure Lane and the General Studies Lane. Students receive their lane designation through an application filed upon completion of a 12 credit Preparation Anchor.

Licensure Lane designation in the Elementary and Early Childhood Teacher Education Programs is received with (1) an overall GPA 3.0 minimum to apply, (2) minimum grades in a set of core courses, (3) passing two sections of the Praxis 5001: Multiple Subjects test, (4) the number of credits a student has taken, and (5) successful completion of a dispositions assessment during TEAL 3000.  (Additional factors to be considered may be gender and/or minority status consistent with applicable law.) An additional requirement for application to the program is a cleared background check through the Utah State Board of Education. Applications are accepted each semester.  Students with Licensure Lane designation have first priority for registration in teacher education courses beyond those taken in the Preparation Anchor.

Students not qualifying for Licensure Lane Designation may receive General Studies Lane designation. This is received with (1) an overall GPA 2.75 minimum to apply, (2) minimum grades in a set of core courses, (3) attempting Praxis 5001: Multiple Subjects test, (4) the number of credits a student has taken, and (5) successful completion of a dispositions assessment during TEAL 3000. (Additional factors to be considered may be gender and/or minority status consistent with applicable law.) An additional requirement for application to the program is a cleared background check through the Utah State Board of Education. When a General Studies Lane student meets Licensure Lane designation requirements, she or he may change to the Licensure Lane.

Applications for lane designation will typically be distributed to students during the TEAL 3000 course. Students may also obtain and submit lane designation applications at the Elementary Education Advisement Office (EDUC 373).

Continuing Licensure Lane Designation Requirements

A minimum GPA of 3.0 is required to remain in the Licensure Lane and to graduate from the program. All courses listed as major subject courses must be taken on an A-B-C-D-F basis and the grade point average for these courses must be 3.0 or better. Major subject courses passed with less than a B- grade may be repeated once. A student who fails to maintain a 3.0 GPA will be changed to the General Studies Lane. All students majoring in Elementary Education must be registered in the Emma Eccles Jones College of Education and Human Services. An advisor will be assigned from the Elementary Education Program.

Only students in the Licensure Lane complete a professional semester of student teaching. Students in the General Studies Lane complete other courses leading to degree completion. An application for student teaching must be made at least one semester in advance, and credentials are reevaluated at that time. Since not all student teachers can be accommodated by the schools located within Cache Valley, placements are made on a first-come, first-served basis. Students should be financially prepared to spend that time off-campus in the event such an arrangement is necessary. Students must be responsible for their own transportation.

Students in the Licensure Lane will have the opportunity to begin coursework leading to a teaching endorsement in Dual Immersion; English as a Second Language (ESL); Gifted and Talented Education; Elementary Math Education; Middle School Math Education; Reading Education; and Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) Education. The endorsement can be completed with additional course work following graduation.

Students who have teaching licenses in areas other than elementary education may obtain the elementary license by meeting the same or equivalent requirements for licensure expected of an elementary education major. Those desiring to acquire a dual license should work with an advisor from the Elementary Education Program.

For a complete description of the program and requirements for graduation and licensure, students should visit the Elementary Education Program website at teal.usu.edu/undergrad/eled/index. At the time of graduation, students in the Licensure Lane may apply for their teaching license through the Emma Eccles Jones College of Education and Human Services. Students graduating in the General Studies Lane will need to apply for a teaching license through alternate routes provided by school districts or the Utah State Board of Education.

Suggested Four-year Plans

Suggested semester-by-semester four-year plans for students working toward bachelor’s degrees within the Elementary Education Program of the School of TEAL can be found on the university catalog department degree maps page.  

Each plan provides a model of the requirements and a possible sequence of courses. However, students may progress through their program or have more flexibility if they have high ACT scores, CLEP credit, concurrent enrollment credit, AP credit, and/or transfer credit; or if they attend during summer semesters.

Students should consult with their advisor to develop a plan of study tailored to their individual circumstances.

University Honors Program

The University Honors Program offers students in all colleges and majors the unique opportunity to deepen their educational experience with hands-on practical applications of their academic knowledge. The Honors Program admits incoming, transfer, and existing USU students based on application. High achieving students with at least one year remaining are encouraged to apply.  See the University Honors Program catalog entry and website (honors.usu.edu) for more information.

Additional Information

For more information concerning requirements for University graduation and for basic professional teaching licensure in elementary education and early childhood education, see major requirement sheets available from the Elementary Education Program Advisement Center, Emma Eccles Jones Education Building, Room 373. 

Financial Support

The following scholarships are available primarily to junior and senior education students: Blair, Bowen, DeHart, Frye, Hales, Jackson, Kurzhals, McEvoy, Monson, Stewart, Taylor, Vest, Watterson, and Young, etc.  Applications are available from the Elementary Education Program and are due by February 1.

Undergraduate Programs

Secondary Education Program


The Secondary Education Program coordinates state-approved programs for secondary teacher licensure across campus. The program offers the Secondary Teacher Education Program (STEP), a sequence of courses and field experiences designed to prepare students for teaching careers in secondary schools.  STEP is fully accredited by the Utah State Board of Education and is a member of the Teacher Education Accreditation Council. Students who successfully complete the program are recommended for secondary licensure in the State of Utah, enabling them to teach in grades 6-12.


Program Entrance Requirements

In addition to meeting the admission requirements for the University, students in good standing must have a minimum entrance GPA of 3.0 and maintain that GPA in order to student teach. Students must complete all requirements of the premajor prior to being admitted to the full major. All students must be admitted to the teacher education program. See details below.

Admission to Teacher Education

Prior to enrolling in STEP courses, students must be admitted to the teacher education program. Criteria for admission include completion of a minimum of 30 semester credits, and (1) University Studies requirements, (2) recommendations from an advisor in a single-subject major, and (3) a cleared background check. Application forms are available from advisors; from the Office of Graduation, Educator Licensing, and Accreditation, Room 103, Emma Eccles Jones Education Building; and from the Office of Elementary and Secondary Teacher Preparation, Room 330, Emma Eccles Jones Education Building.

Students must submit copies of University transcripts, including transfer coursework, verifying a minimum total GPA of 3.0. Verification of fingerprinting for criminal background check must also be submitted at this time. Application forms are available from TEAL advisors, http://teal.usu.edu/, or at the TEAL website: http://teal.usu.edu/undergrad/sced/STEP%20Application%20012519.pdf.  Questions about admission requirements may be directed to a TEAL advisor.

Students are required to attend an orientation meeting prior to beginning the program. Questions about admission requirements may be directed to a Secondary Education advisor.

Composite Majors, Teaching Majors, and Teaching Minors

Secondary Teacher Licensure requires that students complete a composite teaching major or a single-subject teaching major, but students may also elect to complete a teaching minor. Students are strongly encouraged to meet as soon as possible with advisors in their declared teaching major to determine teaching minor requirements and options. The following composite teaching majors, single-subject teaching majors, and teaching minors are approved for Utah State University.

Composite Teaching Majors (46 credits minimum)

Agricultural Education, Art Education, Biological Science, Business Education, Earth Science, Engineering and Technology Education, Family and Consumer Sciences Education, Music Education, Mathematics and Statistics Education, Physical Science, and Social Studies Education.

Teaching Majors (30 credits minimum)

Chemistry, English, History, Human Movement Science (Physical Education K-12), Mathematics, Modern Languages, Physics, and Theatre Arts.

Teaching Minors (16 credits minimum)

Chemistry, Dual Language Immersion (DLI), English, Geography, History, Mathematics, Modern Languages, Physical Education Coaching, Physics, Political Science, Psychology, School Library Media, Sociology, Speech Communication, and Theatre Arts.

Suggested Four-year Course of Study for Social Studies Composite Teaching Major

A suggested semester-by-semester four-year plan for students working toward the Social Studies Composite Teaching Major can be found in the department.

Students should consult with their advisor to develop a plan of study tailored to their individual needs and interests.


The Secondary Education Program is committed to principles and practices of continual assessment of its programs and its students. Information about current assessment tools that are being used by the program can be found at: http://teal.usu.edu/htm/assessment/secondary-program-assessment


Students who would like to experience greater academic depth within their major are encouraged to enroll in honors. Through original, independent work, honors students enjoy the benefits of close supervision and mentoring, as they work one-on-one with faculty in select upper-division courses. Honors students also complete a senior project, which provides another opportunity to collaborate with faculty on a problem that is significant, both personally and in the student’s discipline. Participating in honors enhances students’ chances for obtaining fellowships and admission to graduate school. Minimum GPA requirements for participation in honors vary by department, but usually fall within the range of 3.30-3.50. Students may enter the Honors Program at almost any stage in their academic career, including at the junior (and sometimes senior) level. The campus-wide Honors Program, which is open to all qualified students regardless of major, offers a rich array of cultural and social activities, special classes, and the benefit of Honors early registration. Interested students should contact the Honors Program, Main 15, (435) 797-2715, honors@usu.edu. Additional information can be found online at: http://www.usu.edu/honors/

Additional Information

For detailed information about requirements for teaching majors and minors, students should see the major requirement sheet(s) for the subject area(s) in which they plan to seek licensure or receive a teaching minor.

Graduate Programs

Admission Requirements

For the Education Specialist (EdS) degree and the doctoral degree, GRE scores at or above the 40th percentile are required on the verbal and quantitative tests. Admission committees also consider experience, undergraduate record, curricula completed, and formal recommendations.  Two years of teaching experience is required for admission to the EdS or doctoral program.

Admission to graduate programs is contingent upon (1) completion of an application to graduate school and (2) recommendation by the School of TEAL screening committee for the master’s program or the Curriculum and Instruction admissions committee for the EdS or doctoral program. 

Degree Programs

Three avenues exist for both Logan and Statewide Campus students wishing to pursue a master’s degree in the School of Teacher Education and Leadership at Utah State University. They are as follows:

  • Master of Science—Plan A
  • Master of Education—Plan B
  • Master of Education—Plan C 

Doctoral Programs (PhD and EdD)

The School of TEAL administers the Doctoral Program in Education, which includes the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and the Doctor of Education (EdD). For information about admission requirements, as well as other information, see Education - EdD  and Education - PhD .

Additional Information

The Program of Study for the MEd should be approved by the program advisor at the beginning of the semester of graduation. The Program of Study form for the MS degree should be approved by the student’s committee and submitted to the School of Graduate Studies at least two months prior to the oral exam, oral review, or presentation appropriate to that degree. For the EdS, EdD or PhD, the Program of Study form must be submitted to the School of Graduate Studies by the end of their third semester of coursework.

After matriculation into the program, a master’s degree must be completed within a six-year time period. Pass/fail grades will be accepted only for seminars, special problems, interdisciplinary workshops, thesis or dissertation research, and continuing graduate advisement. Transfer credit accepted toward a degree is normally limited to 6 credits; however, with prior approval, 12 transfer credits may be accepted. A maximum of 12 credits taken before admission to the program may be counted toward the degree. Transfer of coursework in the student’s area of specialization is limited to 1/2 of the specialization credits required at USU and may include 5000-level courses. All subsequent coursework in a student’s area of specialization must be taken at the 6000 level or above, in order to be applied toward a graduate degree in the School of TEAL. Coursework expires after eight years.

Admission applications for master’s degrees are accepted on an on-going basis. The deadline for students applying to a doctoral program is February 1.


Cooperation with other departments and research centers at the University, as well as with public school and Utah State Board of Education collaborators, permits strong graduate programs. Research opportunities are available with the Edith Bowen Laboratory School, cooperating school districts in Utah and surrounding states, the Utah State Board of Education, and the United States Department of Education.

Financial Assistance

Both departmental and School of Graduate Studies support is available for the regular academic program and is awarded on a competitive basis.


Teaching assistantships are available through the School of TEAL. Some research assistantships are available through faculty members who have ongoing projects with off-campus funding agencies. Students are not eligible for assistantships or any form of financial assistance from the University until all application procedures are completed and the student is formally admitted to a program of studies. Acceptance to pursue graduate study does not guarantee student financial assistance. Inasmuch as funds are limited, the assistantships are awarded by the School of TEAL to cover specific teaching assignments and by the faculty to provide for research. Doctoral students desiring information about financial assistance should contact the TEAL Director of Graduate Programs.

Career Opportunities

Positions in Higher Education—Master Teachers

Many school districts support and encourage teachers to further their education and expertise by obtaining a master’s degree. Added financial remuneration generally accompanies the completion of such a degree. Supervisors, curriculum specialists, and other professional careers are enhanced by completion of a master’s degree.

Completion of a doctoral degree qualifies the graduate for a wide variety of careers, including positions in higher education, curriculum specialist positions in school districts and state offices of education, positions in educational agencies of the United States government, and education specialist positions in business and industry. 

FACULTY - Emma Eccles Jones College of Education and Human Services  

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