Mar 13, 2025  
2012-2013 General Catalog (Spring 2013) 
2012-2013 General Catalog (Spring 2013) ARCHIVED CATALOG: To search archives, MUST use search box to left. Current catalog:

School of Applied Sciences, Technology and Education

Department Head: Bruce E. Miller

Location: Agricultural Systems Technology and Education 101C

Phone: (435) 797-2230

Fax: (435) 797-4002



Undergraduate and Academic Advisors:

USU: Taylor Adams, AGRS 420, (435) 797-7091,, for appointment: (435) 797-2282

USU- Aviation Technology: Kaylee Roholt, IS 112A, (435)797-1795,, for apppointment: (435) 797-2282

USU-Eastern Price Campus: click here to find your advisor.

USU-Eastern San Juan Campus: click here to find your advisor.



The School of Applied Sciences, Technology & Education provides instruction to students seeking a certificate, or an associate, baccalaureate or graduate degree. These innovative degree programs allow students to gain expertise in the fields of agriculture, applied sciences, aviation, business, machinery and technology. Additionally, opportunities are available for teacher licensure in agricultural education, family and consumer sciences education and technology and engineering education.

The School of Applied Sciences, Technology & Education is accessible to students throughout Utah with faculty located at Utah State University campus, in Logan and USU-Eastern campuses in Price and Blanding. Students are encouraged to enhance their education through hands-on application using specialized classrooms and laboratories throughout the state. Accommodations are made for those unable to attend class in a traditional setting through Utah State University’s Distance Education program. Additionally, various industries and communities are served by career and technical education (vocational) certifications offered through the Workforce Education division at USU-Eastern.

Undergraduate Programs


The undergraduate programs offered in the School of Applied Sciences, Technology & Education are for students who are preparing for positions as family and consumer sciences, agricultural, technology and engineering, or career and technical (CTE) educators, as well as for positions in family and consumer sciences education or agricultural extension, agricultural mechanization, agribusiness and communication, agricultural production and management, and aviation.


Admission Requirements

Admission requirements for the School of Applied Sciences, Technology & Education are the same as those described for the University for incoming freshman and most transfer students. The following programs have additional admission requirements:

Agricultural Education, Family and Consumer Sciences Education, and Technology & Engineering Education:

1. New freshmen admitted to USU in good standing qualify for admission to this major.

2. Transfer students from other institutions need a 2.75 total GPA for admission to this major in good standing.

3. Students transferring from other USU majors need a total GPA of 2.75 for admission to this major in good standing.

Aviation Technology:

1. New freshmen admitted to USU in good standing qualify for admission to this major.

2. Transfer students from other institutions need a 2.5 total GPA for admission to this major in good standing.

3. Students transferring from other USU majors need a total GPA of 2.4 in major courses for admission to this major in good standing. A cumulative GPA of 2.5 must be maintained.

Suggested Plans

Suggested semester-by-semester plans for students working toward a degree in are available to students within the School of Applied Sciences, Technology and Education

Students should consult with their advisor to develop a plan of study tailored to their individual needs and interests.


Students who would like to experience greater academic depth within their major are encouraged to enroll in departmental honors. Through original, independent work, Honors students enjoy the benefits of close supervision and mentoring, as they work one-on-one with faculty in select upper-division departmental courses. Honors students also complete a senior project, which provides another opportunity to collaborate with faculty on a problem that is significant, both personally and in the student’s discipline. Participating in departmental honors enhances students’ chances for obtaining fellowships and admission to graduate school. Minimum GPA requirements for participation in departmental honors vary by department, but usually fall within the range of 3.30-3.50. Students may enter the Honors Program at almost any stage in their academic career, including at the junior (and sometimes senior) level. The campus-wide Honors Program, which is open to all qualified students regardless of major, offers a rich array of cultural and social activities, special classes, and the benefit of Honors early registration. Interested students should contact the Honors Program, Main 15, (435) 797-2715, Additional information can be found online at:

Additional Information

For further information about undergraduate programs and requirements, visit the website:

Graduate Programs

Admission Requirements

See general admission requirements. Applications will be considered throughout the year. However, students who wish to be considered for financial aid must apply by February 1 for the coming academic year. No application will be considered until all required information arrives at the office of the School of Graduate Studies.


The Utah Agricultural Experiment Station, a component of the College of Agriculture, supports graduate work in several areas of Agricultural Systems Technology and Education. Other state and federal agencies also support research in the School of Applied Sciences, Technology & Education.

Financial Assistance

Both departmental and formal grant support are available to graduate students and are awarded on a competitive basis. Students requesting financial support should apply to the department.

Research assistantships are available through faculty members who have ongoing projects with the Utah Agricultural Experiment Station or who hold special research grants from the University, private companies, or state-federal agencies. Acceptance to pursue graduate study does not guarantee the student financial assistance.

Requirement Changes

Graduation requirements described in this catalog are subject to change. Students should check with their advisor concerning possible changes.

School of Applied Sciences, Technology & Education Faculty

Bruce E. Miller, agricultural systems and mechanization
Edward Reeve, Technology and Engineering Education

Adjunct Professor
Kevin C. Kesler, 4-H and youth development programs

Professors Emeritus
Gilbert A. Long, agricultural education
Weldon S. Sleight, extension education

Associate Professors
F. Richard Beard, research and extension, agricultural engineering
Rhonda L. Miller, sustainable agriculture/agricultural systems
Gary Stewardson, Technology and Engineering Education

Assistant Professors
Kelsey Hall, Agricultural Communication and Journalism
Rebecca Lawver, agricultural education, teacher preparation
Michael Pate, agricultural machinery technology, agricultural systems
Lindsey Shirley, family and consumer sciences education, teacher preparation
Brian K. Warnick, agricultural education, teacher preparation

Jeff Baldwin, Aviation
Randy Chesley, Aviation
Royce Hatch, agricultural machinery technology
Larry Hemingway, Aviation
Luella Oaks, apparel production and textiles
Denise Stewardson, Agricultural Communication and Journalism Julie P. Wheeler, family and consumer sciences educatio


Associate Professors
David Cassidy, business
Dean Collard, diesel
Linda Davis, cosmetology
Guy Denton, Agriculture
Russell Goodrich, applied technical education
Betty Hassell, busines
Jordan Hatch, heavy equipment & trucking
Tracey Johnson, business
Eric Mantz, information technology
Leon McElprang, heavy equipment & trucking
Bill Olderog, business
Henning Olsen, business
Elias Perez, engineering drafting & design
Debbie Prichard, cosmetology
Mike Tryon, welding
Ron Vogel, business
Elaine Youngberg, business
Lon Youngberg, welding

Kent Dalton, building construction
Dick Einerson, building construction
Pat Espinoza, business
Dale Evans, mining
Mike Kava, automotive
Randy Mabbutt, mining
Clayton Palmer, busines
James Powell, business
Rob Powell, business
Steve Radmall, mining

Justin Bergeman, heavy equipment & truckin
Rodney Stevenson, automotive