Director: Shannon Belmont
Program Administrator: Melanie Conrad
Location: Natural Resources 122
Phone: (435) 797-3375
Program Description
This certificate requires the completion of a minimum of 16 credits, all with a grade of C-or better. Coursework consists of two required 3-credit courses (an introductory GIS course and an advanced GIS course), one 3-credit course in one of two common GIS programming languages (Python or R), and two 3- to 5-credit elective courses selected from a list of options. Courses on the electives list provide complementary skills in geospatial analysis, data visualization, or geospatial technologies, including remote sensing or surveying. A new 1-credit course will allow students to be mentored in creating a web-based portfolio, building on coursework completed in the three required core courses. The portfolio will be composed of products, at a minimum, from the three required courses. This portfolio will serve as a demonstration of learning in GIS and provide a demonstration of GIS skills to potential future employers.
The certificate is designed to be easily completed alongside a variety of majors.
Admission Requirements
Students must make an appointment with Melanie Conrad to have this certificate added to Degree Works.
Course Requirements
To receive the certificate, a student must complete the following set of requirements:
- Register for and successfully complete all 16 credits
- Maintain a minimum 3.0 GPA for program courses (grades below C- will not be accepted)
- Abide by the Code of Policies and Procedures for Students at Utah State University