1 Students with foreign experience may be advised to enroll in FREN 3090 or FREN 4090 , depending upon results of a placement test and/or instructor’s determination.
2 This course may be repeated one time for credit with different content.
3 Only one credit of FREN 4920 may count toward the French Minor or French Minor—Teaching Emphasis.
4 Students should take FREN 4200 near the end of their coursework. Please note that FREN 4200 is offered every other year.
5 Students desiring to apply study abroad credits toward these degrees must obtain approval from the World Languages and Cultures office prior to participating.
6 SCED 3300 and LING 5400 must be taken during the same semester, and should be the last courses taken for the minor. These courses should be taken the fall semester before student teaching. LING 5400 is listed in both the STEP and minor requirements for those seeking the French Teaching minor/non-licensure so the non-licensure minors understand the complete list of minor requirements. See additional non-licensure information at bottom of page.
7 This course is repeatable for credit.
8 This course is pass/fail only.