Meeting University Studies requirements:
Several philosophy courses meet USU’s University Studies requirements:
• PHIL 1000, 1120, 1320, or PHIL 2400 will fulfill the Breadth Humanities (BHU) requirement.
• PHIL 3100, 3120, 3150, and 3180 will fulfill the Communications Intensive (CI) requirement (two CIs must be taken).
• PHIL 2200 will fulfill the Quantitative Intensive (QI) requirement.
• PHIL 4530 will fulfill the Depth Life and Physical Science (DSC) requirement for most students with majors other than Philosophy (check with an advisor to be sure). Philosophy majors who wish to meet the DSC requirement should register instead for ADVS 3200 (same course, different prefix!).
••• So - for example - a student who takes PHIL 1000, 2200, 3100, 3120, 3820, and 4530 (or ADVS 3200) has met the BHU, QI, CI, DHA, and DSC requirements – and also has a Philosophy minor as well! •••
Students must also be sure to meet the requirements for Communication Literacy (CL), Quantitative Literacy (QL), and for Breadth (BAI, BCA, BLS, BPS, and BSS), as well as the Depth Social Sciences (DSS) requirement. Students should meet with an advisor for further details.
All philosophy majors must complete 30 credits of philosophy. Up to 6 pass/fail credits in philosophy courses may be applied toward the philosophy major.