Meeting University Studies requirements:
Several philosophy courses meet USU’s University Studies requirements:
• PHIL 1000, 1120, 1320, or PHIL 2400 will fulfill the Breadth Humanities (BHU) requirement.
• PHIL 3100, 3120, 3150, and 3180 will fulfill the Communications Intensive (CI) requirement (two CIs must be taken).
• PHIL 2200 will fulfill the Quantitative Intensive (QI) requirement.
• PHIL 4530 will fulfill the Depth Life and Physical Science (DSC) requirement for most students with majors other than Philosophy (check with an advisor to be sure). Philosophy majors who wish to meet the DSC requirement should register instead for ADVS 3200 (same course, different prefix!).
••• So - for example - a student who takes PHIL 1000, 2200, 3100, 3120, 3820, and 4530 (or ADVS 3200) has met the BHU, QI, CI, DHA, and DSC requirements – and also has a Philosophy minor as well! •••
Students must also be sure to meet the requirements for Communication Literacy (CL), Quantitative Literacy (QL), and for Breadth (BAI, BCA, BLS, BPS, and BSS), as well as the Depth Social Sciences (DSS) requirement. Students should meet with an advisor for further details.
All philosophy majors must complete 30 credits of philosophy. Up to 6 pass/fail credits in philosophy courses may be applied toward the philosophy major.
Minimum Departmental Requirements
Total Credits:
| Philosophy Major BA | 30 |
| Philosophy Major Ethics Concentration BA | 30 |
| Philosophy Major BS | 30 |
| Philosophy Major Ethics Concentration BS | 30 |
| Philosophy Minor | 18 |
Minimum Course Grade for Philosophy Major or Minor | C- |
Grade Point Average to Declare a Major or Minor | 2.5 Career GPA |
Grade Point Average to Graduate with Major or Minor | 2.5 GPA within Major/Minor Classes |
A minimum of 50 percent of minor credits must be earned at USU | |
At least half (50 percent) of the credits earned for these degrees must be completed in upper-division USU courses offered by the Department of Languages, Philosophy, and Communication Studies. All other credits (including transfer and study abroad credits) must be approved by the Philosophy faculty in order to be counted towards these degrees.
Bachelor of Arts Degree
A Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree signifies proficiency in one or more foreign languages. Specifically, the BA requirement may be completed in one of the following ways:
- Demonstration of proficiency in one foreign language by successful completion of one course at the 2020-level or higher (or its equivalent).
Or - Demonstration of proficiency in American Sign Language by successful completion of COMD 4920 and COMD 4780 , and by passing an exit interview.
Or - Demonstration of proficiency in two foreign languages by successful completion of the 1020 course level in one language and the 2010 course level in the second language (or its equivalent).
Or - Completion of an upper-division (3000-level or higher) foreign language grammar or literature course requiring the 2020 course level (or its equivalent) as a prerequisite. Conversation courses cannot be considered for satisfying this requirement.
For nonnative English-speaking students only, the following options are available:
- Successful completion of the Intensive English Language Institute (IELI) program for international students.
TOEFL, Michigan, or IELI placement scores high enough to meet the University admission criteria.