2017-2018 General Catalog ARCHIVED CATALOG: To search archives, MUST use search box to left. Current catalog: catalog.usu.edu.
Anthropology - BA, BS
College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Department of Sociology, Social Work and Anthropology
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- The Anthropology Program requires a 2.5 GPA for all Anthropology, STATS or Language courses. For more information about Anthropology, see the Sociology, Social Work & Anthropology Department website.
- Following is a sample four-year plan. Please note that student-specific plans may differ.
- Admitted students must meet with an academic advisor. Current students should also meet with an academic advisor and logon to DegreeWorks to check student-specific program progress.
Bachelor of Science Degree
Students desiring a (BS) Bachelor of Science degree must complete all requirements listed in the sample four-year plan below:
Bachelor of Arts Degree
Students desiring a (BA) Bachelor of Arts degree must complete the language proficiency requirements in one of the following ways: * (in addition to the (BS) Bachelor of Science degree requirements)
- Demonstration of proficiency in one foreign language by successful completion of one course at the 2020-level or higher (or its equivalent) OR
- Demonstration of proficiency in American Sign Language by successful completion of American Sign Language IV (COMD 4920) and Socio-Cultural Aspects of Deafness (COMD 4780), and by passing an exit interview OR
- Demonstration of proficiency in two foreign languages by successful completion of the 1020 course level in one language and the 2010 course level in the second language (or its equivalent) OR
- Completion of an upper-division (3000-level or higher) foreign language grammar or literature course requiring the 2020 course level (or its equivalent) as a prerequisite. Conversation courses cannot be considered for satisfying this requirement.
For nonnative English-speaking students only, the following options are available:
- Successful completion of the Intensive English Language Institute (IELI) program for international students OR
- TOEFL, Michigan, or IELI placement scores high enough to meet the University admission criteria.
Minimum University Requirements
Total Credits |
120 |
Grade Point Average (most majors require higher GPA)
2.00 GPA |
Credits of C- or better |
100 |
Credits of upper-division courses (#3000 or above) |
40 |
Total USU Credits |
30 |
Upper-division USU Credits |
20 |
USU Credits within the Major |
10 |
Credits in Minor (if required) |
12 |
Credits in Major |
see below |
Credits in American Institutions |
3 |
General Education Requirements |
see link |
University Studies Depth Requirements |
see link |
NOTES: highest Math Requirement for this degree is STAT 1040: Introduction to Statistics (QL) |
Admissions Requirements for this Program
New freshmen |
Admitted to USU in Good Standing |
Transfer students from other institutions or other programs at USU |
2.50 GPA |
Fourth Year
Fall Semester
General Education Info and Notes:
Spring Semester
General Education Info and Notes:
ANTH 4XXX/5XXX Upper Division Methods |
3 |
2.5 course gpa or better |
ANTH 4XXX/5XXX Upper Division Capstone |
3 |
2.5 course gpa or better |
Communications Intensive (CI) Course |
3 |
Elective Course |
3 |
Elective Course |
3 |
Elective Course |
3 |
Elective Course |
3 |
Elective Course |
3 |
Elective Course |
3 |
Elective Course |
3 |
BS1 and BA2 Degrees in Anthropology Minimum GPA for Admission: 2.5 for Career Minimum GPA for Graduation: 2.5 for major requirements, including BS and BA required courses; USU, 2.0 for Career Minimum Grade Accepted: C in major requirements, including BS and BA required courses Number of Required Credits: 40-43 3 Students majoring in Anthropology must maintain a minimum 2.5 overall GPA in Anthropology courses. A grade of C or better must be attained in all courses counted for the major. 1. Students planning to receive a BS degree must complete STAT 1040, Introduction to Statistics (3 credits) or STAT 1045 Introduction to Statistics with Elements of Algebra; and two courses selected from a list of courses approved by the Anthropology Program (see below). A grade of C or better is required for courses counting toward the major. 3 2. A Bachelor of Arts degree requires foreign language training or demonstration of proficiency in one language, which may be satisfied in a number of ways including successful completion of one course at the 2020-level or higher (or its equivalent) or demonstration of proficiency in American Sign Language or demonstration of proficiency in two foreign languages by successful completion of the 1020 course level in one language and the 2010 course level in the second language (or its equivalent). A grade of C or better is required for courses counting toward the major. For further information, see the General Catalog discussion of Undergraduate Graduation Requirements. 3. A total of 40 credits are required for general anthropology majors as well as for majors choosing the Biological or Cultural Anthropology Tracks. A total of 43 credits are required for majors choosing the Archaeology/CRM track. See below for details. Honors Option
The University Honors Program offers unparalleled opportunity to enrich and deepen the undergraduate education. Space is limited, and admission is competitive. Honors students enjoy many benefits, including personalized advising, exclusive access to research and study abroad funding, enhanced classroom experiences that also satisfy USU’s General Education requirements, priority registration, and membership in a vibrant campus community of students and faculty. For more information about application requirements and deadlines, please visit the Honors website at http://honors.usu.edu, or speak with the Anthropology Honors Advsior, Professor Bonnie Glass-Coffin. Residence
A minimum of 21 credits of the Anthropology course credits counting toward the major must be Utah State University courses. Credits from distance and residence center courses are subject to departmental approval for application toward the Anthropology Major, with the exception of those listed below. Anthropology Course Numbering System
The course subdiscipline within Anthropology is identified by the second digit in the four-digit course number. Cultural Anthropology courses use a 1 (e.g., ANTH 3160, Anthropology of Religion), Biological Anthropology courses use a 2 (e.g., ANTH 3200, Perspectives on Race), and Archaeology courses use a 3 (e.g., ANTH 3300, Archaeology in North America). Methods Component
Majors must complete one “Methods” course (3 credits) in Anthropology. The course chosen to meet this requirement may also count toward other Anthropology Major requirements. Credit totals and distribution
A minimum of 40 credits is required for the Anthropology Major (43 credits for the archaeology track). All students are required to take the five core-courses below (see required courses section) for a total of 13 credits. Additionally, students take 27-30 credits of structured electives as outlined in the “Anthropology Tracks and General Anthropology Options” section below. Courses required of all Anthropology Majors (13 credits)
Each student is required to take a set of five core-courses, which introduce them to USU’s Anthropology Program resources, the subfields of Anthropology, and the history and theories of Anthropology. Anthropology Tracks and General Anthropology Options (27-30 credits)
General Anthropology: (27 credits)
Students are encouraged (but not required) to select a track from among the three subspecialties in Anthropology (Cultural/Applied Anthropology, Biological Anthropology, or Archaeology/CRM—listed below). Students who choose the “General Anthropology” option (e.g. those students who do not wish to specialize in any of the three listed tracks) complete 27 credits from any of the courses listed in 1, 2, or 3, below. Cultural track: (27 credits)
Students who choose to complete the track option in Cultural Anthropology are required to obtain broad knowledge outside their track as well as a depth of knowledge within their track. To do this, they must successfully complete a minimum of two courses from all three tracks (listed in #1, 2, 3 below for a total of 18 credits) as well as two additional courses from the Cultural Track (listed in #1. below, for a total of 6 credits). A Cultural Track-specific capstone (3 credits) completes the required 27 credits. Capstone courses may not be offered every year, so students should schedule their coursework accordingly. Biological Track: (27 credits)
Students who choose to complete the track option in Biological Anthropology are required to obtain broad knowledge outside their track as well as a depth of knowledge within their track. To do this, they must successfully complete a minimum of two courses from all three tracks (listed in #1, 2, 3 below for a total of 18 credits) as well as two additional courses from the Biological Track (listed in #2. below, for a total of 6 credits). Also recommended: Biol. 1610, 1620, 2320, 2420. A Biological Track-specific capstone (3 credits) completes the required 27 credits. Capstone courses may not be offered every year, so students should schedule their coursework accordingly. Archaeology Track: (30 credits)
Students who choose to complete the track option in Archaeology are required to obtain broad knowledge outside their track as well as a depth of knowledge within their track. To do this, they must successfully complete a minimum of two courses each from Biological and Cultural Anthropology (12 credits), plus a required Archaeology core (12 credits). Additionally, students complete Archaeology-Structured Electives (6 credits) for a total of 30 credits. 1. Cultural/Applied Track:
Cultural/Applied Capstone:
2. Biological Anthropology:
Biological Anthropology Capstone:
3. Archaeology/Cultural Resource Management:
Required Core (12 Credit Hours):
Required Electives (Choose 2) (6 Credit Hours):
General Electives for Archaeology Track:
Departmental Electives.
These do not count toward minor requirements. Some ANTH 4800 courses count toward track credits as noted above. Some methods courses require permission of instructor. |