Core/Explore Requirements (9 credits)
Students must complete 9 credits of exploration courses. Students must choose one course from each section: culture, literature, and writing.
Students should complete the exploratory requirements as early as possible.
General English
Minimum GPA for Admission: 2.5 within all English courses (other than ENGL 1010 , ENGL 2010 , CLEP, AP, etc.); 2.5 USU cumulative (including courses taken for another USU major); 2.5 career total (including transfer credits) for new transfer students
Minimum GPA for Graduation: 2.75 within major courses; 2.0 USU cumulative; 2.0 career total
Minimum Grade Accepted: C within major courses (no grades of pass/fail)
Number of required credits: 42
The General English option is designed for Regional Campus students as an alternative to the English Teaching emphasis. Logan Campus students should select one of the four emphases available to them. All students are required to meet with the advisor to determine the most appropriate course of study, and students should be prepared to articulate their educational and career goals. All courses used to fulfill the General English requirements must be approved by the advisor and the department head.
Students may set up an internship that combines their academic skills with their professional interests. This program allows up to 3 credits of internship.
A. Diversity Requirement
All English majors are required to take one course that examines the experiences, perspectives, literature’s, cultures, and/or creative expressions of underrepresented and/or marginalized communities. For this requirement, the USU English department includes communities who have been underrepresented or marginalized due to race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, disability and/or the intersections of these identities in conjunction with one another and with class.