Categorization of Majors
The courses that must be taken to satisfy University Studies Depth requirements depend on the classification of the student’s major. For example, Music is classified in the Creative Arts. Thus, a music major would not need to take a depth course in the Humanities and Creative Arts.
Following is the categorization of majors used for University Studies. These abbreviations are used: CA—Creative Arts, HU—Humanities, LS—Life Sciences, PS—Physical Sciences, and SS—Social Sciences.
College of Agriculture
Applied Economics, SS
Family and Consumer Sciences Education, SS
Environmental Soil/Water Science, PS
Landscape Architecture, CA
All other majors, LS
Jon M. Huntsman School of Business
All majors, SS
Caine College of the Arts
All majors, CA
Emma Eccles Jones College of Education and Human Services
Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education, SS
Early Childhood Education, (category same as area of emphasis)
Elementary Education, (category same as area of emphasis)
Family and Consumer Sciences, SS
Family, Consumer, and Human Development, SS
Health Education and Promotion, LS
Human Movement Science, LS
Instructional Technology and Learning Sciences, (no undergraduate degree)
Parks and Recreation, SS
Psychology, SS
Secondary Education, (category same as teaching major category)
Social Studies Composite Teaching, SS
Special Education, (may use any category)
College of Engineering
All majors, PS
Humanities and Social Sciences
Agricultural Communication and Journalism, LS
American Studies, HU
Anthropology, SS
Asian Studies, HU
English, HU
French, HU
German, HU
History, HU
International Studies, (category same as area of emphasis)
Journalism, SS
Law and Constitutional Studies, SS
Liberal Arts, HU
Philosophy, HU
Political Science, SS
Religious Studies, HU
Social Work, SS
Sociology, SS
Spanish, HU
Speech, HU
College of Natural Resources
Environmental Studies, SS
Geography, SS
Recreation Resource Management, SS
Watershed and Earth Systems, PS
All other majors, LS
College of Science
Biology, LS
All other majors, PS
Designation of Courses that Satisfy University Studies Depth Education Requirements
All courses approved for the University Studies Depth Education Requirements are clearly designated in this catalog. The designations used for University Studies Depth Education courses are as follows:
Intensive Courses
Communications Intensive, CI
Quantitative Intensive, QI
Depth Courses
Humanities and Creative Arts, DHA
Life and Physical Sciences, DSC
Social Sciences, DSS
Course Descriptions
See University Studies (USU) in the Course Descriptions section of this catalog.