Mar 13, 2025  
2023-2024 General Catalog 
2023-2024 General Catalog ARCHIVED CATALOG: To search archives, MUST use search box to left. Current catalog:

Music: Music Education, Choral - BM

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Caine College of the Arts

Department of Music

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  • For more information about Music Education, see department website here.
  • Following is a sample four-year plan. Please note that student-specific plans may differ.
  • Admitted students must meet with an advisor. Current students should also meet with an advisor and log on to Degree Works  to check student-specific program progress.

Minimum University Requirements

Total Credits 120


Grade Point Average (most majors require higher GPA)

2.00 GPA
Credits of C- or better 100 Credits of upper-division courses (#3000 or above) 40
Total USU Credits 30 Upper-division USU Credits 20
USU Credits within the Major 10 Credits in Minor (if required) 12
Credits in Major see below Credits in American Institutions 3
General Education Requirements   see link University Studies Depth Requirements    see link
NOTES: The highest math requirement for this degree is the Quantitative Literacy (QL)  of the student’s choice.

All individual instruction courses must be passed with a grade of B- or better. All other music courses must be passed with a grade of C or better. Music requires 3.0 GPA in music classes and 2.75 GPA overall for admission as transfer student and scholarship eligibility. An overall minimum GPA of 3.0 is required to graduate.


Admissions Requirements for this Program

New freshmen

Admitted to USU in Good Standing



Transfer students from other institutions or other programs at USU


3.0 GPA

First Year

 Fall Semester


General Education Info and Notes:


Spring Semester


General Education Info and Notes:

ENGL 1010 - Introduction to Writing: Academic Prose (CL1)   3   Communications Literacy (CL1)   ENGL 2010 - Intermediate Writing: Research Writing in a Persuasive Mode (CL2)   3   Communications Literacy (CL2)  
MUSC 1105 - Fundamentals for Music Majors (BCA) * 3   Music Core

Breadth Creative Arts
MUSC 1110 - Music Theory I (BCA)   3   Music Core

Breadth Creative Arts or Breadth Integrated Studies
MUSC 1170 - Keyboard Harmony I   1   Music Core MUSC 1130 - Aural Skills I   1   Music Core
MUSC 1500 - String Techniques   1   Emphasis Course MUSC 1180 - Keyboard Harmony II   1   Music Core
MUSC 2180 - Computer Applications in Music Proficiency Exam ** 1   Music Core MUSC 1190 - World Music   3   Register for 3 credits.
MUSC 2600 - Treble Choir  or  MUSC 4600 - University Chorale (DHA)  or  MUSC 4650 - Chamber Singers (DHA)   1  or 1  or 1  

Emphasis Course

MUSC 2600 - Treble Choir  or  MUSC 4600 - University Chorale (DHA)  or  MUSC 4650 - Chamber Singers (DHA)   1  or 1  or 1   Emphasis Course
MUSC 1635 - Individual Pre-Music Voice Instruction    1-2  

Emphasis Course

Students need 7 semesters of individual study to graduate, for a minimum of 7 credits.

Students should register for 1 credit.

MUSC 1635 - Individual Pre-Music Voice Instruction   1-2  

Emphasis Course

Students need 7 semesters of individual study to graduate, for a minimum of 7 credits.

Students should register for 1 credit.

Mathematics or Statistics  3-5

Quantitative Literacy (QL)  

Breadth Physical Sciences (BPS)  or Breadth Life Sciences (BLS)     3

General Education Breadth Course

Click on links for available courses.

      MUSC 1800 - Percussion Techniques   1   Emphasis Course
Total 14-16   Total 17  

*In order to ensure that music students are sufficiently prepared for the music theory sequence required in all music degrees (education, performance, and therapy), MUSC 1105 - Fundamentals for Music Majors (BCA)  was established as a prerequisite for MUSC 1110 - Music Theory I (BCA) . As this course is considered remedial work, the 3 credits earned in MUSC 1105  are not required for degree completion, but will apply to the 120-credit minimum for all bachelor’s degrees. All incoming music students will have an opportunity to test out of MUSC 1105 . Because this test is administered in part through Canvas, all incoming pre-program music majors should register for MUSC 1105  regardless of whether they expect to remain in the class. Those who do not pass the test must pass MUSC 1105  with a grade of C or better before taking MUSC 1110 . Those students who pass the test will resume the music theory sequence with MUSC 1110  the following spring semester.

** MUSC 2180 - Computer Applications in Music Proficiency Exam  consists of a series of three proficiency exams that all music majors must complete prior to the completion of four semesters of study. 


Second Year

 Fall Semester


General Education Info and Notes:


Spring Semester


General Education Info and Notes:

MUSC 1120 - Music Theory II           3   Music Core MUSC 2110 - Music Theory III      3   Music Core
MUSC 1140 - Aural Skills II   1   Music Core MUSC 2130 - Aural Skills III   1   Music Core
MUSC 2600 - Treble Choir  or  MUSC 4600 - University Chorale (DHA)  or  MUSC 4650 - Chamber Singers (DHA)    1  or 1  or 1   Emphasis Course MUSC 2350 - Conducting   2   Emphasis Course
MUSC 2700 - Woodwind Techniques I: Flute, Clarinet   1  

Emphasis Course

MUSC 2600 - Treble Choir  or  MUSC 4600 - University Chorale (DHA)  or  MUSC 4650 - Chamber Singers (DHA)   1  or 1  or 1   Emphasis Course
MUSC 3100 - Motivation and Classroom Management Strategies in Secondary Classroom Music   3   Emphasis Course MUSC 3120 - Music History II: The Baroque and Classical Periods    3  

Music Core

MUSC 3110 - Music History I: Antiquity through the Renaissance   3   Music Core MUSC 3670 - Individual Vocal Instruction for Music Majors   1-2  

Emphasis Course

Students need 7 semesters of individual study to graduate, for a minimum of 7 credits.

Students should register for 1 credit.

MUSC 2645 - Individual Pre-Barrier Voice Instruction   1-2  

Emphasis Course

Students need 7 semesters of individual study to graduate, for a minimum of 7 credits.
Students should register for 1 credit.

Quantitative Intensive (QI)  

University Studies Course

Click on link for available courses.

Breadth Physical Sciences (BPS)  or Breadth Life Sciences (BLS)   3

General Education Breadth Course

Click on links for available courses

Breadth Social Sciences (BSS)  (HDFS 1500 Human Development Across the Lifespan (BSS) (3)  recommended for Dual Licensure)


General Education Breadth Course

Click on Link for Available Courses

Total 16   Total 17  

Apply for STEP during second year.


Apply for STEP during second year.

Dual Licensure (Recommended):

PSY 1100 - Lifespan Development (3)  OR

HDFS 1500 - Human Development Across the Lifespan (BSS) (3) 


MUSC 3260 - Elementary School Music (3) 


Level 1 Orff Schulwerk Teacher Education Workshop (offered every summer)

Third Year

 Fall Semester


General Education Info and Notes:


Spring Semester


General Education Info and Notes:

MUSC 3170 - Special Topics in Music Theory * 3   Music Core MUSC 2600 - Treble Choir  or  MUSC 4600 - University Chorale (DHA)  or  MUSC 4650 - Chamber Singers (DHA)        1  or 1  or 1   Emphasis Course
MUSC 2600 - Treble Choir  or  MUSC 4600 - University Chorale (DHA)  or  MUSC 4650 - Chamber Singers (DHA)   1  or 1  or 1   Emphasis Course MUSC 3180 - Orchestration   2   Emphasis Course
MUSC 3190 - Music History III: Romanticism through the 21st Century (CI)   3   Music Core MUSC 3230 - Choral Literature   2   Emphasis Course
MUSC 3220 - Choral Methods and Materials   2   Emphasis Course MUSC 3240 - Instrumental Methods and Materials   2   Emphasis Course
MUSC 3630 - Vocal Pedagogy I  or  ITLS 5500 - Integration and Innovation of Technology in Education   3  or 3   Emphasis Course

MUSC 3630  is taught alternate years. Register for ITLS 5500  the year MUSC 3630  is not offered.
MUSC 3670 - Individual Vocal Instruction for Music Majors   1-2  

Emphasis Course

Students need 7 semesters of individual study to graduate, for a minimum of 7 credits.

Students should register for 1 credit.

MUSC 3670 - Individual Vocal Instruction for Music Majors   1-2  

Emphasis Course

Students need 7 semesters of individual study to graduate, for a minimum of 7 credits.

Students should register for 1 credit.

MUSC 4240 - Advanced Conducting   2   Emphasis Course
SCED 3300 - Clinical Experience I   1  

Emphasis Course

Must be taken concurrently with MUSC 3220  or MUSC 3240  

SCED 3210 - Educational and Multicultural Foundations (CI/DSS)   3   Emphasis Course
Depth Life and Physical Sciences (DSC)   3

University Studies Course

Click on link for available courses.

SCED 4300 - Clinical Experience II   1   Emphasis Course

Must be taken concurrently with MUSC 3220  or MUSC 3240  
MUSC 2800 - High Brass Techniques  (or  MUSC 2810 - Low Brass Techniques  3rd year Spring) 1  

Emphasis Course

Students need 1 credit of Brass Techniques

Breadth Humanities (BHU)  or Breadth American Institutions (BAI)   3

General Education Breadth Course

Click on links for available courses.

      MUSC 2810 - Low Brass Techniques  (or  MUSC 2800 - High Brass Techniques  3rd year fall) 1  

Emphasis Course

Students need 1 credit of Brass Techniques.

Total 17-18   Total 17-18  

*A music theory elective course is offered every fall and spring semester. The music theory elective course may be taken any semester after completing MUSC 2110 - Music Theory III  with a grade of C or better. Music students should plan which option they wish to take and consult with the music department office regarding which semester that option will be offered. 



Fourth Year

 Fall Semester


General Education Info and Notes:


Spring Semester


General Education Info and Notes:

MUSC 2600 - Treble Choir  or  MUSC 4600 - University Chorale (DHA)  or  MUSC 4650 - Chamber Singers (DHA)   1  or 1  or 1   Emphasis Course SCED 5500 - Student Teaching Seminar   2   Emphasis Course
MUSC 3630 - Vocal Pedagogy I  or ITLS 5500 - Integration and Innovation of Technology in Education   3  or 3   Emphasis Course

MUSC 3630  is taught alternate years. Register for ITLS 5500  the year MUSC 3630  is not offered.
MUSC 5630 - Student Teaching in the Schools   10   Emphasis Course
MUSC 3670 - Individual Vocal Instruction for Music Majors   1-2  

Emphasis Course

Students need 7 semesters of individual study to graduate, for a minimum of 7 credits.

Students should register for 1 credit.


SPED 4000 - Education of Students with Disabilities   3   Emphasis Course
SCED 5200 - Language, Literacy and Learning in the Content Areas (CI)   3   Emphasis Course
SCED 5210 - Learning Theory, Curriculum, and Assessment   3   Emphasis Course
MUSC 4920 - Senior Recital   1-2   Emphasis Course

Students should register for 1 credit.
Breadth Humanities (BHU)  or Breadth American Institutions (BAI)   3

General Education Breadth Course

Click on links for available courses.

Total 18   Total 12  



For more information about the K-12 Endorsement, please go to

Music Education Choral Concentration

All individual instruction courses on major instrument must be passed with a grade of B- or better. All other music concentration courses must be passed with a grade of C or better. Major requirements may not be taken for a pass/fail grade, except those courses which are only taught on a pass/fail basis. Minimum GPA for all required music program courses is 3.0. An overall GPA of at least 3.0 is required for graduation.

Recital and Concert Attendance Requirement

To graduate, students are required to attend a minimum of 80 concerts or recitals. Recital and concert attendance is monitored and recorded in the Music Student Services office. Students should turn in programs after attending concerts and recitals for documentation of attendance.

Licensure Notification

This program typically leads to licensure and was designed to meet licensing qualifications in the state of Utah. If students wish to work in another state within the United States, they should review the qualifications for that state and the Education Licensure Compliance Table provided by School of Teacher Education and Leadership.

For more information, please contact the School of Teacher Education and Leadership at

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