Mar 02, 2025  
2023-2024 General Catalog 
2023-2024 General Catalog ARCHIVED CATALOG: To search archives, MUST use search box to left. Current catalog:

Art History - BA

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Caine College of the Arts

Department of Art and Design

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The blue highlighted text  indicates additional details are available. Simply click on it to view details such as course name, description, prerequisites, or to be linked to another website with additional information. The back arrow button may be used to return to this page if you leave it through a link.

  • There are two different tracks. Please note “Track 1” map and below that “Track 2” map.
  • For more information about Art History, see the department website.
  • Following is a sample four-year plan. Please note that student-specific plans may differ.
  • Admitted students must meet with an advisor. Current students should also meet with an advisor and log on to Degree Works  to check student-specific program progress.
  • NOTE: Courses must be decided upon in consultation with a member of the Art History faculty.


Minimum University Requirements

Total Credits 120


Grade Point Average (most majors require higher GPA)

2.00 GPA
Credits of C- or better 100 Credits of upper-division courses (#3000 or above) 40
Total USU Credits 30 Upper-division USU Credits 20
USU Credits within the Major 10 Credits in Minor (if required) 12
Credits in Major see below Credits in American Institutions 3
General Education Requirements   see link University Studies Depth Requirements   see link
NOTES: The highest math requirement for this degree is the fulfillment of the Quantitative Literacy (QL)  requirement.


Admissions Requirements for this Program

New freshmen Admitted to USU in Good Standing


Transfer students from other institutions or other programs at USU 3.0 GPA

Track 1

First Year

 Fall Semester


General Education Info and Notes:


Spring Semester


General Education Info and Notes:

ARTH 2710: Survey of Western Art: Prehistoric to Medieval (BHU)   3  

Foundation Course

Breadth Humanities

ARTH 2720: Survey of Western Art: Renaissance to Post-Modern (BHU)   3  

Foundation Course

Breadth Humanities

ENGL 1010: Introduction to Writing: Academic Prose (CL1)   3   Communications Literacy (CL1)   History Elective 3

Foundation Course

See ARTH faculty advisor

History Elective  3

Foundation Course

See ARTH faculty advisor

Breadth American Institutions (BAI) , Breadth Life Sciences (BLS) , Breadth Physical Sciences (BPS) , or Breadth Social Sciences (BSS)   3 Click on the links to see the list of courses available

Art History Creative Elective


Foundation Course

Note: ART 1020  will fulfill the Breadth Creative Arts requirement

Breadth American Institutions (BAI) , Breadth Life Sciences (BLS) , Breadth Physical Sciences (BPS) , or Breadth Social Sciences (BSS)    3 Click on the links to see the list of courses available
Math or Statistics     

Quantitative Literacy (QL) 

Math Placement  
General Elective   3 Choose at least 3 credits of elective courses
ART 2700: Fine Art Seminar   0.5   Foundations Course ART 2700: Fine Art Seminar   0.5   Foundations Course



Register for fall courses before you leave for the summer!

Second Year

 Fall Semester


General Education Info and Notes:


Spring Semester


General Education Info and Notes:

ARTH 3000 Level or Higher 3

Major Requirement

Period or theme related

See ARTH faculty advisor

ARTH 3000 Level or Higher 3

Major Requirement

Period or theme related

See ARTH faculty advisor

Foreign Language 4

Major Requirement

Select a Foreign Language approved by your advisor

General Elective 3

Choose at least 3 credits of elective courses

Breadth American Institutions (BAI) , Breadth Life Sciences (BLS) , Breadth Physical Sciences (BPS) , or Breadth Social Sciences (BSS)   3 Click on the links to see the lists of courses available General Elective 3

Choose at least 3 credits of elective courses

Breadth American Institutions (BAI) , Breadth Life Sciences (BLS) , Breadth Physical Sciences (BPS) , or Breadth Social Sciences (BSS)   3 Click on the links to see the lists of courses available ENGL 2010: Intermediate Writing: Research Writing in a Persuasive Mode (CL2)   3   Communications Literacy (CL2)  
General Elective 3 Choose at least 3 credits of elective courses Foreign Language 4

Major Requirement

First Year II

ART 2700: Fine Art Seminar   0.5   Foundation Course ART 2700: Fine Art Seminar   0.5   Foundation Course



Must meet with the faculty advisor to determine track.

Third Year

 Fall Semester


General Education Info and Notes:


Spring Semester


General Education Info and Notes:

ARTH 3000 Level or Higher 3 Major Requirement Foreign Language 4

Major Requirement

Second Year II

ARTH 3000 Level or Higher 3 Major Requirement ART 2700: Fine Art Seminar   0.5   Major Requirement
Foreign Language 4

Major Requirement

Second Year I

ARTH 3000 Level or Higher (CI) 3

Major Requirement

Communications Intensive (CI)  

General Elective  3 Choose at least 3 credits of elective courses Depth Life and Physical Sciences (DSC) /Depth Social Sciences (DSS)   3 Depth
Breadth Creative Arts (BCA)   3 Student will NOT take this course if they have taken ART 1020   General Elective 3 Choose at least 3 credits of elective courses
ART 2700: Fine Art Seminar   0.5  

Major Requirement

Quantitative Intensive (QI)   3

Depth Course

Students may take up to six credits of ARTH 3000 level or higher as ARTH 4800: Directed Reading and Research in Art History  or ARTH 4810: Museum Internship  credit as these courses are variable from 1-3 credits and may be repeated for credit.



Fourth Year

 Fall Semester


General Education Info and Notes:


Spring Semester


General Education Info and Notes:

ARTH 3000 Level or Higher (CI) 3

Major Requirement

Communications Intensive (CI) 

ARTH 4900: Senior Capstone Research Seminar in Art History   3   Major Requirement
General Elective 3

Choose at least 3 credits of elective courses

ARTH 3000 Level or Higher 3 Major Requirement
ARTH 3000 Level or Higher 3 Non-Western: See ARTH faculty advisor General Elective 3 Choose at least 3 credits of elective courses
Depth Life and Physical Sciences (DSC) /Depth Social Sciences (DSS)   3 Depth General Elective 3000 Level or Higher 3 Choose at least 3 credits of elective courses, 3000 level or higher
General Elective 3000 Level or Higher

Choose at least 3 credits of elective courses, 3000 level or higher

General Elective 3000 Level or Higher 3 Choose at least 3 credits of elective courses, 3000 level or higher



Track 2

First Year

 Fall Semester


General Education Info and Notes:


Spring Semester


General Education Info and Notes:

ARTH 2710: Survey of Western Art: Prehistoric to Medieval (BHU)   3  

Foundation Course

Breadth Integrated Studies

ARTH 2720: Survey of Western Art: Renaissance to Post-Modern (BHU)   3   Foundation Course
ENGL 1010: Introduction to Writing: Academic Prose (CL1)   3   Communications Literacy (CL1)   History Elective 3 Foundation Course

See ARTH faculty advisor
History Elective 3 Foundation Course

See ARTH faculty advisor
Breadth American Institutions (BAI) , Breadth Life Sciences (BLS) , Breadth Physical Sciences (BPS) , or Breadth Social Sciences (BSS)   3 Click on the links to see the lists of courses available

Art History Creative Elective 

Foundation Course

Note: ART 1020  will fulfill the Breadth Creative Arts requirement

Breadth American Institutions (BAI) , Breadth Life Sciences (BLS) , Breadth Physical Sciences (BPS) , or Breadth Social Sciences (BSS)   3 Click on the links to see the lists of courses available
Math or Statistics   3

Quantitative Literacy (QL) 

Take Math Placement exam  prior to enrolling.

General Elective 3 Choose at least 3 credits of elective courses
ART 2700: Fine Art Seminar   0.5   Foundation Course ART 2700: Fine Art Seminar   0.5   Foundation Course



Register for fall courses before you leave for the summer!

Second Year

 Fall Semester


General Education Info and Notes:


Spring Semester


General Education Info and Notes:

ARTH 3000 Level or Higher 3 Major Requirement ARTH 3000 Level or Higher 3 Major Requirement
Foreign Language 4

Major Requirement

Select a Foreign Language approved by your advisor

Concentration Course Outside of ARTH 3 Major Requirement
Select 1 course from the following: Breadth American Institutions (BAI) , Breadth Life Sciences (BLS) , Breadth Physical Sciences (BPS) , or Breadth Social Sciences (BSS)   3 Click on the links to see the lists of courses available General Elective 3 Choose at least 3 credits of elective courses
Select 1 course from the following: Breadth American Institutions (BAI) , Breadth Life Sciences (BLS) , Breadth Physical Sciences (BPS) , or Breadth Social Sciences (BSS)   3 Click on the links to see the lists of courses available ENGL 2010: Intermediate Writing: Research Writing in a Persuasive Mode (CL2)   3   Communications Literacy (CL2)  
Select 1 course from the following: Breadth American Institutions (BAI) , Breadth Life Sciences (BLS) , Breadth Physical Sciences (BPS) , or Breadth Social Sciences (BSS)    3 Click on the links to see the lists of courses available Foreign Language 4

Major Requirement

First Year II

ART 2700: Fine Art Seminar   0.5   Major Requirement ART 2700: Fine Art Seminar   0.5   Major Requirement



Must meet with the program coordinator to determine track.

Third Year

 Fall Semester


General Education Info and Notes:


Spring Semester


General Education Info and Notes:

Concentration Course Outside of ARTH 3 Major Requirement Foreign Language 4

Major Requirement

Second Year II 

General Elective 3 Choose at least 3 credits of elective courses ART 2700: Fine Art Seminar   0.5  

Major Requirement

Foreign Language 4

Major Requirement

Second Year I

ARTH 3000 Level or Higher (CI) 3 Major Requirement

​Communications Intensive (CI)  
General Elective 3000 Level or Higher 3

Choose at least 3 credits of elective courses, 3000 level or higher

Depth Life and Physical Sciences (DSC) /Depth Social Sciences (DSS)   3 Depth Course
Depth Life and Physical Sciences (DSC) /Depth Social Sciences (DSS)   3 Depth Course Concentration Course Outside of ARTH 3

Major Requirement

ART 2700: Fine Art Seminar   0.5     Quantitative Intensive (QI)   3


Students may take up to six credits of ARTH 3000 level or higher as ARTH 4800: Directed Reading and Research in Art History  or ARTH 4810: Museum Internship  credit as these courses are variable from 1-3 credits and may be repeated for credit.


Fourth Year

 Fall Semester


General Education Info and Notes:

  Spring Semester


General Education Info and Notes:

ARTH 3000 Level or Higher (CI) 3 Major Requirement

Communications Intensive (CI)  
ARTH 4900: Senior Capstone Research Seminar in Art History   3  

Major Requirement

General Elective 3

Choose at least 3 credits of elective courses

ARTH 3000 Level or Higher 3 Major Requirement
Concentration Course Outside of ARTH   3

Major Requirement

See faculty advisor

General Elective 3 Choose at least 3 credits of elective courses
General Elective 3

Choose at least 3 credits of elective courses

General Elective 3000 Level or Higher 3 Choose at least 3 credits of elective courses, 3000 level or higher
General Elective 3000 Level or Higher 3

Major Requirement

See faculty advisor


The Bachelor of Arts in Art History, as defined by NASAD (the National Association of Schools of Art and Design), “requires a thorough grounding in the liberal arts with a concentration of coursework in art and art history,” including “a general knowledge of the monuments and principal artists of all major art periods of the past…augmented by study in greater depth and precision of several cultures and periods…[and] study at the advanced level…including theory, analysis and criticism.” A GPA of 3.0 is required for the BA degree in Art History. A grade of B- or better is required in all art (ART) and art history (ARTH) classes. Major requirements may not be taken on a pass/fail basis, except ART 2700 . Upon completion of the program, students are asked to assemble a portfolio of their work documenting their progress and demonstrating the development of their research and writing skills.

Students must complete the General Education Requirements 

Students must also complete the University Studies Depth Requirements 

Art History Foundation

Requirements - Track 1

Requirements - Track 2

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