Mar 13, 2025  
2023-2024 General Catalog 
2023-2024 General Catalog ARCHIVED CATALOG: To search archives, MUST use search box to left. Current catalog:

Accelerated Bachelor of Landscape Architecture and Master of Science in Environmental Planning - BLA, MsEP

College of Agriculture and Applied Sciences

Department of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning

The accelerated Bachelor of Landscape Architecture and Master of Science in Environmental Planning (BLA+EP) program allows advanced Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning (LAEP) undergraduates the opportunity to pursue a combined bachelor’s and master’s degree program within an accelerated time frame. 

The mission of the accelerated BLA+EP program is to prepare future professionals to recognize the reciprocal relationship between the biophysical attributes of a region and the human dimensions of settlement and culture; build expertise in landscape level analysis and planning, and how to prepare to serve as leaders within a transdisciplinary environment to develop better alternatives for land-use decisions and policy. This mission will be accomplished through a core set of undergraduate and graduate landscape architecture and environmental planning courses and experiences.


Minimum University Requirements

Total Credits
150   Grade Point Average (most majors require higher GPA) 3.0
Credits of C- or better 100 Credits of upper-division courses (#3000 or above) 84
Total USU Credits 30 Upper-division USU Credits 20
USU Credits within the Major 10 Credits in Minor (if required) 0
Credits in Major see below Credits in American Institutions 3
General Education Requirements   see link University Studies Depth Requirements   see link
NOTES: The highest math requirement for this degree is: MATH 1050: College Algebra (QL)  


Admissions Requirements for this Program

First-Year Students Admitted to USU in Good Standing   Transfer students from other institutions or other programs at USU 3.0 GPA


First Year

Fall Semester
General Education Info and Notes:
Spring Semester
General Education Info and Notes:
LAEP 1200 - Introduction to Graphics and Illustration   4     LAEP 1350 - Theory of Design   4    
PSC 2620 - Woody Plant Materials: Trees and Shrubs for the Landscape   3     LAEP 1300 - Digital Drafting, Illustration, and Modeling   3    
USU 1010 - University Connections   2     ENGL 1010 - Introduction to Writing: Academic Prose (CL1)   3   Communications Literacy
MATH 1050 - College Algebra (QL)   4   Quantitative Literacy APEC 1600 - Natural Resources and American Economic Institutions (BAI)   3   Breadth American Institutions
LAEP 1030 - Introduction to Landscape Architecture (BCA)   3   Breadth Creative Arts PSC 2010 - Soils, Waters, and the Environment (BPS)   3   Breadth Physical Sciences

Second Year

Fall Semester
General Education Info and Notes:
Spring Semester
General Education Info and Notes:
LAEP 2700 - Analysis Design I   5     LAEP 2720 - Analysis and Design 2   5    
LAEP 2600 - Landscape Construction I (QI)   4   Quantitative Intensive LAEP 2300 - History of Landscape Architecture (BHU)    3   Breadth Humanities
ENGL 2010 - Intermediate Writing: Research Writing in a Persuasive Mode (CL2)   3   Communications Literacy LAEP 2500 - Landscape Materials   2    
WATS 1200 - Biodiversity and Sustainability (BLS)  or  WILD 2200 - Ecology of Our Changing World (BLS)   3  or 3   Breadth Life Sciences ENVS 2340 - Natural Resources and Society (BSS)    3   Breadth Social Sciences
      CMST 1020 - Public Speaking (BHU)   3   Breadth Humanities
Comments: apply for Matriculation. Applications due last Monday in March.

Third Year

Fall Semester
General Education Info and Notes:
Spring Semester
General Education Info and Notes:
LAEP 4110 - Landscape Construction II   4     LAEP 3120 - Land Planning for Residential Development   5    
LAEP 3500 - Planting Design   4     LAEP 3100 - Recreation and Open Space Planning and Design   5    
LAEP 3300 - GIS for Environmental Planning   4     LAEP 4910 - Foundations of Business in Design and Planning   3    
LAEP 2400 - 3D Representation   3     ENGL 3080 - Introduction to Technical Communication (CI)  or  ASTE 3050 - Technical and Professional Communication Principles (CI)  or  BUS 3200 - Business Communication (CI)   3  or 3  or 3   Communications Intensive
Comments: apply to the Accelerated BLA+EP program by March 15th.

Fourth Year

LAEP 4100 - Urban Theory, Systems, and Design   5    
LAEP 4350 - Travel Course   2    
LAEP 3300 - GIS for Environmental Planning   4     LAEP 6880 - Landscape Architecture Research Methods   2    
LAEP 6890 - Seminar on Thesis Proposals and Procedures   1     LAEP 6750 - Implementation and Regulatory Techniques in Planning   3    
GEO 3100 - Natural Disasters (DSC)   3   Depth Life and Physical Sciences SOC 3600 - Finding Community in Today’s Society (DSS)  or  SOC 3610 - Rural People and Places (DSS)  or  SOC 4620 - Sociology of the Environment and Natural Resources (DSS)   3  or 3  or 3   Depth Social Sciences
LAEP 6370 - City and Regional Planning   3     LAEP 3400 - Advanced Geospatial Analysis and Visualization for Environmental Planning   3-5   Course must be taken for 4 credits.

Fifth Year

Fall Semester
General Education Info and Notes:
Spring Semester
General Education Info and Notes:
LAEP 6200 - Bioregional Analysis and Planning   5     LAEP 6210 - Bioregional Management and Policy   5    
LAEP 6930 - Readings in Environmental Planning   1     LAEP 6910 - Readings in Landscape Architecture   1    
LAEP 6740 - Planning Theory and Implementation Issues   3     LAEP 6970 - Thesis Research  or  LAEP 6960 - Master’s Project   1-6  or 1-6    
LAEP 6970 - Thesis Research   1-6     Elective  4 Must be 6000 level or higher
LAEP 6110 - Landscape Ecology for Planning   3          
Elective Must be 6000 level or higher.      


General Education Requirements (39 credits)

The following courses are required to meet general education requirements set forth by the University:

LAEP Courses Required for Matriculation (32 credits)

Students must matriculate (be accepted) to the BLA program. Matriculation is based on performance in the following courses and submission of a design portfolio and letter of intent. Learn more at

Thesis Courses (8 credits)

To be accepted into the combined BLA+EP program, students must apply to the Environmental Planning Master’s Degree via during their junior year. If accepted, they begin taking graduate level courses during their senior year. Students only pay graduate level tuition during their fifth year of study. Learn more at

A Plan A thesis or Plan B paper/project option is required and is to be negotiated with the candidate, major professor, and supervisory committee. Students will then either complete an additional 3 credits of LAEP 6970  or 3 credits in LAEP 6960 , depending on the student’s plan type.

Plan A

Plan B