Mar 13, 2025  
2024-2025 General Catalog 
2024-2025 General Catalog ARCHIVED CATALOG: To search archives, MUST use search box to left. Current catalog:

History - BA

College of Humanities and Social Sciences

Department of History

About This Degree

The History Department has been recognized by the American Historical Association as one of 12 outstanding history departments in the United States and Canada, selected for its “brilliant teaching and leadership.” The department’s strongest areas include the modern American West, classics, early modern Europe, and the Atlantic World.

USU history majors have the opportunity to work in-depth on undergraduate research projects. Students learn how to conduct and present their research all while taking advantage of faculty mentoring, study abroad opportunities, and more. Students learn the skills needed to research, analyze, think critically, and communicate clearly – all of which are highly valued skills in various career paths. About one-third of history graduates from USU go on to teaching, while two-thirds go into law, medicine, or business fields.

The preferred degree in the history program is the BA, which requires proficiency in a foreign language. Students may, however, choose to pursue the BS degree, which requires a significant amount of coursework in the College of Science.

Minimum University Requirements

Admission Requirements For This Program

  • New freshmen must be admitted to USU in Good Standing.
  • Transfer students from other institutions or other programs at USU must have a 2.50 GPA.

Major Requirements (36 credits)

Minimum GPA for Graduation: 2.5, Major; 2.0, Cumulative

Number of Required Credits: 36

History majors must complete at least four introductory survey courses, two required methods courses, and a number of upper-division electives. Major requirement courses may not be taken pass/fail. 

For those students interested in a BA degree, you must complete 16 credits in a single foreign language

History Major Lower-Division Requirements (12 credits)

Complete the following lower-division survey course requirements in sections A, B and C with a grade of C or better in each class, for a total of 12 credits.

A. European Perspectives (3 credits)

Complete ONE of the following courses:

B. World Perspectives (3 credits)

Complete ONE of the following courses:

C. American Perspectives (6 credits)

Complete BOTH of the following courses:

History Major Methods Requirements (6 credits)

After satisfying the lower-division major requirements, students will complete two required methods courses (HIST 3000  and HIST 4990 ), and they must earn a grade of C+ or better in each class to earn credit toward the major. 

History Upper-Division Course Electives (18 Credits)

Students take their remaining 18 credits in 3000- and 4000-level history courses (with a grade of C or better in each class). The upper-division classes provide a more focused, detailed and rigorous examination of historical periods and themes. 

Any course with a HIST prefix at the 3000 level or above is acceptable as an elective. No more than 3 credits of HIST 4930  may be applied toward the major.

Bachelor of Arts Track

A Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree in history requires a minimum of proficiency in a foreign language. This proficiency may be established in one of the following ways:

  1. 16 credits in a single foreign language; or
  2. Documentation of the equivalent of a foreign language course 2020-level or higher through an examination administrated by the USU Department of Languages, Philosophy, and Speech Communication; or
  3. Completion of any upper-division foreign language course constituting a third-year course of study with a grade of C or better.

For non-native English-speaking students only, the following options are available:

  1. Successful completion of the Intensive English Language Institute (IELI) program for international students; or
  2. TOEFL, Michigan, or IELI placement scores high enough to meet the University admission criteria.

Note: Demonstration of proficiency in American Sign Language will not meet the foreign language requirement for the BA degree in History.

Requirement for a Minor

Since the study of history requires an understanding of many fields of human behavior, students majoring in history must select a minor. These may include related disciplines such as religious studies, literature, economics, geography, anthropology, political science, sociology, classics, philosophy, and foreign languages, or students may choose a minor in any other program on campus. 

Open Electives

Total elective credit is determined by General Education courses taken, degree type selected, additional credits earned, and any additional math or other prerequisite courses needed. Please consult your Academic Advisor for details.

Total Credits: 120

Suggested Degree Map - History BA