College of Science
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
About This Degree
Chemistry is the scientific study of matter, its properties, and interactions with other matter and with energy. It is a science applicable to a wide range of career goals, including medicine, law, physical and social sciences, engineering, and public health and policy.
At USU, chemistry majors have the opportunity to conduct undergraduate research from the beginning of their studies, first as laboratory assistants and eventually moving on to their own research projects. Unique to USU, many undergraduates in the department are able to publish research papers. This gives USU students a competative advantage should they apply for graduate programs.
Environmental Chemistry (BS): This is the study of chemical alterations in the environment. Principal areas include studying soil contamination, water pollution, and air pollution. This emphasis meets requirements for certification by the American Chemical Society, which can result in higher-paying careers for graduates than those without ACS certification.
American Chemical Society Certified BS Degree