Mar 13, 2025
2012-2013 General Catalog (Summer, Fall 2012) ARCHIVED CATALOG: To search archives, MUST use search box to left. Current catalog: catalog.usu.edu.
Global Communication - BA
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Bachelor of Arts Degree Language Requirement
Bachelor of Arts Degree A Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree signifies proficiency in one or more foreign languages. Specifically, the BA requirement may be completed in one of the following ways: - Demonstration of proficiency in one foreign language by successful completion of one course at the 2020-level or higher (or its equivalent).
Or - Demonstration of proficiency in American Sign Language by successful completion of COMD 4920 and COMD 4780 , and by passing an exit interview.
Or - Demonstration of proficiency in two foreign languages by successful completion of the 1020 course level in one language and the 2010 course level in the second language (or its equivalent).
Or - Completion of an upper-division (3000-level or higher) foreign language grammar or literature course requiring the 2020 course level (or its equivalent) as a prerequisite. Conversation courses cannot be considered for satisfying this requirement.
For nonnative English-speaking students only, the following options are available: - Successful completion of the Intensive English Language Institute (IELI) program for international students.
Or - TOEFL, Michigan, or IELI placement scores high enough to meet the University admission criteria.
Global Communication Major Requirements
Minimum Departmental Requirements Total Credits: Global Communication Major 36 Grade Point Average to Declare a Major or Minor 2.5 Career GPA Grade Point Average to Graduate with Major 2.5 GPA within Major/Minor Classes A minimum of 50 percent of major credits must be earned at USU Note: Courses for the Global Communication Major require minimum grades of C- or better Courses for the Global Communication Major may not be taken on a Pass/Fail basis Global Communication Major Requirements (36 credits) (2.5 GPA)
A. Culture General Requirement (6 credits)
B. Communication Requirement (9 credits)
C . Ethics Requirement (3 credits)
D. World Affairs Requirement (6 credits)
E. Language/Culture Specific Requirement (9 credits)
Three credits from each of the three areas below are required. All three courses must be from the same language. Area II
3000 Level Language Grammar Course in Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian or Spanish (depending upon the language, the course numbers would be 3010, 3020, 3040 or 3050) Area III
- A Culture, History or Civilization Course in Language of choice
F. Practicum (3 credits)
The Practicum may not be completed (not concurrent enrollment) until the student has taken at least one course in each of the five areas above. This practicum should tie together various elements of the program through practical experience, in-service learning, or internship experience in a cultural community distinct from the student’s own culture. Approval for a particular practicum experience must be granted by the student’s advisor prior to the experience. Please visit with the advisor early in decision process. Minimum University Requirements |
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