The professional degree program in Technical Communication welcomes applications from the following types of students:
- students interested in an academic career in technical communication
- working professionals seeking advancement and interested in gaining skills in the diverse and complex field of technical communication, which inlcudes user experience, usability, social media, crisis communication, and other professional writing careers.
- high school English teachers who want to expand their repertoire of English courses to include technical communication
The entire program may be completed online and prepares students for understanding how culture, technology, and workplace research shape the field and practice of technical communication.
Refer to the Master of Technical Communication pages for more information.
Master of Technical Communication Degree Requirements
As part of the 33 credits required to graduate, two or three online classes are offered each fall and spring semester. Occasionally, classes may be offered in the summer.
The curriculum has been designed to allow students to complete all requirements within a three-year period, although students may take longer if they choose. The School of Graduate Studies requires students to complete their degrees in no more than six years. Extensions of this deadline are sometimes allowed, but classes expire after EIGHT years and will no longer count toward the degree.
Students should complete the three core requirements (TCR 6130 , TCR 6100 , and TCR 6120 ) at their first opportunity after entering the program.
Students need to maintain at least a 3.0 GPA to remain in good standing. If the GPA falls below a 3.0, the School of Graduate Studies will take action, which could include a letter of warning, probation, or even dismissal from the program. Any grade below a B- will not count toward the degree.
The Program of Study for the English master’s degree, if the student has a master’s degree, must include at least 15 semester credits at the level of 6000 or above. Refer to degree requirements above for more information. To count toward degree requirements, courses numbered below 6000 must be approved by the Director of Graduate Studies and the Program Chair for Technical Communication and Rhetoric.
Credits in the following areas are not acceptable in a degree program: foreign languages (unless included in an approved Program of Study), continuing graduate advisement, individual home study, military science, and courses numbered below 3000.
A master’s degree must be completed within six years of entering the degree program. Additional time may be requested by the student’s committee and submitted to the Vice Provost of Graduate Studies for review.
Coursework over eight years old at the time of degree completion may not be used for a graduate degree unless it is revalidated.
At least 24-semester credits for the English master’s degree must be from a committee-approved and a School of Graduate Studies-approved Program of Study from Utah State University.
Students in the master’s program who are able to come to the Logan campus may be able to include some in-person classes in their programs of study. As an undergraduate or concurrent student, you can apply up to 9 credits of coursework to a future graduate degree. Courses can only be applied to one degree. Consult with the Director of Graduate Studies, Dr. Lynne McNeill at, if interested.
Professional/Plan C students cannot use any thesis/dissertation credits.
A Technical Communication master’s student will be required to complete the following academic forms during their time of study: