The Climate Adaptation Science (CAS) specialization is offered for eleven MS and ten PhD degrees from nine different departments. The specialization emphasizes interdisciplinary research and integrates training in informatics, modeling, communication, leadership, project management, risk assessment, decision-making under uncertainty, and interdisciplinary teamwork. The specialization closely integrates research, instruction, and real-world experience in collaboration with federal, state, and local land managers, as well as policy-makers, citizen stakeholders, and scientists. The specialization requires nine credit hours total and a Communication Plan. For more information please visit Climate Adaptation Science | USU or email
Director: Dr. Peter Adler
Location: Natural Resources 208B
Correspondence for catalog questions, etc., should be sent to the Ecology Center/CAS Program Coordinator:
Program Coordinator: Dr. Lexi Turano
Location: Natural Resources 208
Phone: (435) 797-2555
Participating MS degree programs:
Participating PhD degree programs: