Mar 04, 2025  
2025-2026 General Catalog 
2025-2026 General Catalog

Surgical Technology - AAS

College of Agriculture and Applied Sciences

Department of Technology, Design and Technical Education

The Surgical Technology program is an Associate of Applied Science degree program that can be completed in four semesters, after completing one semester of prerequisites. The prerequisites must be completed prior to the student applying for and being accepted into the Surgical Technology (ST) program. In addition, during clinical rotations and externship, students are required to complete a minimum of 120 surgical cases as outlined in the Association of Surgical Technologists Core Curriculum, 7th Edition once competency is demonstrated in the laboratory. Surgical technologists assist in operations under the supervision of surgeons, registered nurses and other surgical personnel. They must be knowledgeable in preparing the operating room, establishing and maintaining the sterile field, aseptic technique, and setting up surgical equipment, supplies and solutions. During surgery, the surgical technologist passes instruments, fluids, medications, and supplies to the surgeon and anticipates the needs of the surgeon for any given surgical procedure. Students receive an Associate of Applied Science degree in Surgical Technology from Utah State University upon completion of academic coursework and clinical experience.

The Surgical Technology program is offered on the Blanding, Moab and Price campuses via a blended delivery system. Students attending the Moab campus have to travel to the Blanding campus for their lab experience. The program will try to schedule clinical rotations for Moab students in their area.

The USU Blanding and USU Price programs are currently accreditated through the accrediting bureau of Health Education Schools (ABHES). Upon the successful completion of coursework, students will be eligible to sit for the Certified Surgical Technologist (CST) certification exam administered by the National Board of Surgical Technology and Surgical Assisting (NBSTSA). If the student successfully passes this national board, they will be conferred the title of Certified Surgical Technologist (CST). The USU Surgical Technology curriculum was developed utilizing the curriculum recommendations of the Association of Surgical Technologist (AST) Core Curriculum, 7th Edition. Students successfully completing the program will be well prepared for a career as an entry-level (advanced beginner) surgical technologist. Student relocation to any state outside of Utah may adversely affect the student’s ability to complete the Surgical Technology Program. Graduation from the surgical technology program does not guarantee employment.

Michele Lyman, M.S., PA-C - Director of Health Professions Programs 

Utah State University Blanding, Moab, and Price campuses

John Redfield, BA, CST - Program Director, Instructor, and Clinical Coordinator (, 435-613-5830)
Teryn Lyman - Health Professions Programs Coordinator/Student Advisor (, 435-678-8208)

Surgical Technology Entrance Requirements

Utah State University has an open admission policy. Applicants will be admitted without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, or veteran’s status. In addition, discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation for employees in all aspects of employment and for students in academic programs and activities is prohibited.

High school graduation or GED is required. A GPA of 3.0 or higher is required to be accepted into the program. Throughout the curriculum, the student must maintain an overall GPA of 3.0 or higher. No pass/fail grades are accepted for program coursework. Acceptance into this program will be by the selection process. Please note that distance education students enrolled in the Surgical Technology - AAS program will have no additional admission requirements or fees.

General Admissions Procedures

To be officially admitted to the college as a full-time matriculated student, an applicant must submit the following:

  1. A completed Application for Admission to Utah State University.
  2. A $50 nonrefundable application fee to Utah State University.
  3. Official transcripts of all previous high school and/or their GED and college work if the student is a transfer student.
  4. Placement and evaluation exam: ACT (American College Test), or Accuplacer Exam for English and ALEKS Exam for math.

Notification of acceptance and resident status will be sent from the Health Professions Department Chairperson. If a student’s application is incomplete at the time of registration, the student will not be admitted to the program. Students applying for financial aid must be a high school graduate or GED recipient, and be matriculated before receiving aid.

A declaration of a major is accomplished through the Application for Admission. Students desiring to change their majors after acceptance are required to complete a “Change of Major” form at the Admissions and Registrar’s Office.

Returning Students

A student who has been away for more than two semesters must submit a new application for admission along with a $20.00 reapplication admission fee. Those who have attended other colleges or universities in the interim will be asked to submit transcripts of all college credits.

Enrollment Prior to High School Graduation

An academically qualified high school student who wishes to enroll at USU Eastern or USU Blanding must fill out a Concurrent Enrollment-Early College form as well as a Student Acknowledgement & Parental Consent Agreement form. Students may work concurrently on high school classes and the college courses required for acceptance into the ST program while still in high school.

Transfer Students

A transfer student from another college or university must submit the following: 

  1. A completed Application for Admission to Utah State University.
  2. A $50 one-time nonrefundable application fee to Utah State University.
  3. Official transcripts of all previous college work. (Official transcripts must be sent directly from the previous school. Hand carried transcripts will not be accepted.)
  4. ACT or Accuplacer test scores. If a transfer student has completed 20 hours and has taken an English course equivalent to our English 1010, they will not be required to take the above tests.
  5. A transfer student cannot transfer credits with D or E (F) grades or credits from developmental or remedial courses. Grades of C or better will be allowed for all classes required for the program. Credits from remedial classes will not be accepted.
  6. The student must be in good standing and eligible to re-enroll at the college or university where they were most recently registered.
  7. Transfer students will not be matriculated until official transcripts of all high school, previous college or university work are submitted to USU Eastern Blanding.

Registration Requirements

  • Students interested in the Surgical Technology program should visit with an advisor prior to registration.
  • Background checks and drug screen results are now processed online through the CastleBranch Compliance Tracking System. Students are required to pay a fee for this service. Vaccination records and the CPR requirement must be attached to the application. Students attending the Blanding campus will complete their drug screen on campus. Fees will be paid to the cashier. All information must be on file at the campus the student is attending. Students are advised to keep a copy of all records.                  

Immunizations and Background Check Requirements     

All immunizations below are required. The program reserves the right to require additional vaccines as stipulated by teaching health care facilities. All records must be complete and on file with the program director PRIOR to beginning the program:

Hepatitis B: One of the following must be performed:

  • Provide written evidence from your healthcare provider or immunization record documenting the three (3) Hepatitis B vaccinations and blood test with “Reactive” result.
  • Documentation of three (3) Hepatitis B vaccinations given more than 8 weeks prior to start date with no documented blood test results (no blood test required, but a baseline titer should be run immediately if the person has a significant exposure to blood or body fluids).
  • Provide written documentation of titer results as “Reactive.”
  • Documentation of six (6) Hepatitis B vaccinations with blood test result of “Not Reactive” (this person is considered a “Non-Responder”).


  • 2-step TST (two separate Tuberculin Skin Tests, aka PPD) is placed no sooner than seven (7) days apart. The 2-step TST must be completed at the time the student begins ST program; OR
  • One (1) QuantiFERON Gold blood test with negative result; OR
  • One (1) T-SPOT blood test with negative result.
  • If there is history of a positive TB skin test, the student must see a physician for evaluation of risk AND have a chest x-ray report showing no evidence of active disease.


  • One (1) adult dose Tdap is required for USU Surgical Technology program. A tetanus/diphtheria (Td) booster is required if 10 years have elapsed since the last booster.

The CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices recommends that all healthcare personnel, regardless of age, should receive a single dose of Tdap as soon as feasible if they have not previously received Tdap, regardless of the time since last Td dose.

Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR)

  • Students must provide written evidence of the required two (2) vaccines; OR
  • Provide written documentation of titer results (blood test). Verbal history of disease is NOT reliable and will not be accepted.

Varicella (Chicken Pox)

  • Proof of two (2) Varicella vaccinations; OR
  • Proof of immunity to Varicella through a blood test.

Flu (Influenza)

  • Students must provide written evidence of having received the seasonal flu vaccine by October of current year.
  • Students must maintain compliance with annual flu vaccinations during their enrollment in the Surgical Technology program.
  • If students refuse to obtain this vaccine, they are required to wear a mask AT ALL TIMES when in the clinical facility.

Background Check/Drug Screen: Students are required to order and pay for a background check and drug screen through CastleBranch prior to being accepted into the Surgical Technology program.

CPR Requirement: Students must take a Healthcare Provider CPR course and receive CPR certification to meet the CPR requirement. Periodically, courses are offered on campus. Please make arrangements to attend (including notifying other instructors). This must be completed by the end of the first semester. CPR certification is valid for two years.

Students will be required to turn in a packet to the Health Professions staff assistant with all of the required records, including a copy of high school/GED documentation, any college transcripts, and the program application. On the first day of class, the Surgical Technician Student Contractual Agreement should be completed and turned in to the instructor. Students should keep a copy of all records for their own files.

Surgical Externship Orientation: Prior to initiating any surgical externship, students are required to complete an orientation with the sites that they will be attending for their surgical experience. At times this may require students who are completing externships at more than one surgical facility to attend orientations for each worksite.

Clinical Orientation: Prior to initiating any clinical or externship experience, students are required to attend an orientation with the appropriate sites that they will be attending for their surgical experience. 

Surgical Technology Surgical Clinical and Externship: Our ST students train in various surgical settings. After students demonstrate proficiency in assigned skills in the surgical lab, students may begin practicing skills in the clinical setting under the direct supervision of an experienced surgical technologist or registered nurse. These clinical rotations are an important part of the program. Students must commit to attending all surgical rotations in which they are scheduled to participate in order to attain the required case completions for this degree. 

Application Packet: Students will be required to turn in a completed Application Packet to the Health Professions staff assistant with all required records on the application admission checklist.

National Accreditation

Utah State University Eastern and Utah State University Blanding campuses are programmatically accredited by The Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools (ABHES). ABHES is listed by the U.S. Department of Education as a nationally recognized accrediting agency under the provision of Chapter 33, Title 38 of the U.S. Code and subsequent legislation. ABHES provides Utah State University Eastern programmatic accreditation for the delivery of Certificate of Completion level degrees. 

Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools (ABHES)

6116 Executive Blvd., Suite 730

North Bethesda, MD 20852

(301) 291-7550

Required Prerequisite Courses

The following courses are required prior to admission to the Surgical Technology (ST) program:

Health Professions Math Prerequisite Options

Students must complete one of the following courses:

Required Program Courses

The following courses are required for the Associate of Applied Sciences degree in Surgical Technology: