S.J. and Jessie E. Quinney College of Natural Resources
Department of Environment and Society
Program Description
The Climate Change Solutions Certificate prepares undergraduate students from across the University to contribute to addressing climate change. The certificate curriculum focuses on developing knowledge and skills for climate change mitigation, adaptation and resilience. It is designed to be easily completed alongside a variety of majors. Students pursuing this certificate will learn about climate change impacts, climate and environmental justice, communicating about climate change, strategies for mitigating greenhouse gas emissions, and adaptation and resilience responses and planning. Students also will learn about climate policy and the role of governments, businesses, civil society, and individuals in addressing climate change at local to global scales.
The certificate uses the concept of solutions in line with usage by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Climate change solutions refers to responses to climate change that emphasize effectiveness, feasibility, and just means to reduce climate risk and increase resilience (IPCC). This certificate is designed to prepare students to engage in a wide-range of response actions to help transition organizations and businesses, communities, and societies to reduce risk and enhance resilience. Certificate recipients are prepared to help lead climate change solutions from within a full range of other careers. They are prepared to work for the private for-profit sector, government agencies, NGOs, and international organizations.
Students can combine coursework with hands-on research and projects related to climate change mitigation and adaptation. This could involve fieldwork, data analysis, and modeling, as well as engagement with stakeholders and communities affected by climate change.
Admission Requirements
Students should make an appointment with an academic advisor in the S. J. and Jessie E. Quinney College of Natural Resources to add this certificate: https://qcnr.usu.edu/advising/.
Course Requirements
To receive the certificate, a student must complete the following set of requirements:
- Register for and successfully complete at least 16 credits.
- Grades below C- will not be accepted, and the grade point average for all courses taught by the Quinney College of Natural Resources must be 2.5 or higher.
- Abide by the Code of Policies and Procedures for Students at Utah State University.