S.J. and Jessie E. Quinney College of Natural Resources
Department of Environment and Society
The Applied Remote Sensing and Geospatial Artificial Intelligence (GeoAI) Post-Bachelor’s Certificate introduces advanced students, with a Geographic Information Science (GIS) background, to the development and application of artificial intelligence to remote sensing and data-driven geospatial methods. Remote sensing via satellites and drones and advanced geospatial science tools that harness GeoAI allow for analyzing large amounts of data to understand and address a variety of complex social, economic, and environmental challenges facing society. Over the past few decades, technological advancements, the democratization of geospatial information, and the proliferation of consumer-grade drones have made high-resolution imagery and data more accessible than ever before, generating new demand for individuals skilled in gathering, analyzing, and delivering geospatial products. As automation through machine learning increases efficiency, the role humans play is transforming, moving from lower-level data management tasks to higher-level tasks of problem definition, inquiry, and innovation. Humans must engage with, troubleshoot, and guide GeoAI efforts, drawing upon critical thinking, creative problem-solving, complex reasoning, the application of emotional intelligence, and other distinctively human capabilities.
The Applied Remote Sensing and GeoAI Post-Bachelor’s Certificate will prepare post-baccalaureate students at the convergence of geospatial analysis, remote sensing, and artificial intelligence for opportunities for innovation across various industry and government sectors, including for example environmental monitoring, urban planning, agriculture, disaster planning and response, and natural resource management. Students can pair the certificate with the Master of Natural Resources or another graduate degree program, or they can pursue it as a standalone certificate. Students also can pursue both the Geographic Information Science Post-Baccalaureate Certificate and the Applied Remote Sensing and GeoAI Post-Baccalaureate Certificate for simultaneously broad and deep skillsets in emerging geospatial technologies. Participants may complete the certificate in one year.
Program requirements consist of 12-13 credits of coursework including a capstone experience that consists of a one-credit project design and implementation experience under supervision of program faculty. The certificate can be completed fully online, or with a combination of online and in-person courses for enrolled graduate students at the Logan campus.
Certificate Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of the Post-Bachelor’s Certificate, graduates will possess in-depth knowledge of advanced GeoAI algorithms and applications. Key learning outcomes include advanced skills in geospatial machine and deep learning techniques, data ethics, and advanced geovisualization. Certificate earners will be prepared to apply advancements in the field.
Admission Requirements
For admission to the program please follow the instructions below:
- Experience in Geographic Information Science (GIS) is required for admission. Students without such a background should first complete coursework through the offered GIS Certificate.
- Applicants go to applynow.usu.edu. Choose the graduate application and then choose Applied Remote Sensing and GeoAI Post-Bachelor’s Certificate application.
- Applicant must provide an official transcript showing that they have been awarded a bachelor’s degree or higher. Please send official transcripts to the following address: 0900 Old Main Hill, Logan UT 84322-0900. Official electronic transcripts may be sent to graduateschool@usu.edu from the institution. (If you’ve attended USU we will obtain your transcripts.)
- Email the Program Coordinator for a promo code to waive $30.00 of the application fee (the resulting application fee is $25.00).
Students pursuing the Applied Remote Sensing and GeoAI Post-Bachelor’s Certificate are not required to be enrolled in a graduate degree program. However, credits obtained from the certificate may be applied toward a graduate degree. Please contact the Program Coordinator if you have any questions.
Course Requirements
To receive this certificate, a student must complete the following set of requirements:
- Apply and be accepted into the Applied Remote Sensing & GeoAI Post-Bachelor’s Certificate Program
- Register for and successfully complete the required 12-13 credits of graduate-level courses
- Maintain a minimum 3.0 GPA for program courses (grades below B- will not be accepted)
- Abide by the Code of Policies and Procedures for Students at Utah State University
Please visit our website at https://qcnr.usu.edu/mnr/ and look under graduate certificates for more information.