Emma Eccles Jones College of Education and Human Services
Department of Psychology
Combined and Integrated (C-I)
Clinical/Counseling/School Psychology, (APA-accredited)
This program integrates the theory and practice of psychology common to the disciplines traditionally denoted as clinical, counseling, and school psychology. It subscribes to the scientist-practitioner model, and students completing the program will enter professional practice in a variety of settings, including VA hospitals, mental health centers, hospitals, clinics, schools, and academic settings. The program provides an excellent balance of research and practitioner skill training. A research thesis and dissertation are required of all students. The combined program provides generalized training, along with three areas of emphasis. The emphasis areas are designed for students to begin systematically developing a specialty area in line with their future career goals. The three areas of concentration mirror faculty interest and expertise and include: health psychology/neuropsychology, child clinical/school psychology, and rural and multicultural psychology. The program is also affiliated with the American Indian Support Project, one of the nation’s most successful programs for training and mentoring American Indian psychologists.
Complete information on accreditation guidelines and principles is available through the Commission on Accreditation (CoA) at Education Directorate, American Psychological Association, 750 First Street NE, Washington DC 20002-4242, (202) 336-5979, or on the web at: http://www.apa.org/ed/accreditation/
Absolute undergraduate prerequisites for admission to the PhD program in Combined Clinical/Counseling/School are as follows: (1) Elementary Statistics; (2) Theories/Research in Learning; (3) Abnormal Psychology; and (4) Theories/Research in Personality.
The Combined Clinical/Counseling/School Psychology PhD requires 105-107 total semester credits, including the following: