Mar 13, 2025
2012-2013 General Catalog (Spring 2013) ARCHIVED CATALOG: To search archives, MUST use search box to left. Current catalog: catalog.usu.edu.
Sociology - BS
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College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Department of Sociology, Social Work and Anthropology
Students must complete the General Education Requirements :
- will fulfill the Quantitative Literacy (QL) requirement
- will fulfill the Social Sciences requirement
Students must also complete the University Studies Depth Requirements :
- , plus another course having CI designation, (such as ), will fulfill the Communications Intensive (CI) requirement for students in the Sociology major. , along with either or , will fulfill the Communications Intensive (CI) requirement for students in the Sociology Teaching emphasis
- will fulfill the Quantitative Intensive (QI) requirement
- Complete at least 2 credits in approved 3000-level or above courses from each of the following two categories: Humanities and Creative Arts (DHA) and Life and Physical Sciences (DSC)
Departmental Graduation Requirements
Minimum GPA for Admission: 2.5, Overall; 2.5, USU Additional Matriculation Requirement: Complete SOC 1010 with grade of C or better Minimum GPA for Graduation: 2.5, major; 2.0, USU; 2.0, Overall Minimum Grade Accepted: C in SOC 1010 ; C- in major courses Sociology majors must meet the following course requirements: 1. Complete the general requirements of the University.
Majors are expected to take STAT 1040 (QL) Introduction to Statistics to fulfill the quantitative literacy requirement for University Studies. 2. Complete a minimum of 36 credits of sociology coursework.
At least fifty percent of the sociology coursework must be completed in the USU Sociology program. Sociology majors must maintain a minimum GPA of 2.5 in sociology courses and earn a grade of C or better in SOC 1010 (BSS) Introductory Sociology (effective Fall Semester 2005) and a C- or better in all other courses to be counted toward the major. 3. A minor outside the program is encouraged but not required.
4. Complete the following required courses (18 credits):
Using Sociology in the Work World:
5. Choose a minimum of 18 credits from the following sociology elective courses:
Of the 18 elective credits, at least 3 credits must come from each of the three specialty areas listed below. b. Groups and Institutions
c. Population, Environment, and Development
Sociology Teaching Emphasis
The Secondary Teaching emphasis can be achieved by completing the Secondary Teacher Education Program (STEP), as well as a regular sociology major in the Sociology, Social Work and Anthropology Department. A 2.5 GPA is required in Sociology courses, and a 2.75 total GPA is required for graduation with a Teaching License in Sociology. At least 50 percent of sociology coursework must be completed at USU. No more than 3 semester credits of SOC 4900 can be used toward the Sociology Teaching emphasis. Minimum University Requirements |
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