Mar 12, 2025  
2019-2020 General Catalog 
2019-2020 General Catalog ARCHIVED CATALOG: To search archives, MUST use search box to left. Current catalog:

College-Level Examination Program (CLEP)

College-Level Examination Program (CLEP)

The CLEP examinations were designed for undergraduate students who wish to utilize previous knowledge and experience in lieu of required coursework. CLEP is a national program of credit-by-examination, allowing students to obtain recognition for college-level achievement. This privilege is intended to measure information and training gained from practical experience that may be considered the equivalent of the experience and training received by students in an organized course given at the University.

Undergraduate credits may be acquired through the CLEP examinations. These credits may be used to fill General Education Requirements and may also be accepted as equivalent to specific courses. Students interested in taking a CLEP exam should contact the University Testing Services Office, University Inn 115.

Individual departments and/or colleges may specify the exact courses required to fill their requirements and may require more than the minimum General Education requirements. Some departments and colleges require specific coursework for General Education, which the CLEP exams may not satisfy.

If, prior to (or after) taking a CLEP examination, a student receives credit (including AP credit) for any coursework equivalent to the subject matter of a CLEP examination, the credits earned for the course will be deducted from the credits awarded for the examination.

A student is not allowed to take and receive academic credit for a CLEP examination after he or she has completed an equivalent or more advanced course within that subject matter. Any exceptions must be approved by a student’s academic college.

USU will accept a maximum of 30 total credits from CLEP, DANTES Standardized Subject Tests (DSST), and cooperative education/internship credit combined.

Other institutions have policies differing from those of USU regarding CLEP scores and credits granted for those scores. For transfer students with less than an associate degree, CLEP credit posted to another institution’s transcript is reevaluated based on USU’s standard.

College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) Credit Allocation


 Min. Score


USU Credit Awarded

American Government



3 (BAI ) credits

American Literature

50 3

3 elective credits

Analyzing and Interpreting Literature 52 3 ENGL 2200  (BHU) (3)




BIOL 1010  (BLS) (3)




3 (QL ) credits




No credit awarded

College Algebra



3 (QL ) credits

College Mathematics



No credit awarded

College Composition



3 (CL1 ) credits

College Composition Modular


No credit awarded

English Literature

50 3

3 elective credits

Financial Accounting



No credit awarded

French Language



No credit awarded

German Language



No credit awarded

History of the U.S. I: Early to 1877



HIST 2700  (BAI) (3)

History of the U.S. II: 1865 to Present



HIST 2710  (BAI) (3)

Human Growth and Development



PSY 1100  (3)




3 elective credits

Information Sys. & Computer Appl.



No credit awarded

Introduction to Educational Psychology



TEAL 3660  (2)

Introductory Business Law



MGT 2050  (2)

Introductory Psychology



PSY 1010  (BSS) (3)

Introductory Sociology



SOC 1010  (BSS) (3)

Natural Sciences



3 (BLS ) credits




No credit awarded

Principles of Macroeconomics



ECN 1500  (BAI) (3)

Principles of Management



No credit awarded

Principles of Marketing



MSLE 3500  (3)

Principles of Microeconomics 54 3 APEC 2010 /ECN 2010  (BSS) (3)

Social Sciences and History



3 elective credits

Spanish Language



No credit awarded

West. Civ. I: Ancient Near East to 1648



HIST 1100  (BHU) (3)

West. Civ. II: 1648 to the Present



HIST 1110  (BHU) (3)