University Registrar: John D. Mortensen
Location: Taggart Student Center 246
Phone: (435) 797-1116
FAX: (435) 797-1110
Credits Awarded for Courses
Traditional Courses
The standard for academic course credit, as identified by the Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges and followed by USU, is that one credit be awarded for three hours of student work per week during a 15-week semester. For traditional courses, this is interpreted as one 50-minute class period plus two hours of study per week for each credit. Note that one 50-minute period per week throughout a 15-week semester equals 12.5 contact hours per credit. This standard should be used in determining credits for courses which do not meet for 50-minute periods.
Nontraditional Courses
In addition to courses taught during regular academic terms, other educational experiences (such as workshops, institutes, short courses, and conferences) are offered at USU. Because of the short time period in which they are offered, these nontraditional courses may not require extensive out-of-class work by students. When little or no out-of-class work is required, the standard for such courses is 20 contact hours per credit.
Remedial Courses
Courses numbered 0010-0990 will not satisfy baccalaureate requirements, are not transferable, are not calculated in a student’s grade point average, and do not count toward earned hours.
Grading and Grading Options
For work in graded courses, A shall denote exceptional performance, B above average performance, C satisfactory performance, D poor performance, and F failing performance. Letter grades may be modified by plus (+) or minus (-) symbols (no A+ or D-).
Ordinarily a standard grade is given upon completion of a course, unless a grading option of “Audit” or “Pass/D+, D, F” is indicated at the time of registration, on the syllabus, or within prescribed deadlines.
GPA Hours and Quality Points
A GPA hour is defined as a credit which is used in calculating a student’s grade point average (GPA). All graded credits, except for those in which the Pass (P) or Incomplete (I) grade is received, qualify as GPA hours, unless otherwise noted. Quality points are assigned to each letter grade earned, as follows:
A |
4.00 |
C+ |
2.33 |
F |
0.00 |
A- |
3.67 |
C |
2.00 |
B+ |
3.33 |
C- |
1.67 |
B |
3.00 |
D+ |
1.33 |
B- |
2.67 |
D |
1.00 |
Scholastic Marks, which do not qualify for GPA hours, are as follows:
I |
Incomplete |
P |
Pass |
W |
Withdrawal |
AU |
Audit |
SP |
Satisfactory Progress |
No Grade Reported |
A grade of I, plus a companion grade, has no GPA hours or earned hours, but indicates that the student has up to one calendar year to finish the work. A grade of W, plus a companion grade, carries no grade point value, but indicates that the student withdrew after 60 percent of the course had been completed.
Grade Point Average
When a student is graded, the quality points for the grade are multiplied by the GPA hours to derive the total quality points. The total quality points are then divided by the total GPA hours to determine the GPA. GPAs are truncated to the nearest hundredth of a grade point.
Repeating Courses
Students may repeat any course at USU for which they have previously registered. They may also retake a course originally taken at an institution where USU has an articulation agreement, if the agreement identifies a specific USU course as being equivalent to the one the student desires to replace. All other decisions dealing with retaking courses, including courses taken under the quarter system, will be determined by the department in which the course is offered.
The number of times a student can take the same class is limited to a total of three times (once, plus two repeats). Beyond three attempts, the student’s dean must approve additional registration for the class.
The total number of repeats allowed is limited to ten. Students who exceed this limit will have an academic hold placed on their registration. Beyond ten repeats, the student’s academic dean must approve additional registration.
This policy does not apply to courses repeatable for credit. When a course listed in the General Catalog is identified as repeatable, the course may be taken more than once for credit.
When a course not identified as repeatable for credit is repeated, the highest grade and GPA hours are used to recalculate the student’s grade point average. (Note: For courses taken prior to Summer 2011, the most recent grade and GPA hours were used to recalculate the student’s grade point average.) The lower grade and GPA hours for the same course will remain on the student’s academic record, but will not be calculated in the grade point average or total GPA hours completed, and will be designated on the student’s transcript with an E (exclude). With the approval of the college dean, a course designated as repeatable may be repeated to receive a higher grade, with only the most recent grade and GPA hours being used in recalculating the student’s grade point average.
Once a degree is posted, all grades for that degree are frozen and cannot be modified. The only exception may be when a student completes an associate degree and then continues on to pursue a bachelor’s degree. In this case, if a course is repeated, the highest grade will be used.
Incomplete (I) Grade
Students are required to complete all courses for which they are registered by the end of the semester. In some cases, a student may be unable to complete all of the coursework because of extenuating circumstances. The term “extenuating” circumstances includes: (1) incapacitating illness which prevents a student from attending classes for a minimum period of two weeks, (2) a death in the immediate family, (3) financial responsibilities requiring a student to alter course schedule to secure employment, (4) change in work schedule as required by employer, (5) judicial obligations, or (6) other emergencies deemed appropriate by the instructor. The student may petition the instructor for time beyond the end of the semester to finish the work. If the instructor agrees, two grades will be given, an “I” and a letter grade for the course computed as if the missing work were zero. An Incomplete Grade Documentation Form must be filed by the instructor in the department or college office. Students may not be given an incomplete grade due to poor performance or in order to retain financial aid. An incomplete grade may be granted only if the student has completed the majority of the course and is passing the class at the time.
The student is required to complete the work by the time agreed upon (which may not be longer than 12 months). If no change of grade is submitted by the instructor within the prescribed period, the “I” will be removed and the letter grade originally submitted with the “I” will remain as the permanent grade for the course. Arrangements to complete the missing coursework are to be made directly with the instructor awarding the “I” grade, and in accordance with departmental and other USU policies. In the absence of the original instructor, special circumstances must be handled by the department head. Documentation of the reasons for granting an “I” grade and required work to be completed in order to remove the “I” grade must be recorded on the Incomplete Grade Documentation Form, which must be filed with the departmental office. Resolution of the “I” grade does not involve a complete repeat of the course, only the completion of missing coursework. A student does not reregister for the course. All “I” grades must be changed to letter grades prior to graduation, regardless of whether or not the course is required for the degree. Dissertation, thesis, directed study, and independent study courses taken for graduate work are exempted from this policy.
A student who is on academic probation and receives an incomplete grade in one or more classes may register for classes in the subsequent semester, provided the grades received from his or her other classes are high enough to prevent the student from being placed on academic suspension. A student in this situation, prior to making up the incomplete grade, may enroll in only one subsequent semester. A Registrar’s Office hold will then be placed on the student’s record, preventing him or her from registering for a second additional semester. Additional registration holds may be placed on a student’s record by an academic advisor. The Registrar’s Office hold will not be removed until the incomplete grade is changed to a letter grade. If the resulting grade does not cause the student to be placed on academic suspension, the Registrar’s Office hold will be removed. Other registration holds, such as an advisor hold, will need to be removed by the office placing the hold.
Exceptions to the one subsequent semester limitation may be made (1) if receiving the grade that accompanies the incomplete grade (e.g., a student who receives an IF grade would receive an F if no additional work was completed) would not cause the student to be placed on academic suspension for the semester in which the incomplete grade was originally received, or (2) by memo of justification from the course instructor who submitted the incomplete grade. Any exceptions must be requested through the Registrar’s Office.
Transfer Credit
The grades which may be transferred and recorded for transfer students shall include A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, and F, as well as P (Pass). Only grades earned at USU will be used in calculating USU grade point averages. Decisions concerning academic standing, once the student is admitted to USU, will be based solely on USU grades.
Final Grade Reports
Final grades are available through Access. Students may login to Access at: (After logging in, click on Student Records, then on Final Grades.) Instructors should submit their final grades within four working days after the final examination.
Change of Grades
The instructor of record of a course has the responsibility for any grade reported. Once a grade has been reported to the Office of the Registrar, it may be changed upon the signed authorization of the instructor of record who issued the original grade. In case the instructor is not available, the department head has authority to change the grade, provided the grade was assigned less than one year ago. This applies also to the grade of Incomplete (I). A change of grade after more than one year also requires the signature of the academic dean of the college in which the course is offered.
Official transcripts may be obtained by submitting a signed request to the Registrar’s Office, in person at TSC 246; by mail to Utah State University, 1600 Old Main Hill, Logan UT 84322-1600; or via the Internet. To request an official transcript online, students should login to Access at: (After logging in, click on Student Records, then on Order Transcript.)
Records Hold
A “Records Hold” will be placed on a student’s record when an outstanding financial obligation or disciplinary action has been reported.
When a “hold” is placed on a record, the following results may occur: (1) An official and/or unofficial transcript may not be issued; (2) registration privileges may be suspended; (3) other student services may be revoked. The “hold” will remain effective until removed by the initiating office. It is the student’s responsibility to clear the conditions causing the “hold.”
Registrar’s Office Forms
Change of Address Form
It is the responsibility of the student to keep the Office of the Registrar informed of address changes by using the Access (Banner) System on the Web:
Other Forms
The following forms are available at the Registrar’s Office (TSC 246) or online at:
Change of Information
Students who wish to have their name changed (e.g., new last name, add middle name, etc.) will need to fill out a change of information form. A copy of the student’s picture ID and of the student’s social security card, showing the desired name, must accompany the form submitted to the Registrar’s Office.
Change of Matriculation (Major)
When a student desires to change his or her major, emphasis, or minor, he or she must fill out a change of matriculation form. This form must be signed by representatives of the appropriate departments before being submitted to the Registrar’s Office.
Privacy Hold
A student wanting his or her public records marked as “private” may fill out a Privacy of Directory (Public) Information form. A privacy hold will be placed on the student’s record, and no information concerning that student can be communicated over the phone. Information can be given out only when the student presents his or her picture ID at the Registrar’s Office.
Release of Student Information
A release of student information form permits an appointed person to access a student’s records. In order to be valid, this form must be notarized.
Request for Verification
A student desiring to verify attendance and graduation information should complete a request for verification form, which should be submitted to the Registrar’s Office.
Petitions and Appeals
Academic Appeals
When a student feels that he/she has been treated unfairly by a specific professor or existing rules or regulations, there is a sequential process which should be followed in handling the situation. (Problems in this area include disagreements regarding a course grade, intervening circumstances which prevented the student from following an assigned procedure, etc.)
When a student experiences such difficulties, he/she should first go to the specific professor or administrator and discuss the situation. It may be possible to resolve the problem at this level. Should no agreement be reached, the student may then take the situation to the department head. If no resolution is reached at that level, the student may take the problem to the dean of the college. If there is still no resolution, the matter will be forwarded to an appeals committee. As a final recourse, the student may take the problem to the Provost’s Office, where a final decision will be made.
Academic Record Adjustment
Students requesting an academic record adjustment to a prior term must submit a Petition for Academic Record Adjustment to the Registrar’s Office. Adjustments will only be considered if extenuating circumstances exist. The term “extenuating circumstances” includes: (1) incapacitating illness which prevented a student from attending classes for a minimum period of two weeks and prevented the student from completing the desired adjustment during the term, (2) a death in the immediate family, or (3) other emergencies deemed appropriate. A maximum of two semesters may be adjusted per each degree. Petitions must be submitted within two years of the desired adjustment. The student must attach: (1) a typed appeal stating an explanation and justification for the desired adjustment, (2) supporting documentation confirming the extenuating circumstances, and (3) documentation from each of the course instructors. The cost for the petition is $20, which is a nonrefundable processing fee and does not guarantee approval. Students who wish to appeal the decision of the Registrar’s Office will be directed to the Vice President for Student Services.
Academic Renewal
Undergraduate students who have been admitted to Utah State University after an interruption in their collegiate education of at least one year may petition to have certain credits that are older than five years removed from the calculation of the GPA and credits earned. The renewal procedure allows the student’s academic records to be reviewed for the purpose of eliminating from grade point average computation all grades of D+ or below that were entered on the academic transcript five or more calendar years prior to the request, including transfer credit on the USU transcript. However, upon request, selected grades of D+ or below may remain on the student’s record. Petition forms are available in the Office of the Registrar and online. A $25 processing fee will be assessed.
- Academic renewal does not apply to graduate students nor to students pursuing a second undergraduate degree.
- Academic renewal may be applied only once and is irreversible.
- An absence of one or more years must have elapsed between readmission and the last enrollment at an institution of higher education. (Note: Students must be currently enrolled at USU to apply for academic renewal.) Only credits older than five years (and taken prior to the one-year gap and readmission) may be considered for academic renewal.
- After readmission, but before application for renewal, the student must have completed a minimum of 12 semester credits with at least a 2.50 GPA at Utah State University.
- Academic renewal applies only to courses having grades of D+ or below and taken prior to readmission. All such courses will remain unaltered on the transcript with the appropriate notation added to the transcript to indicate academic renewal. Courses designated in the petition will not count for computation of GPA for earned credits, nor for satisfying any graduation requirements. Courses with a grade of C- (or P) or better will be carried forward.
- Students may apply for this renewal after they have met the guidelines listed above. They are strongly encouraged to meet with their academic advisor prior to submitting their request.-