CS 1440: Methods in Computer Science (3)
CS 2420: Algorithms and Data Structures–CS 3 (QI) (3) ***
CS 3100: Operating Systems and Concurrency (3)
CS 3450: Introduction to Software Engineering (CI) (4)
CS 4700: Programming Languages (3)
CS 5000: Theory of Computability (3)
CS 5050: Advanced Algorithms (3)
CS 5110: MultiAgent Systems (4)
CS 5200: Introduction to Distributed Systems (4)
CS 5300: Compiler Construction (4)
CS 5400: Computer Graphics I (4)
CS 5460: Introduction to Cyber Security (DELETED SUMMER 2022) (3)
CS 5500: Parallel Programming (DELETED SUMMER 2022) (4)
CS 5600: Intelligent Systems (4)
CS 5800: Introduction to Database Systems (3)
CEE 4200: Engineering Economics (3)
ECE 2420: Algorithms and Data Structures (DELETED SUMMER 2022) (3) ***
ECE 4250: Internship/Co-op (1-3)
ENGR 2010: Engineering Mechanics Statics (3) *
ENGR 2030: Engineering Mechanics Dynamics (3)
ENGR 2140: Mechanics of Materials (3)
ENGR 2450: Numerical Methods for Engineers (3)
MAE 2160: Material Science (3)
MAE 2300: Thermodynamics I (3) **
*Students cannot receive credit for both Engineering Mechanics and Analytical Mechanics.
**Students cannot receive credit for both Engineering Thermodynamics and Thermal Physics.
***Students cannot receive credit for both CS 2420 and ECE 2420 .