Mar 13, 2025  
2012-2013 General Catalog (Summer, Fall 2012) 
2012-2013 General Catalog (Summer, Fall 2012) ARCHIVED CATALOG: To search archives, MUST use search box to left. Current catalog:

Jon M. Huntsman School of Business

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Dean: Douglas D. Anderson
Location: Business 815
Phone: (435) 797-8328
FAX: (435) 797-3929

Executive Dean and Chief Administrative Officer:

Kenneth C. Snyder, BUS 818, (435) 797-1387,

Associate Dean and Chief Academic Officer:

Frank Caliendo, BUS 512, (435) 797-2882,

Assistant Dean of Career and Student Services

Dave Patel, BUS 309, (435) 797-7878,

Director of Business Undergraduate Programs:

Ruth C. Harrison, BUS 309, (435) 797-2272,

Master’s Programs Contract:

Academic Departments

The Jon M. Huntsman School of Business includes the academic departments listed below. Information about degrees and curriculum options are listed in the departmental sections of this catalog.

Economics and Finance
Management Information Systems

School of Accountancy

Undergraduate Programs

The Huntsman School of Business offers the following programs in addition to those offered by academic departments. Detailed descriptions of these programs are provided in this section of this catalog.

Dual Major and Second Bachelor’s in Business
Minor in Business


The following programs are not necessarily associated with a specific department in the Jon M. Huntsman School of Business. Participation is open to all Huntsman School of Business students. For further information, see:

Career Acceleration
Consortium for Applied and Scholarly Research
Entrepreneurial Spirit
Field Studies
Huntsman Internships
Huntsman Scholar Program
Koch Scholars
Partners In Business
The Shingo Prize for Operational Excellence
Small Enterprise Education and Development (SEED)
Study Abroad
Summer Trips
Undergraduate Research Program

Graduate Degree Programs

The following is a list of the graduate degree programs offered by the Huntsman School. Detailed descriptions of these programs are provided within other catalog sections (see below).

Master of Accounting (MAcc)
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Master of Science in Financial Economics (MSFE)
Master of Science in Human Resources (MSHR)
Master of Science in Management Information Systems (MSMIS)

Nondegree and Other Programs

A wide variety of seminars and development programs are sponsored by units and academic departments within the Huntsman School of Business. For example, Business Relations operates the Partners In Business program and the Shingo Prize for Operational Excellence. Partners In Business provides a forum for the exchange of ideas, strategies and innovative business practices through low-cost, high-quality management education seminars for working professionals. The program is managed by a staff of dedicated business students under the supervision of the program director. Annual seminars include: Operational Excellence, Accounting, Information Technology and Principle-Centered Leadership. The Shingo Prize for Operational Excellence is an award given to organizations in recognition of world-class business performance achieved through focused improvements in lean business processes. The Shingo Prize is also awarded for research and writing that expands the knowledge and understanding of lean business processes.

The Huntsman School sponsors the Management Institute as a link between the talents of the faculty and the training needs of leaders in business, industry, and government. The Management Institute focuses on delivering high-quality, custom-designed training and development programs in outdoor experiential learning, indoor experiential learning, and data-based consulting.

The Center for E-Commerce is a part of the Management Information Systems Department in the Huntsman School of Business. The purpose of the center is to provide educational services within the University and community. The center includes e-commerce education, certification training, project coordination, and interdepartmental research.  


Huntsman School of Business programs in business and accounting are accredited by AACSB International—The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. AACSB is the premier accrediting association for business and accounting programs.


The mission of the Jon M. Huntsman School of Business is to become recognized globally as top-tier within our chosen strategic focus.


As strategic decisions are made in the the Jon M. Huntsman School of Business, the faculty and staff aspire to see their investments pay off in the lives of students. Upon graduation, students should be prepared to add immediate value to the organizations where they will work, as well as to assume increasing leadership roles in the organizations and communities where they choose to serve. Graduates of the Huntsman School of Business will be identified by the following: (1) a strong commitment to ethical leadership, (2) a sense of purpose and place engendered by their global vision, (3) an ability to create and leverage value through their understanding of entrepreneurial processes, and (4) a mastery of applied and conceptual analytical frameworks.


The purpose of the Jon M. Huntsman School of Business is to be a career accelerator for students, as well as an engine of economic growth for communities, the state, the nation, and the world.

Learning Goals

Regardless of their major, undergraduate Huntsman School of Business students are required to take a common coursework core that includes learning experiences in general knowledge and skills, as well as management-specific knowledge and skills. Six specific learning goals drive the curriculum. These goals are:

Goal 1

Students in the Huntsman School will develop a holistic understanding of business enterprise.

Goal 2

Students will be proficient at oral and written communication.

Goal 3

Students will be competent in quantitative and qualitative analytics, critical thinking, and data-driven decision making.

Goal 4

Students will think, understand, and act from a global perspective.

Goal 5

Students will be empowered to embrace opportunities, envision possibilities, mobilize resources, and create value.

Goal 6

Students will have a strong commitment to ethical leadership.


Each of the six learning goals is monitored and assessed for achievement. Information obtained through the assessment process is used to adjust and modify instructional methods and curriculum design as part of the Huntsman School’s continuous improvement effort. Achievement of goals is assessed using both direct and indirect measures. Direct measures include selection of students, course-embedded measurements, and a national achievement test. Indirect measures include student, alumni, and employer surveys, as well as employment and career success of graduates. More information on assessment within the Huntsman School of Business can be found

Honors in Business

Students who would like to experience greater academic depth within their major are encouraged to enroll in departmental honors. Through original, independent work, honors students enjoy the benefits of close supervision and mentoring, as they work one-on-one with faculty in select upper-division departmental courses. Qualified students in all majors within the Huntsman School of Business may pursue an Honors degree. Upon graduation, the student’s transcript will read: Graduated with Honors in [name of the major]. Honors students have the privilege of priority registration (registering a week before other students), as well as the privilege of enrolling in special course sections for honors students only. As part of a senior project, they have the opportunity to conduct business research of interest to them. Participating in the business honors program enriches the student’s educational experience, gains membership in the USU Honors Program, and enhances opportunities for admission to graduate and professional schools.

Eligibility for Acceptance

New freshmen with an Admission Index score of 126 or higher will be invited to participate in USU’s Honors Program and will be permitted to pursue Honors in Business. Admitted students must maintain a 3.50 minimum GPA in order to remain in the Honors Program. Sophomore, junior, and transfer students may apply or receive more information at the Honors Program Office, Main 15. Additional information can also be found online at:

Program of Study

Honors in Business requires 15 credits, which may be completed in the following way. If specific honors courses are not taken, then other courses may be substituted upon approval of the Huntsman School of Business honors advisor.

A student may elect to complete an Honors Advanced Internship (BUS 4250 ) by contract, in lieu of the Senior Honors Thesis/Project. For information about this option, contact Krystn Clark, Huntsman School of Business Internship Director, Business 309, (435) 797-2272,

Huntsman School of Business Honors Advisor

Jeffrey Doyle, Huntsman School of Business, BUS 512, (435)797-2882,

Undergraduate Programs

Admission and Graduation Requirements

 Admission into the Jon M. Huntsman School of Business is competitive. Minimum requirements are as follows:

1. Incoming freshman may be directly admitted into the Huntsman School of Business if they have a composite ACT score of 24 or above (26 or above for Accounting majors), and a High School GPA of 3.5 or above (3.6 or above for Accounting majors).  

a. Students who are accepted to Utah State University, but who do not meet the Huntsman Schoolo direct-admission ACT and GPA standards may be designated as an Undeclared-Business major. This designation is for students who have not been formally accepted into any USU degree program, but plan on applying for admission to the Huntsman School of Business upon completing 24+ credit hours. Advising for undeclared business majors are done through the Academic Advising (Undergraduate) or call 435-797-3373. 

  1. 2. USU students or Transfer students may be directly admitted into the Huntsman School of Business if they have earned 24 or more post-high school college credits with 3.5 cumulative GPA.
  2. 3. Applications will be considered after a student has:  

a. Earned a minimum overall GPA of 2.67

b. Completed at least 24 post-high school college credits of coursework, including ECN 1500 , STAT 2300  and ENGL 2010  with a grade of C or better

c. Please not that beginning in Fall 2013, the Huntsman School intends to raise the minimum entrance requirements for applicants who fall into this category to an overall minimum GPA of 3.0 and course grades for ECN 1500 , STAT 2300  and ENGL 2010  of B or better. 

Students not meeting the above conditions are encouraged to apply. Admission is competitive based on available space in the Huntsman School of Business. Application forms and information are available at the Huntsman School of Business PAC and at:

Applications are accepted after (1) passing the University’s Computer Information Literacy (CIL) Exam or equivalent; (2) earning a minimum overall GPA of 2.67; and (3) completion of ECN 1500 , MIS 3200  and STAT 2300  or equivalents with a grade of C or better.

Students may not repeat a course more than twice, and may have no more than 10 repeats in total to earn a degree. (Huntsman School of Business courses are limited to one repeat.) 

Matriculation Requirement and Transfer Limitation

No more than 15 USU Huntsman School of Business credits (ACCT, BUS, FIN, MGT, MIS), numbered 2000 and above, earned as a nonbusiness major (before acceptance into the Huntsman School of Business) can be applied to a Huntsman School of Business degree. More than 15 business credits can be transferred from other accredited institutions. However, additional USU Huntsman School of Business credits added to previously earned transfer business credits may not exceed a combined total of 15. Furthermore, to earn a bachelor’s degree in a Huntsman School of Business major, at least 50 percent of the required Huntsman School of Business credits must be earned from coursework taken from the Utah State University Huntsman School of Business.

Enrollment Restrictions

Admission to the Huntsman School of Business does not ensure access to the courses required for graduation. The following course admission requirements must be met by all USU students:

  1. There are no restrictions on 1000-level courses.
  2. ACCT 2010 , ACCT 2020 , MGT 2050 , and MIS 2200 , require as prerequisites at least 15 credits of completed college-level work, an overall GPA (transfer credits included) of at least 2.50, and STAT 1040 , or MATH 1030  or MATH 1050 . (MATH 1050  or equivalent is required for Huntsman School Majors.) In addition, MIS 2200  requires a passing score on the Huntsman School English Usage Exam; a satisfactory AP, ACT, or SAT score; or a grade of B or better in OSS 1550 .
  3. Most 3000-, 4000-, and 5000-level departmental courses in the Huntsman School are restricted to students admitted to the Huntsman School or another USU major with an overall GPA of at least 2.67.
  4. MGT 4880  and MGT 4890  require completion of at least 90 credits for admission, as well as completion of FIN 3400 , MGT 3110 , MGT 3500 , and MGT 3700 .
  5. Huntsman School courses may be repeated only once.
  6. Many Huntsman School courses have prerequisites and other restrictions requiring adherence. Before registering for courses within the Huntsman School, students should refer to course listings in this catalog or consult with their advisor to ensure they have completed the necessary prerequisites.

University Studies Requirements

All freshmen-level students who enter USU Fall of 1998 and thereafter will be required to meet the University Studies requirements . Students who have received an Associate of Arts/Science degree from a college or university in the Utah System of Higher Education or from a school with which USU or the Huntsman School of Business has an articulation agreement will be considered to have fulfilled the General Education portion of the University Studies requirements, but must still complete the Depth Education portion. It is recommended that all business students visit with an advisor in the Programs and Advising Center, Business 309, to clarify their specific requirements in this area.

USU Credits and Business Credits

At least 30 of the last 60 semester credits must be taken from Utah State University, at least 20 of which must be completed in upper-division courses, of which at least 10 credits must be completed in courses required by the student’s major. At least 50 percent of the Huntsman School of Business credits required for a Huntsman School of Business degree must be taken from the Utah State University Huntsman School of Business or its departments, which include: School of Accountancy, Economics and Finance, Management, and Management Information Systems.

Optional P/D+, D, F Grade Restriction

This option (Grade Restriction ) is not available for any required courses for majors and minors in the Huntsman School of Business.

Huntsman School of Business Stop-out Policy

Students having a break in attendance of Huntsman School of Business programs in excess of one year will be subject to the Huntsman School and departmental requirements in effect at the time of their return.


Students must satisfy all University, Huntsman School, and departmental major requirements to be eligible for graduation. Refer to appropriate sections of this catalog for details.

Minors in Other Business Subjects

Minors are available in other business subjects, as indicated in departmental sections of this catalog.

Professional Student Organizations

The following student organizations are sponsored by the Jon M. Huntsman School of Business and are available for membership, depending upon student objectives and qualifications.

Association for Information Systems (AIS)

The mission of AIS is to advance knowledge in the use of information technology to improve organizational performance and individual quality of work life. We create and offer professional development opportunities, establish an excellent relationship with the Huntsman School’s Career Acceleration program, serve the community using technology and provide social opportunities.  Nationally, we seek to gain a competitive advantage to succeed within the IS field,  gain world-wide recognition through competition and award programs, network with students from around the world and expand our career opportunities. For more information please visit or contact Robert Hayden, BUS 719 or 435.797.2295.  

Beta Alpha Psi (BAP)

BAP is a national accounting honors society. The Delta Omega Chapter at Utah State University has a renowned tradition of excellence with BAP, which is demonstrated through having the nation’s longest succession of superior chapter awards at 31 years. Our primary focus as an organization is on service and professional development. BAP serves the community and university through many activities including: Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA), Adopt-A-Highway, Juvenile Diabetes Walk, Stokes Nature Center, Phone-A-Thon (raising money for scholarships), Accounting Tutor Lab, Visits to Local High Schools…and much more. Becoming a member of Beta Alpha Psi is challenging but very rewarding. Candidates are required to participate in numerous service activities and to attend many professional meetings, all while maintaining a high GPA.  For more information, visit or contact Dr. Larry Walther,, (435) 797-8697.

Beta Gamma Sigma Business Honor Society

The Beta Gamma Sigma international honor society was founded in 1913 to recognize superior scholarship in business. It is the highest international recognition a business student anywhere in the world can receive. The USU chapter was established in 1975. Membership is by invitation only and is limited to the top 20 percent of business graduate students, the top 10 percent of seniors with business majors, and the top 7 percent of juniors with business majors. Undergraduate candidates must have completed at least 30 credits of study at Utah State University. Graduate candidates must have completed at least 18 credits of study at Utah State University. For more information, contact Kelli Rawson at or at 435-797-2352.

Business Ambassadors

Business Ambassadors are the student representatives of the Jon M. Huntsman School of Business. Each year 12 Business Ambassadors are selected. Ambassadors assist the dean of the school with hosting events that alumni and other prominent business people attend. They are responsible for welcoming all visitors to the Huntsman School of Business by giving campus tours and engaging guests in fun and interesting conversation. Ambassadors also help with recruiting students to the Jon M. Huntsman School of Business. They travel with the USU Ambassadors to community colleges and other two-year institutions to recruit transfer students, as well as to high schools to recruit new freshman. They also work with campus advisors to recruit undeclared students. For additional information, contact Mary Price,, (435) 797-8328.

Business Council

The Business Council consists of Jon M. Huntsman School of Business students from various business majors. The Business Council’s main objective is to listen to students and take action to implement their ideas in the Huntsman School of Business. The Business Council meets weekly to discuss feedback received from students. In addition, a representative from the council meets with school administrators once a month to inform the faculty of student opinions and concerns. For additional information, contact Dave Patel at or at 435-797-7878. 

Finance and Economics Club

The mission of the Jon M. Huntsman School of Business Finance and Economics Club is to be a career accelerator for students by exposing them to exceptional speakers. providing experiences for  hands-on learning, and developing lasting relationships with alumni to increase networking opportunities.   For further information, visit or contact Paul Fjeldsted,, (435) 797-2172.

Financial Planning Association (FPA)

The national Financial Planning Association currently serves more than 25,000 members — financial planners, associated professionals, academics, students, large firms and independent practitioners — who lead and manage more than 15,500 organizations. The Utah State Student Chapter is affiliated with the Utah FPA Chapter.  Officers in the Student Chapter plan monthly professional meetings, service activities and the Annual Banquet and Financial Careers Fair.  The professional meetings present wonderful opportunities to learn the dynamic details of financial planning while networking with prestigious financial planners with real experience.  Service activities provide students hands-on financial experience in the community.  The Annual Banquet and Financial Careers Fair connects students and financial planners in a networking environment like no other.   For additional information, visit or contact Dr. Vance Grange,, (435) 797-2702.

Huntsman Marketing Association

The Huntsman Marketing Association is designed to expand opportunities for creativity and innovation, broaden perspectives, and apply key marketing principles to real world settings. As the Utah State University Chapter of the American Marketing Association the club enjoys all of the benefits of a national organization with the personal touch of a local chapter. There are many great opportunities to assist in consulting work for both businesses and organizations, attend activities and club socials, network and learn from guest speakers, and compete in case competitions. For more information please visit or contact Dr. Stacey Hills at or at 435.797.8201. 

Innovation and Entrepreneurship Council (IEC)

The Innovation and Entrepreneurship Council is for any student at USU who wants to start their own business some day.  The council hosts events for students in engineering, science, business, pre-med, education, the arts, natural resources, agriculture. The IEC’s focus is to aid students in evaluating their ideas and give them the tools they need to get started.  The club provides a platform where students can network with professional entrepreneurs, learn how to start a business, bounce ideas off other students, learn how to raise investment money and gain the skills needed to be successful entrepreneurs. The Innovation and Entrepreneurship Council at Utah State is the local chapter of the national organization of CEO (Collegiate Entrepreneurs’ Organization).  The IEC’s mission is to provide students with opportunities to have direct contact with successful entrepreneurs, refine business plans and ideas, apply and gain business and leadership experience, provide internship opportunities and interact with other students with the entrepreneurial spirit. For more information please visit or email them at  

Institute of Management Accountants (IMA)

Joining the Institute of Management Accountants (IMA) provides an excellent resource for students seeking managerial accounting careers. It opens up opportunities for information, networking, internships and scholarships. If you don’t know what “managerial accounting” is exactly, we invite you to come find out. If you don’t know if managerial accounting is the accounting path you want to take, that’s why we’re here. For additional information, visit or contact Frank Shuman,, (435) 797-2339.

Lean Leaders

The mission of Lean Leaders is to develop operational excellence principles within students through application and educational opportunities to better serve their university, industry and community. For more information please contact Vijay Kannan at or at 435.797.7212.  

MBA Association (MBAA)

The Master of Business Administration Association (MBAA) serves students enrolled in the Utah State University MBA program. Membership is granted to all current MBA students. The MBAA encourages and hosts networking activities designed to help MBA students at USU find employment. Members help each other by refining resumes, practicing interviews, and developing other job-closing skills. The MBAA also works with MBA alumni to promote and strengthen the MBA program. For further information, contact Katherine McConkie,, (435) 797-1773.

New Venture Consulting Group

New Venture Consulting is a group of talented students from the nationally recognized Huntsman School of Business.  The aim of the group is to evaluate businesd opportunitied (primarily early-stage ventures). Our team features the brightest minds in all sectors of the business school. We have helped many different local ventures successfully seek funding. For further information please visit or email

Phi Beta Lambda (PBL)

Phi Beta Lambda is a national student organization specifically designed for students seeking a competitive edge in the business world. Involvement in PBL gives students opportunities they can’t get in the classroom, as well as experiences employers are looking for in today’s competitive job market. Benefits of membership in PBL include leadership development, networking contacts, social activities, travel opportunities, and professional conferences. For additional information, visit or contact Joseph Banks,, (435) 797-0333.

Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)

The SHRM chapter at Utah State is designed to help HR majors and other business majors develop and refine the skills necessary for today’s business world. By being a part of USU’s SHRM chapter, you will benefit from the business professionals that we invite to our meetings that share their experiences in the business world in an interactive learning environment.  Whether you are a business major considering HR management as a career or just looking for career options, this is a great place to get started with some hands on experience. For more information please visit or contact Al Warnick, or 435.797.2301. 

Society for International Business and Economic Development

The Society for International Business and Economic Development (SIBED) aims to promote the role of students and organizations in advancing global society. SIBED focuses on three areas: (1) expanding awareness of international opportunities for academic and professional development, (2) developing knowledge and understanding of current issues in international business and development, and (3) being an advocate for corporate and humanitarian social responsibility. For more information, contact Dr. Vijay Kannan,, (435) 797-7212.

Society for the Advancement of Ethical Leadership

The Society for the Advancement of Ethical Leadership (SAEL) has been created to provide exciting hands-on and real-world ethical experiences to students. The society seeks to uphold the Huntsman School pillar of ethical leadership. SAEL is a student run club providing many opportunities for students to get involved and challenge themselves with tough real world issues. We hold many activities and events throughout the year.    For more information please contact Dr. Chad Albrecht,, (435) 797-2365, or Dr. Konrad Lee,, (435) 797-5090.

Scholarships, Fellowships, and Assistantships

A number of scholarships and assistantships are available to Huntsman School of Business students at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. There are also opportunities for employment in research projects and other activities. Assistantships for graduate students are available for both teaching and research. Applications for undergraduate scholarships may be made directly to the Programs and Advising Center, Business 309.

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