Mar 04, 2025  
2025-2026 General Catalog 
2025-2026 General Catalog

Special Education - MEd

Emma Eccles Jones College of Education and Human Services

Department of Special Education and Rehabilitation Counseling

The Master of Education degree program is designed for persons who desire a graduate program that will help them improve their competencies as educators. This includes school personnel, as well as individuals who are involved in education-related activities across a variety of community, work, and clinical settings. The MEd degree focuses on improving instruction and management practices, implementing legal requirements, professional collaboration, and addressing cultural and linguistic diversity. All candidates must complete a creative project which consists of a professional portfolio or a research project. A minimum of 36 credits, including a creative project (SPED 6960 ), is required for the MEd degree. Students are not required to complete a particular area of specialization but are encouraged to fill their required elective credits with courses that align with their interests.

Students interested in the School Leadership Licensure option should indicate that interest on their initial master’s application and submit an additional application to the School of Teacher Education and Leadership.


Degree Requirements

  • A bachelor’s degree from an accredited U.S. college or university or a similarly recognized international university is required for admission to and completion of a graduate program.
  • Graduate students are required to maintain at least a 3.0 GPA for degree-program courses. Grades of C- or lower will not be accepted for a graduate degree.
  • The Program of Study for a master’s degree or a doctoral degree, if the student has a master’s degree, must include at least 15 semester credits at the level of 6000 or above.
  • At least 24-semester credits for a master’s degree must be from a committee-approved and a School of Graduate Studies-approved Program of Study from Utah State University
  • A master’s must be completed within six years of entering the degree program.
  • Master’s forms:
  • Successful defense and submission of the project to the library.


Master of Education

All master’s students are required to enroll in courses that support their area(s) of interest. Courses may either be taken in the Department of Special Education and Rehabilitation Counseling or other departments. Coursework taken post bachelor’s degree can be applied from licensure or endorsement areas such as:

  • School Leadership Licensure option
  • Dual Sensory Impairments
  • Early Childhood
  • English as a Second Language
  • Mild/Moderate
  • Reading
  • Severe Disabilities

Coursework can be applied from a single program or accrued across departments such as:

  • Elementary Education
  • Family and Human Development
  • Instructional Technology
  • Psychology
  • Program Evaluation
  • Secondary Education
  • Sociology or Social Work

For more specific information, please visit the department’s website:


MEd with School Leadership Licensure

The Master of Education with the School Leadership Licensure option is designed for individuals pursuing administrative or supervisory positions in the public school system. The program combines the special education focus on refining school practices in terms of instruction and management practices, legal requirements, and professional collaboration with the knowledge and competencies of the School Leadership Licensure option. A separate application to the Teacher Education and Leadership department is required for this program. For more information, please visit the department’s website:

Program Requirements

SPED 6060 , 6300 , 6700 , 6770  are not offered every semester. Contact advisor for updated information on course offerings. SPED 6960  is intended to be completed during the last semester or two of the program. Twelve additional elective credits (5000 level or above) are required for program completion; elective courses must be approved by the advisor and relevant to professional interests.