Mar 12, 2025  
2017-2018 General Catalog 
2017-2018 General Catalog ARCHIVED CATALOG: To search archives, MUST use search box to left. Current catalog:

Depth Social Sciences (DSS)

Select one course from the following:

A minimum of 2 credits is required for all students whose majore is not categorized as Social Sciences (SS).

ANTH 3110 - North American Indian Cultures (DSS)  

ANTH 3140: Sex and Gender (DSS)  

ANTH 3160: Anthropology of Religion (DSS)  

ANTH 3200: Perspectives on Race (DSS/CI)  

ANTH 3300: Archaeology in North America (DSS)  

ANTH 3350: Archaeology of Ancient Civilizations (DSS)  

ANTH 3360: Utah Archaeology (DSS)  

ANTH 3370: Archaeology of Prehistoric Europe (DSS)  

ANTH 4110: Southwest Indian Cultures, Past and Present (DSS)  

ANTH 4120 - Anthropology of Childhood (DSS/CI)  

ANTH 4130 - Introduction to Medical Anthropology (DSS)  

ANTH 5650: Developing Societies (DSS)  

APEC 3010: Introduction to Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness (DSS)  

APEC 3012: Introduction to Natural Resource and Regional Economics (DSS)  

APEC 3020: Firm Finance and Records Analysis (DSS)   

CMST 3050 - Technical and Professional Communication (DSS)  

CMST 3330 - Intercultural Communication (DSS)  

CMST 4200 - Language, Thought, and Action (DSS)  

ECN 3010: Managerial Economics (DSS)   

ECN 3400: Introduction to Global Economic Institutions and Business Environment (DSS)  

ECN 5110: Economic History of the United States (DSS)  

ECN 5150 - Comparative Economic Systems (CI/DSS)  

ENVS 4000: Human Dimensions of Natural Resource Management (DSS)  

FCHD 3350 - Family Finance (DSS)  

GEOG 5650: Developing Societies (DSS)  

HONR 3030: Special Topics: Social Sciences (DSS/CI)  

HONR 3070 - Honors Interdisciplinary Depth (DHA/DSC/DSS)  

HONR 3071 - Honors Interdisciplinary Depth, Part 1 (DHA/DSC/DSS)  

HONR 3072 - Honors Interdisciplinary Depth, Part 2 (DHA/DSC/DSS)  

JCOM 3140: Opinion Writing (DSS)  

JCOM 3320 - Strategic Research Methods in Public Relations (DSS)  

JCOM 3410: Film as Cultural Communication (DSS)  

JCOM 4010: Mass Communication Ethics (DSS)  

JCOM 4020: Mass Media and Society (DSS)  

JCOM 4030: Mass Media Law (DSS)  

MGT 3110: Managing Organizations and People (DSS)   

MGT 3810 - Employment Law and Policy Development (DSS)  

MGT 3820 - International Management (DSS)  

MIS 5700 - Internet Management and Electronic Commerce (DSS)  

MUSC 3030: Rock and Roll-Catalyst for Social Change (DHA/DSS)  

POLS 3110: Parties and Elections (DSS)  

POLS 3120: Law and Politics (DSS)  

POLS 3130: United States Legislative Politics (DSS)  

POLS 3140: The Presidency (DSS)  

POLS 3200: The Politics of Development  

POLS 3210: Western European Government and Politics (DSS)  

POLS 3220 - Russian and East European Government and Politics (DSS)  

POLS 3250: Chinese Government and Politics (DSS)  

POLS 3270: Latin American Government and Politics (DSS)  

POLS 3310: American Political Thought (DSS)  

POLS 3400: United States Foreign Policy (DSS)  

POLS 3430: Political Geography (CI/DSS)  

POLS 3810: Introduction to Public Policy (DSS)  

POLS 4260: Asian Government and Politics  

POLS 4320: History of Political Thought II (DSS)  

POLS 4820: Natural Resources and Environmental Policy: Political Economy of Environmental Quality (DSS)  

POLS 5350: Evolution, Conflict, and Cooperation (DSS)  

PSY 3120: Abuse, Neglect, and the Psychological Dimensions of Intimate Violence (DSS)  

PSY 3210: Abnormal Psychology (DSS)  

PSY 3400 - Analysis of Behavior: Advanced (DSS)  

PSY 3500 - Research Methods in Psychology (DSS/CI)  

PSY 3510 - Social Psychology (DSS)  

PSY 4210: Personality Theory (DSS)  

PSY 4230 - Psychology of Gender (DSS)  

PSY 4240: Multicultural Psychology (DSS)  

PSY 4420: Cognitive Psychology (DSS)  

RELS 3160 - Anthropology of Religion (DSS)  

SCED 3210 - Educational and Multicultural Foundations (DSS/CI)  

SOC 3010: Social Inequality (DSS)  

SOC 3200: Population and Society (DSS)  

SOC 3330: Medical Sociology (DSS)  

SOC 3600: Sociology of Urban Places (DSS)  

SOC 3610: Rural Sociology (DSS)  

SOC 4620: Sociology of the Environment and Natural Resources (DSS)  

USU 3070 - Interdisciplinary Depth (DHA/DSC/DSS)  

USU 3071 - Interdisciplinary Depth, Part 1 (DHA/DSC/DSS)  

USU 3072 - Interdisciplinary Depth, Part 2 (DHA/DSC/DSS)