Mar 12, 2025  
2017-2018 General Catalog 
2017-2018 General Catalog ARCHIVED CATALOG: To search archives, MUST use search box to left. Current catalog:

Elementary Education K-6/Special Education: Birth to 5 Emphasis - BA, BS

Emma Eccles Jones College of Education and Human Services

Department of Teacher Education and Leadership

Elementary Education K-6/Special Education (Birth to 5) - BS

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  • For more information about Special Education and Rehabilitation, see the website.
  • Following is a sample four-year plan. Please note that student-specific plans may differ.
  • Admitted students must meet with an academic advisor. Current students should also meet with an academic advisor, and logon to DegreeWorks  to check student-specific program progress.
  • Students following the recommended schedule listed below should be able to complete degree requirements in four years (eight semesters). 


Minimum University Requirements

Total Credits 120


Grade Point Average (most majors require higher GPA)

2.00 GPA
Credits of C- or better 100 Credits of upper-division courses (#3000 or above) 40
Total USU Credits 30 Upper-division USU Credits 20
USU Credits within the Major 10 Credits in Minor (if required) 12
Credits in Major see below Credits in American Institutions 3
General Education Requirements   see link University Studies Depth Requirements   see link
NOTES: highest Math Requirement for this degree is MATH 2020: Euclidean Geometry and Statistics for Elementary Education School Teachers (QI)  


Admissions Requirements for this Program

New freshmen Admitted to USU in Good Standing


Transfer students from other institutions or other programs at USU 2.75 GPA

First Year

 Fall Semester


General Education Info and Notes:


Spring Semester


General Education Info and Notes:

ELED 1010: Orientation to Elementary Education   3   B- or better FCHD 1500: Human Development Across the Lifespan (BSS)   3    
ENGL 1010: Introduction to Writing: Academic Prose (CL1)   3   C or better MATH 2020: Euclidean Geometry and Statistics for Elementary Education School Teachers (QI)   3    
MATH 1050: College Algebra (QL)   4     PHYS 1200: Introduction to Physics by Hands-on Exploration (BPS)   4    
   3 See list for options.    3 See list for options.
   See list for options.    See list for options.



Second Year

 Fall Semester


General Education Info and Notes:


Spring Semester


General Education Info and Notes:

ENGL 2010: Intermediate Writing: Research Writing in a Persuasive Mode (CL2)   3     ELED 3000: Historical, Social, and Cultural Foundations of Education and School Practicum (CI)   4-6   Enroll in 4 credits
B- or better
MATH 2010: Algebraic Thinking & Number Sense for Elementary Education School Teachers (QI)   3     ELED 3005: Beginning Classroom Management   1   B- or better
SPED 4000: Education of Exceptional Individuals   2   B- or better ELED 3100: Classroom Reading Instruction   3   B- or better
   3 See list for options. FCHD 2600: Seminar in Early Childhood Education   2   B- or better
   See list for options. FCHD 2630: Practicum in Early Childhood Education   2-5   Enroll in 2 credits
B- or better
Teaching Enhancement Course - Multicultural Education 3   TEAL 3660: Educational Psychology for Teachers   2   B- or better
      SPED 5530: Technology for Teaching Exceptional Learners   2-3   B- or better




Third Year

 Fall Semester


General Education Info and Notes:


Spring Semester


General Education Info and Notes:

SPED 5010: Applied Behavioral Analysis 1: Principles, Assessment, and Analysis (QI)   3   B- or better SPED 5050: Applied Behavioral Analysis 2: Applications      3   B- or better
SPED 5040: Foundations of Effective Assessment and Instructional Practices   3   B- or better SPED 5060: Consulting with Parents and Teachers   3   B- or better
SPED 5070: Policies and Procedures in Special Education    1-3   Enroll in 3 credits
B- or better
SPED 5710: Young Children with Disabilities: Characteristics and Services   3   B- or better
SPED 5730: Intervention Strategies for Young Children with Disabilities   3   B- or better SPED 5810: Seminar and Field Experiences with Infants and Families   3-4   Enroll in 4 credits
B- or better
SPED 5820: Preschool Practicum with Young Children with Disabilities in Community Environments   4   B- or better SPED 5840: Practicum: Working with Young Children with Autism   1   B- or better




Fourth Year

 Fall Semester


General Education Info and Notes:


Spring Semester


General Education Info and Notes:

ELED 4061: Teaching Elementary School Mathematics I: Rational Numbers, Operations, and Proportional Reasoning   3   B- or better ELED 4000: Teaching Science and Practicum Level III       3   B- or better
ELED 4480: Early Childhood Education Kindergarten Through Grade 3   3   B- or better ELED 4005: Intermediate Classroom Management   1   B- or better
FCHD 4550: Preschool Methods and Curriculum   3   B- or better ELED 4030: Teaching Language Arts and Practicum Level III (CI)   3   B- or better
Depth Course (Depth Life and Physical Sciences (DSC) , Depth Humanities and Creative Arts (DHA) , Depth Social Sciences (DSS) ) 2-3   ELED 4040: Assessment and Instruction for Struggling Readers (CI)   3   B- or better
Depth Course (Depth Life and Physical Sciences (DSC) , Depth Humanities and Creative Arts (DHA) , Depth Social Sciences (DSS) ) 2-3 In different category ELED 4050: Teaching Social Studies and Practicum Level III   3   B- or better
Teaching Elective: Art Methods or Healthy Living  2-3    ELED 4060: Teaching Mathematics and Practicum Level III  or ELED 4062: Teaching Elementary School Mathematics II: Number, Operations, and Algebraic Reasoning   3  or 3   B- or better



Enroll in FCHD 4960: Practice Teaching in Child Development Laboratories  for Summer term.

Fifth Year

Summer Semester


General Education Info and Notes:


Fall or Spring Semester


General Education Info and Notes:

FCHD 4960: Practice Teaching in Child Development Laboratories   3 or 6   Enroll in 3 credits
B- or better
ELED 5050: Student Teaching - Kindergarten   3-6   Enroll in 3 credits
B- or better
  ELED 5100: Student Teaching - Primary (Grades 1-3)  OR ELED 5150: Student Teaching - Elementary (Grades 4-6)   6  or  6   B- or better
ELED 5250: Advanced Classroom Management and Student Teaching Seminar   3   B- or better
SPED 5210: Student Teaching in Special Education: Dual Majors (CI)   3-15   Enroll in 6 credits
B- or better





Level II Transition Courses (All courses B- or better) (9 Credits)

Teaching Enhancement Course List (All courses C- or better)