Bachelor of Sciences in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Admission to Pre-Professional Program
Admission requirements for students desiring to major in Electrical Engineering or Computer Engineering are the same as those governing admission to the College of Engineering , except that students must also be “calculus ready.” That is, they must: (1) achieve a score of 27 or higher on the math ACT test; (2) complete MATH 1050 and MATH 1060 or MATH 1210 ; or (3) achieve an AP score of at least 3 on the AB Calculus or BC Calculus test.
Required Courses
Required courses are shown in the accompanying paragraphs; however, because of differences in high school or transfer student preparation, it is strongly recommended that students meet with the college academic advisor to plan a detailed semester-by-semester schedule for completing the preprofessional requirements. Particular attention must be paid to course prerequisites, requiring some students to take longer than four semesters to complete the preprofessional program. Students transferring into the department should consult with the college academic advisor for transfer credit evaluation and proper placement in the curriculum.
AP and CLEP credit may be used to meet some of the required technical and University Studies courses. Details concerning courses acceptable as electives are available from the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department.
Professional Program
Because of the variations in schedules, it is recommended that students meet with an advisor to work out a schedule for their junior and senior years. The following courses are required for students selecting the Professional Program in Electrical Engineering.
*These classes are required for admission to the Professional Engineering Program (PEP). Courses are listed under the semesters in which they best fit.
1 Some of the junior classes can be delayed until the senior year, but this may limit a student’s choice of electives during his or her senior year.
**ENGL 3080 must be taken before or concurrently with ECE 3810 .
***ECE 4850 and a capstone course must be taken during the same semester.
2 Students cannot receive credit for both Engineering Mechanics and Analytical Mechanics.
3 Students cannot receive credit for both Engineering Thermodynamics and Thermal Physics.
4 Students cannot receive credit for both ECE Optics and PHYS Optics.