Mar 13, 2025
2010-2011 General Catalog ARCHIVED CATALOG: To search archives, MUST use search box to left. Current catalog: catalog.usu.edu.
Geology, PhD
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The Doctor of Philosophy degree in Geology requires original research in a specific area of geology, demonstration of broad knowledge in the field of geology, and demonstration of depth of knowledge in at least two areas of geology. The successful candidate must demonstrate a breadth of understanding in geology, as well as a depth of understanding in his or her chosen area(s) of emphasis. Potential students must show an ability to do creative research. This research should be carried out during a significant period of time (i.e., during at least one year or three semesters in residence). Thus, each successful PhD candidate will produce a significant piece of original research, presented in a written dissertation and defended in an oral examination. This work should be of such scope and quality that more than one journal or conference article can be derived from it.
Degree Requirements
There are two program tracks for this degree: academic and professional. The academic track is designed to prepare graduates for a career in academia or other teaching-related settings. It includes both coursework in education and classroom teaching experience under the supervision of a faculty teaching mentor. The professional track is designed to prepare graduates for work in professional careers with the petroleum industry, with other extractive industries, or in environmental and hydrologic consulting. It includes coursework in statistics, information systems, remote sensing, and GIS. Completion of a professional internship is encouraged. Students completing a PhD in Geology must fulfill the following requirements: - Complete at least 90 credits of graduate coursework (including at least 21 credits of GEO 7970 , Dissertation Research) beyond a BS degree or at least 60 credits (including at least 15 credits of GEO 7970 , Dissertation Research) beyond an MS degree, with a minimum class grade of B and a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.3.
- If an MS degree is completed first, then no more than 12 credits of the 60 credits required for the PhD degree may be taken in coursework numbered below the 6000 level. If an MS degree is not completed first, then no more than 21 credits of the 90 credits required for the PhD degree may be taken in coursework numbered below the 6000 level.
- Complete at least 30 credits of advanced coursework (6000 level and above) beyond the BS degree or 21 credits of advanced coursework beyond the MS degree, including at least 15 credits of 7000-level geology coursework, and excluding GEO 6900 , GEO 7970 , and GEO 7990 .
- Complete 3 credits of GEO 7800 (Graduate Seminar Series).
- Academic Track: Complete 9-12 credits of department-approved education or instructional technology courses, and successfully teach one geology course under the supervision of a faculty mentor. TEAL 6190 and GEO 6900 (teaching internship) are required.
Professional Track: Complete 9-12 credits of department-approved courses in statistics, remote sensing, and/or geographic information systems. Completion of a professional internship program is encouraged. Approved courses include BIE 6003/PSC 6003 /WATS 6003 , ENVS 6550 , WATS 4930 , WATS 6760 , WILD 6740 , WILD 6750 . - Pass a written comprehensive examination showing depth and breadth of knowledge in geology and in the student’s area(s) of emphasis. The student may be required to take additional classes to satisfy any deficiencies.
- Successfully complete a written dissertation research proposal, present that proposal orally to the committee, and defend it during an oral examination. The oral examination will include questions of a deep and probing nature, and may range beyond the dissertation proposal into geoscience areas unrelated to the student’s specialization.
- Complete at least 15 credits in GEO 7970 (Dissertation Research) if admitted with a prior master’s degree, or 21 credits in GEO 7970 (Dissertation Research) without an earned master’s degree.
- Successfully complete and defend a dissertation. The dissertation will be a written document and may consist of several papers submitted or accepted for publication. The defense will be oral, including a presentation of the work and successful defense of the work to the faculty.
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