Mar 13, 2025
2010-2011 General Catalog ARCHIVED CATALOG: To search archives, MUST use search box to left. Current catalog: catalog.usu.edu.
Management Information Systems, BA
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Bachelor of Arts Degree Language Requirement
Bachelor of Arts Degree A Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree signifies proficiency in one or more foreign languages. Specifically, the BA requirement may be completed in one of the following ways: - Demonstration of proficiency in one foreign language by successful completion of one course at the 2020-level or higher (or its equivalent).
Or - Demonstration of proficiency in American Sign Language by successful completion of American Sign Language IV (COMD 4920 ) and Socio-Cultural Aspects of Deafness (COMD 4780 ), and by passing an exit interview.
Or - Demonstration of proficiency in two foreign languages by successful completion of the 1020 course level in one language and the 2010 course level in the second language (or its equivalent).
Or - Completion of an upper-division (3000-level or higher) foreign language grammar or literature course requiring the 2020 course level (or its equivalent) as a prerequisite. Conversation courses cannot be considered for satisfying this requirement.
For nonnative English-speaking students only, the following options are available: - Successful completion of the Intensive English Language Institute (IELI) program for international students.
Or - TOEFL, Michigan, or IELI placement scores high enough to meet the University admission criteria.
Requirements for Bachelor’s Degree in Management Information Systems
To earn a bachelor’s degree in Management Information Systems, a student must complete the USU requirements for a bachelor’s degree and the following categories of coursework in the Huntsman School of Business: Huntsman School of Business Acumen, MIS Department Core, and four MIS elective courses (12 credits). Huntsman School of Business Acumen (40 credits)
Prior to Huntsman School of Business admission and prior to enrolling in courses numbered 3000 or above, ECN 1500 , MIS 2200 , and STAT 2300 must be completed with a grade of C or better. MIS Department Core Requirements (10-13 credits)
Elective Courses (12 credits)
Students must select four elective courses from the following list: Note:
1 MIS 2100 is a prerequisite for these courses. 2 MIS 3330 is a prerequisite for these courses. 3 MIS 3330 and a programming class are prerequisites for these courses. 4 Passing scores on the Computer and Information Literacy (CIL) exams are prerequisites for this course. |
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