College of Science
Department of Geology
Admission Requirements For This Major
New freshmen admitted to USU in good standing qualify for admission to this major. A cumulative 3.0 GPA, ACT scores of 21 composite and 20 verbal/English and 19 mathematics/quantitative and 60 credits of coursework are required for admission to the Secondary Teacher Education Program (STEP). Students should contact the School of Teacher Education and Leadership (TEAL) for information on additional admission criteria.
Transfer students from other institutions or other USU majors need a cumulative 3.0 GPA, ACT scores of 21 composite and 20 verbal/English and 19 mathematics/quantitative to be admitted to the major. They also need 60 credits of coursework to be admitted to the STEP. Students should contact the School of Teacher Education and Leadership (TEAL) for information on additional admission criteria.
The Program
A bachelor’s degree in the Earth Science—Composite Teaching Major includes: University Studies, as required by the College of Science; the Composite Teaching Major; and the Secondary Teacher Education Program (STEP). Students majoring in the Earth Science—Composite Teaching Major will complete courses which provide an in-depth understanding of geological principles.
The Earth Science—Composite Teaching Major program is fully accredited by the Utah State Office of Education and the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education.
Career Opportunities
Through the bachelor’s degree program in the Earth Science—Composite Teaching Major, students are prepared for public school teaching at the secondary level. Students completing the program are eligible to apply for secondary licensure in the State of Utah. Utah also has reciprocal agreements with many other states.
Graduation Requirements:
Students must complete the Minimum University Graduation and University Studies General Education and Depth Requirements.
Students must complete the General Education Requirements:
- GEO 1110 in conjunction with CHEM 1220 will fulfill the Exploration requirement
- MATH 1210 will fulfill the Quantitative Literacy (QL) requirement
- PHYS 1040 will fulfill the Breadth Physical Sciences (BPS) requirement
- ENGL 1010 and ENGL 2010 will fulfill the Communications Literacy requirement
- Three credits of approved courses in each of the following: American Institutions (BAI), Creative Arts (BCA), Humanities (BHU), Life Sciences (BLS) and Social Sciences (BSS)
Students must also complete the University Studies Depth Requirements:
- SCED 3210 and SCED 4200 will fulfill the Communications Intensive (CI) requirement
STAT 3000 will fulfill the Quantitative Intensive (QI) requirement
- GEO 3200 will fulfill the Life and Physical Sciences (DSC) requirement
- SCED 3210 will fulfill the Social Sciences (DSS) requirement
- Two credits of approved 3000-level or above courses in Humanities and Creative Arts (DHA)