For most students, courses taken for the major will meet this requirement.
ADVS 4200 - Physiology of Reproduction and Lactation (CI) 4
ADVS 4920 - Undergraduate Seminar (CI) 2
ADVS 5630 - Endocrinology (CI) 3
ANTH 3130 - Peoples of Latin America (CI) 3
ANTH 3200 - Perspectives on Race (CI/DSS) 3
ANTH 3310 - Introduction to Museum Studies (CI) 3
ANTH 3710 - Topics in Folklore (CI) 3
ANTH 4120 - Anthropology of Childhood (CI/DSS) 3
ANTH 4140 - Anthropology of Global Health (CI) 3
ANTH 4990 - Contemporary Issues in Anthropology (CI) 3
APEC 5020 - Strategic Firm Management (CI) 3
APEC 5040 - Rural Economic Development and Agriculture (CI) 3
ARTH 3110 - Ancient Near East (CI/DHA) 3
ARTH 3215 - Art of Ancient Greece (CI) 3
ARTH 3220 - The Art & Architecture of Ancient Rome (CI/DHA) 3
ARTH 3270 - Native North American Art (CI) 3
ARTH 3295 - Latinx Art (CI/DHA) 3
ARTH 3320 - Pre-Columbian Art (CI) 3
ARTH 3340 - African Art (CI) 3
ARTH 3510 - Islamic Visual Cultures (CI/DHA) 3
ARTH 3610 - Classical Art History: Greece and Rome (CI) 3
ARTH 3630 - Medieval Art (CI/DHA) 3
ARTH 3710 - Art, Culture and Crisis in Postwar Britain (CI) 3
ARTH 3720 - Renaissance Art (CI) 3
ARTH 3740 - Art of the Avant-Gardes: 1872-1945 (CI) 3
ARTH 3750 - High-Modernism to Post-Modernism: 1945-1989 (CI) 3
ARTH 3755 - Contemporary Art: 1989 to the present (CI) 3
ARTH 3760 - American Art and Visual Culture (CI) 3
ARTH 3780 - 19th Century European Art (CI) 3
ARTH 3840 - Race and Visual Culture (CI) 3
ARTH 4260 - Latin American Art (CI/DHA) 3
ARTH 4310 - Common Threads: History of Fiber Arts (CI) 3
ARTH 4410 - Art of Small Scale Cultures (CI) 3
ARTH 4520 - The Visual Cultures of Empire (CI) 3
ARTH 4710 - Feminist Theory and Practice in the Visual Arts (CI) 3
ARTH 4725 - Contemporary Land, Earth, and Eco Art (CI) 3
ASTE 3050 - Technical and Professional Communication Principles (CI) 3
ASTE 3240 - Teaching in Laboratory Settings (CI) 3
ASTE 4150 - Methods of Teaching Agriculture (CI) 3
ASTE 5260 - Environmental Impacts of Agricultural Systems (CI) 3
AV 3720 - CFI Ground School (CI) 3
AV 4610 - Aviation Maintenance Senior Project I (CI) 3
AV 4620 - Aviation Maintenance Senior Project II (CI) 3
AV 4660 - Aviation Senior Project (CI) 3
AV 4710 - Crew Resource Management (CI) 3
AV 4720 - Aviation Safety and Security (CI) 3
BENG 4880 - Biological Engineering Design II (CI) 3
BENG 4890 - Biological Engineering Design III (CI) 3
BIOL 3055 - Organismal Biology with Physiology Laboratory (CI) 2
BIOL 3065 - Genetics Laboratory (CI) 2
BIOL 3085 - Ecology Laboratory (CI) 2
BIOL 3095 - Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology Laboratory (CI) 2
BIOL 3100 - Bioethics (CI) 3
BIOL 3200 - Advanced Ecology (CI) 3
BIOL 4060 - Exploring Animal Behavior (CI) 3
BIOL 4650 - Evolution: History of an Idea (CI/DSC) 3
BIOL 5390 - Genes and Behavior (CI) 3
BIOL 5630 - Endocrinology (CI) 3
BUS 3200 - Business Communication (CI) 3
CEE 4790 - Environmental Engineering Design II (CI) 2
CEE 4870 - Civil and Environmental Design II (CI) 2
CEE 4880 - Civil and Environmental Design III (CI) 2
CEE 4890 - Environmental Engineering Design III (CI) 2
CHEM 3090 - Physical Chemistry Laboratory (CI) 2
CHEM 4800 - Research Problems (CI) 1-3
CHEM 4890 - Undergraduate Biochemistry Seminar (CI) 2
CHEM 4990 - Undergraduate Seminar (CI) 2
CHEM 5720 - General Biochemistry Laboratory (CI) 3
CHIN 3540 - Translating Into and From Chinese (CI) 3
CMST 3250 - Organizational Communication (CI) 3
CMST 3400 - Persuasion (CI) 3
CMST 4200 - Language, Thought, and Action (CI/DSS) 3
CMST 4700 - Health Communication (CI) 3
CMST 4820 - Communication Criticism (CI) 3
CMST 5100 - Theories of Communication (CI) 3
CMST 5800 - Communication Studies Senior Capstone (CI) 2
COMD 3010 - American Sign Language I (CI) 4
COMD 3600 - Language Science (CI) 3
COMD 4100 - Clinical Practicum in Speech-Language Pathology (CI) 1
COMD 4200 - Clinical Methods (CI) 3
COMD 4910 - American Sign Language III (CI) 4
CS 3010 - Information Acquisition, Analysis and Presentation (CI/DSC/QI) 3
CS 3450 - Introduction to Software Engineering (CI) 4
DATA 3400 - Data Visualization with Tableau (CI) 3
ECE 4840 - Engineering Design II (CI) 2
ECE 4850 - Engineering Communications II (CI) 1
ECN 5150 - Comparative Economic Systems (CI/DSS) 3
ELED 3000 - Historical, Social, and Cultural Foundations of Education (CI) 3
ELED 4030 - Teaching Language Arts (CI) 2
ELED 4031 - Teaching Language Arts (CI) 2
ELED 4040 - Reading Assessment and Intervention (CI) 2
ELED 4041 - Reading Assessment and Intervention (CI) 2
ENGL 3080 - Introduction to Technical Communication (CI) 3
ENGL 3085 - Technical Communication for the Computer Science Workplace (CI) 3
ENGL 3630 - The Farm in Literature and Culture (CI/DHA) 3
ENGL 3710 - Topics in Folklore (CI) 3
ENGL 4420 - Advanced Fiction Writing (CI) 3
ENGL 4430 - Advanced Poetry Writing (CI) 3
ENGL 4440 - Advanced Nonfiction Writing (CI) 3
ENGL 4500 - Teaching Writing (CI) 3
ENGL 4510 - Teaching Literature (CI) 3
ENGL 4610 - Western American Literature (CI/DHA) 3
ENGL 4620 - Advanced Seminar in American Studies (CI) 3
ENGL 4640 - Studies in the American West (CI) 3
ENGL 5300 - Special Topics in Literature (CI) 3
ENGL 5310 - Contemporary Literature (CI) 3
ENGL 5320 - Gender and Sexuality in Literature (CI) 3
ENGL 5330 - Race and Ethnicity in Literature (CI) 3
ENGL 5340 - Multimedia Literature (CI) 3
ENGL 5690 - American Studies Capstone Seminar (CI) 3
ENGL 5910 - Senior Honors Thesis (CI) 1-6
ENGR 3080 - Technical Communication for Engineers (CI) 3
ENVS 4020 - Foundations of Environmental Studies (CI/DHA) 3
ENVS 4500 - Wildland Recreation Behavior (CI) 3
ENVS 4700 - Communicating Sustainability (CI) 3
FILM 3300 - The African American Cinematic Experience (CI) 3
FILM 3320 - American Apocalypse: Disaster and Dystopia in Hollywood Film (CI) 3
FILM 3330 - The Documentary (CI) 3
FILM 3340 - The New Hollywood: American New Wave Cinema of the 1970s (CI/DHA) 3
FILM 3350 - British Cinema of the 1960s (CI) 3
FILM 3360 - Bad Cinema (CI) 3
FILM 3370 - Film Genres (CI) 3
FILM 4850 - Introduction to Film Theory (CI) 3
FREN 3060 - French Conversation (CI) 3
FREN 3090 - French Intermediate Written Communication (CI) 3
FREN 3510 - Business French (CI) 3
FREN 4060 - Advanced French Conversation (CI) 3
FREN 4090 - Advanced Written Communication (CI) 3
GEO 3400 - Communicating Geoscience (CI) 3
GEO 4700 - Geologic Field Methods (CI) 3
GEO 5440 - Vertebrate Paleontology (CI) 3
GEO 5520 - Techniques of Groundwater Investigations (CI) 3
GEOG 3100 - Human-Environment Geography (CI) 3
GEOG 4120 - Environment and Development in Latin America (CI) 3
GERM 3040 - Advanced German Grammar and Composition (CI) 3
GERM 3050 - Advanced German Grammar and Composition (CI) 3
GERM 3510 - Business German (CI) 3
GERM 3540 - Techniques in Translating German Texts (CI) 3
HDFS 3210 - Families and Cultural Diversity (CI) 3
HDFS 4900 - Pre-Practicum and Professional Development (CI) 3
HEP 3600 - Introduction to Community Health (CI) 3
HEP 5000 - Health Equity (CI) 3
HIST 3110 - Ancient Near East (CI/DHA) 3
HIST 3130 - Greek History (CI/DHA) 3
HIST 3150 - Roman History (CI) 3
HIST 3220 - Medieval European Civilization, 500-1500 (CI/DHA) 3
HIST 3250 - Renaissance Europe 1300 to 1520 (CI/DHA) 3
HIST 3670 - Slavery in the Atlantic World (CI) 3
HIST 3710 - Topics in Folklore (CI) 3
HIST 3751 - Trials of Gilded Age America, 1877-1900 (CI/DHA) 3
HIST 3760 - The United States, 1900-1945 (CI/DHA) 3
HIST 3850 - History of Utah (CI/DHA) 3
HIST 3950 - Environmental History (CI/DHA) 3
HIST 4230 - The History of Christianity in the West (CI/DHA) 3
HIST 4550 - Women and Gender in America (CI/DHA) 3
HIST 4600 - The History of the American West (CI/DHA) 3
HIST 4620 - Advanced Seminar in American Studies (CI) 3
HIST 4640 - Studies in the American West (CI) 3
HIST 4720 - The Civil Rights Movement (CI/DHA) 3
HIST 4730 - History of Black America (CI) 3
HIST 4990 - Undergraduate Research Capstone (CI) 3
HIST 5690 - American Studies Capstone Seminar (CI) 3
HONR 3010 - Special Topics: Life and Physical Sciences (DSC/QI/CI) 3
HONR 3020 - Special Topics: Humanities/Creative Arts (CI/DHA) 3
HONR 3030 - Special Topics: Social Sciences (CI/DSS/QI) 3
HONR 4900 - Honors Thesis/Capstone (CI) 1-3
IAD 4740 - Business and Professional Practices in Interior Architecture and Design (CI) 3
IGS 3010 - Inclusive Leadership & Community Engagement (CI) 3
IS 5900 - Systems Design and Implementation (CI) 3
JCOM 3050 - Technical and Professional Communication Principles (CI) 3
JCOM 3100 - Reporting Public Affairs (CI) 3
JCOM 3110 - Feature Writing (CI) 3
JCOM 3120 - Copy Editing and Publication Design (CI) 3
JCOM 3310 - Writing for Public Relations (CI) 3
JCOM 4110 - Computer-Assisted Reporting (CI) 3
JCOM 4120 - Sports Writing (CI) 3
JCOM 4210 - Newscast I (CI) 6
JCOM 4220 - Newscast II (CI) 6
JCOM 5110 - Literary Journalism (CI) 3
JCOM 5300 - Case Studies in Public Relations (CI) 3
KIN 3200 - Motor Learning and Technology in Skill Analysis (CI) 3
KIN 4900 - Methods of Physical Education (CI) 3
KIN 5430 - The History and Philosophy of Physical Education (CI) 3
LAEP 3700 - City and Regional Planning (CI) 3
LAEP 4040 - E Studio/Entrepreneurship in Planning and Design (CI) 3
LAEP 6060 - E Studio/Entrepreneurship in Planning and Design (CI) 3
MAE 4400 - Fluids/Thermal Laboratory (CI) 2
MAE 4800 - Capstone Design I (CI) 3
MATH 4200 - Foundations of Analysis (CI) 3
MATH 4310 - Introduction to Algebraic Structures (CI) 3
MATH 5580 - Actuarial Math II (CI) 3
MSL 4010 - Developing Adaptive Leaders (CI) 3
MSLE 4560 - Strategic Sales (CI) 2
MSLE 4890 - Strategic Planning and Execution (CI) 3
MUSC 3190 - Music History III: Romanticism through the 21st Century (CI) 3
MUSC 3620 - Vocal Repertory II (CI) 2
MUSC 4320 - Research in Music Therapy (CI) 2
MUSC 4730 - Directed Project in Instrumental Pedagogy and Literature (CI) 3
MUSM 3310 - Introduction to Museum Studies (CI) 3
NDFS 3050 - Education and Counseling Methods in Dietetics I (CI) 3
NDFS 3060 - Education and Counseling Methods in Dietetics II (CI) 3
NDFS 4560 - Medical Nutrition Therapy (CI) 4
NDFS 4660 - Medical Dietetics (CI) 12
NDFS 4780 - Maternal and Child Nutrition (CI) 3
NDFS 5110 - Food Microbiology (CI) 3
NDFS 5210 - Advanced Public Health Nutrition (CI) 3
NDFS 5230 - Communication of Current Topics in Nutrition (CI) 3
NDFS 5410 - Nutrient Gene Interactions (CI) 3
NDFS 5920 - Food Product Development (CI) 3
NURS 3210 - Population Health and Prevention (CI) 3
OPDD 3030 - Design Thinking, Methods, and Materials (CI) 3
PHIL 3010 - Survey of Ancient and Medieval Philosophy (CI) 3
PHIL 3020 - Survey of Modern Philosophy (CI) 3
PHYS 3870 - Intermediate Physics Laboratory (CI) 3
PHYS 3880 - Advanced Physics Laboratory (CI) 3
PHYS 4250 - Cooperative Work Experience (CI) 1-6
PHYS 4900 - Research in Physics (CI) 1-3
POLS 3200 - The Politics of Development (CI/DSS) 3
POLS 3430 - Political Geography (CI/DSS) 3
POLS 4220 - Ethnic Conflict and Cooperation (CI/DSS) 3
POLS 4310 - History of Political Thought I (CI) 3
POLS 4450 - United States and Latin America (CI) 3
POLS 4990 - Senior Research Seminar (CI) 3
PORT 3040 - Advanced Portuguese Grammar and Composition (CI) 3
PSC 4890 - Senior Seminar (CI) 1
PSC 5740 - Environmental Quality: Soil and Water (CI) 2
PSY 3500 - Research Methods in Psychology (CI/DSS) 3
PSY 4950 - Undergraduate Apprenticeship (CI) 3
PSY 4960 - Capstone Seminar in Psychology (CI) 3
PSY 5200 - Introduction to Interviewing and Counseling (CI) 3
PUBH 3870 - Professional/Technical Writing in Civil and Environmental Engineering (CI) 2
PUBH 5500 - Public Health Management (CI) 2
RAM 4100 - History of Leisure (CI) 3
RAM 4800 - Senior Seminar (CI) 3
RELS 3120 - Early Modern Philosophy (CI) 3
RELS 3150 - Kant and the Nineteenth Century (CI) 3
RELS 3220 - Medieval European Civilization, 500-1500 (CI/DHA) 3
RELS 3510 - Islamic Visual Cultures (CI/DHA) 3
RELS 3710 - Topics in Folklore (CI) 3
RELS 3820 - Hindu Sacred Texts (CI) 3
RELS 3990 - Theory and Method in Religious Studies (CI) 3
RELS 4230 - The History of Christianity in the West (CI/DHA) 3
RELS 4730 - History of Black America (CI) 3
RUSS 3510 - Business Russian (CI) 3
SCED 3210 - Educational and Multicultural Foundations (CI/DSS) 3
SCED 5200 - Language, Literacy and Learning in the Content Areas (CI) 3
SOC 3110 - Methods of Social Research (CI) 3
SOC 4410 - Race and Crime (CI) 3
SOC 4420 - Law and Society (CI) 3
SOC 4640 - Managing Community Conflict (CI) 3
SOC 5640 - Managing Community Conflict (CI) 3
SPAN 3060 - Advanced Spanish Conversation and Composition (CI) 3
SPAN 3610 - Survey of Spanish Literature II (CI/DHA) 3
SPED 5200 - Student Teaching in Special Education (CI) 3-15
SPED 5210 - Student Teaching in Special Education: Dual Majors (CI) 3-15
SPED 5230 - Special Education Student Teaching (CI) 3-15
STAT 5100 - Modern Regression Methods (CI/QI) 3
SW 4100 - Social Work Research (CI) 3
SW 5350 - Social Policy and Social Justice (CI) 3
TCR 3220 - Technical Editing (CI) 3
TCR 4250 - Careers in Professional Communication 3
TEE 4710 - Electronics/Computer Design II (CI) 3
TEE 5220 - Program and Course Development (CI) 3
THEA 3710 - Theatre History and Literature I (CI/DHA) 3
THEA 3720 - Theatre History and Literature II (CI/DHA) 3
THEA 4710 - Contemporary Theatre (CI/DHA) 3
WATS 3100 - Fish Diversity and Conservation (CI/DSC) 3
WATS 3700 - Fundamentals of Watershed Science (CI) 3
WILD 4100 - Scientific Communication for Natural Resource Professionals (CI) 2
WILD 4910 - Vegetation Resource Management and Planning (CI) 3
WILD 5560 - Applied Avian Ecology (CI) 3