Course Requirements
Minimum GPA for Admission: Any student admitted to USU may take lower-division Interior Design classes.
Additional Matriculation Requirements
Freshman/First-Year Review: Students interested in continuing in the program must submit an application packet, available from the Interior Design Office, which will be used to determine matriculation into the program. The final selection of students to matriculate into the program is a decision of the Interior Design faculty. All packets are due by April 1st for acceptance into courses the following year.Successful applicants are notified no later than June 1st.
Sophomore/Second-Year Review: All students desiring to continue into the junior/third year classes in the Interior Design Program are required to submit a portfolio for review. The final selection of students to matriculate into upper division courses in the program is a decision of the Interior Design faculty.
Transfer Students: Transfer students who desire to enter the program are required to submit an application/portfolio packet, available from the Interior Design Office, by April 1st for the following fall semester. The final selection of students to matriculate into the program is a decision of the Interior Design faculty. Successful applicants are notified no later than June 1st.
Minimum GPA for Graduation: 2.5, major; 2.0, Career
Minimum Grade Accepted: C in major requirements: BID Degree—ARTH 2710 or ARTH 2720 , MGT 3110 , MIS 3200 , MGT 3500 , ID courses.
These are sample plans. They outline University and major requirements in very general terms. While there are requirements that are sequential, many are flexible and do not need to be completed exactly in the order listed. Students should always check with their faculty and professional advisors to be sure they are meeting the requirements appropriately. To make an appointment with a professional advisor, call Sally Peterson (435) 797-8096.
Bachelor of Interior Design Requirements
Freshman Year (32 credits)
Fall Semester (16 credits)
Spring Semester (16 credits)
Submit first-year application packet by April 1.
Sophomore Year (32 credits)
Fall Semester (16 credits)
Spring Semester (16 credits)
Fall Semester (12 credits)
Spring Semester (14 credits)
Fall Semester (16 credits)
Spring Semester (14 credits)